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暑期成儿童意外高发期 安全教育不能“走过场”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


What is the most important in the summer vacation?The children might say,The most important freedom and happiness;Parents might say,With improving the most important。In fact,There is one most important thing,It is safe。Data show,In our country,Accident harm to children, is the leading cause of casualty,Each year almost 50000 children under the age of 15 because accident harm lost their lives,There are many children because accident harm leave disability。According to the statistics,7、August summer is a year of children accident harm period,Accounts for about 1/5 of all the year round。This week,Together, let us pay attention to children's summer safety。


编者 editor


家:“最危险”的地方 home:“The most dangerous”place

  【镜头】 近日,安徽省合肥市发生一起惨剧,4岁的小宝攀爬到阳台上,从30层的高楼坠下……“是我大意了,是我害死他的!”因为自己出门买菜离开的一小会儿,看管孩子的大姨痛不欲生。无独有偶,今年暑假以来,全国各地已发生多起儿童坠楼事件。

【lens】 recently,Hefei, anhui happen together tragedy,4 small treasure climb to the balcony,From 30 storeys fell……“Is the effect I,Is I kill him!”Because he went out to buy food to leave a little while,Watch the child's aunt be overwhelmed with sorrow。similarly,Since this summer,All parts of the country has happened several children falling from a building event。


Home is a warm harbor,But it could also be“The most dangerous”place。a,The Chinese CDC and children around the world security promulgated jointly by the organization《Children's injury prevention advocate》display,Home happen damage accounted for 44.5% of the harm to the child,Is the main place that the damage in children。


In the home,drop、burn、Poisoning children the most susceptible to security threats。Children like to climb,balcony、The window tables and chairs may be to hell“ladder”;Washing powder put anywhere,Children may be as“Milk powder”eat;Bare socket、In the corner of the broken glass、Easy to devour the small items……Dangerous almost everywhere。Adult's some bad habits may also be a child accident harm culprit,Such as the bath water after the first hot cold,Run out of home appliance none of power supply, etc。


Because parents go to work,In the summer,Kids alone“curtilage”In the home is the most common choice。“Their children at home,We must pay special attention to use fire power problem。”Jilin changchun's FuQiuMei teacher told reporters,A child in her class,Water fountain dry don't know off power supply,As a result the,But luckily didn't spawn catastrophe。


Prevent children from falling from a building,One of the most important preventive measures is to give layer 2 and layer 2 above buildings installation window guardrail。“The window guardrail should choose vertical arrangement、Spacing small,Avoid using cross rail,To prevent the child to climb。”Beijing university school of public health children health research institute, an associate professor at LiLiu cypress Suggestions。


The child is a regular acute hospital,The expert reminds,Home when the children,Don't in the table、Put on tea table a piping hot cup of things,Don't spread tablecloth,Prevent children pull-off antependium burns。


In order to prevent false eat drugs,Medicine should be put out of the child's reach,Take medicine when children don't lie to say“candy”,Especially beautiful shape、Colorful drugs。At ordinary times should be taught children“Ask after taste”。


“One summer vacation at home,Strangers knocking at the door no answer,Ask the way to send milk check meter,Never answer the door I alone。”The Chinese people's public security university professor WangDaWei made ShunKouLiu,Remind the child in a stranger don't open the door。In the summer,Has the unlawful element decoy home alone children to open the door,Implement the home invasion robbery,Should tell children try not to answer,Don't say more alone at home,available“Father is sleeping”or“Adult downstairs to buy food”Suggest that such as、Scare stranger。


In addition,The child back home by himself to open the door,Want to see anyone around,No one to open the door。If he found the door XuYan difficult,Don't jump to a room,Should immediately turned away to look for adults,Because at this time may have bad in the house。


溺水:农村孩子的暑期“杀手” drowning:Rural children's summer“killer”

  【镜头】 8月1日下午5时许,宁夏同心县石狮镇满城村,一个7岁女孩在戏水时跌入3米深的水塘,9岁的姐姐见状慌忙去拉,也不幸落水,双双溺亡。此前的6月9日,是一个“黑色星期六”,山东莱芜、湖南邵阳和黑龙江哈尔滨分别发生学生溺水事故,同一天,16名学生溺水夭亡,令人痛心疾首。

【lens】 August 1, xu 5 p.m,Ningxia TongXinXian shishi town village soon,A seven year old girl in the paddle when he slipped and fell into 3 meters deep pool,9 years old sister looked at it and flurried pull,Also unfortunate fall,Both drowned dead。Previous June 9,Is a“Black Saturday”,Shandong laiwu、Shaoyang, hunan province and the heilongjiang Harbin students drowning accidents occur respectively,On the same day,16 students drowning ill,Is saddened。


《Children's injury prevention advocate》display,Drowning is the children's first damage cause of death,Accounted for 37.7% of all deaths in children's damage。June to August is drowning high-risk season,Account for more than half of the total。


“Every summer will accepts the drowning child,Mostly in the sea、Such as the waters of the pond unattended。”A doctor hurts to tell reporter。It is understood,Drowning happens in rural and suburban joint area。Because the city water area is lesser,Relatively strict management,Rural water and large area and dispersion,Not easy management,Many children will go to summer near bath pond、Fish fish touched shrimp。Be worth what carry is,Lack of monitoring of rural left-behind children,Is summer drowned dead chambless le。


According to expert introduction,Many drowning accidents often without any signs,Such as swimming suddenly cramps、Diving after head, etc,In this case,No one to help him is very vulnerable to drowning。Is more terrible,Sometimes a child drowning,In spite of all friends to save,Results at the same time the drowning,Lead to water group events。


The expert reminds,Children in very shallow water is also likely to drowning,therefore,The school、Parents have to warn a kid,Can never to reservoir、rivers、lakes、The beach and informal swimming place to swim,More not to aquatic plants multifarious、Channel sand-excavating, and dangerous waters swimming。Also special remind children,Can have found“See YiZhi for”,Positive distress alarm,Won't the swimmer must not jump to a launching rescue。


车祸:城市孩子的假日“猛虎” accident:Urban children's holiday“tiger”

  【镜头】 7月的一天,北京市12岁的琳琳兴冲冲地找同学玩儿,刚出门不久,就被一辆飞驰而来的摩托车撞出去30多米……琳琳的大腿3处骨折,幸好没有危及生命。据了解,自7月份以来,仅北京急救中心就接诊60余起14岁以下儿童意外伤害,车祸是重要原因。

【lens】 July day,Beijing at the age of 12 around excitedly to find students playing,Just go out soon,Is a car as motorcycle crashed out more than 30 meters……The thigh around 3 fractures,Fortunately, not life-threatening。It is understood,Since July since,Beijing first aid center is only accepts the more than 60 children under the age of 14 accident harm,Is the important reason that the car accident。


Traffic accident fierce in the tiger!Road traffic injuries are children's second largest“killer”,In the global scope,Children died in a car accident a year more than 260000。Especially the urban children,Walking in a heavy traffic of the prosperity of the city,Can say danger is at all。


“I am in the street do not obey the traffic rules,The car also can't hit me!”interview,Some children idea worrying。Want to know,Even if“Can't hit”,Vehicle also have difficult to control time。therefore,Should remind children don't inclined to wear fierce run、Cycling chase,More can't go over guardrail、Take any chances。


The Chinese CDC associate researcher WangYuan called for,family、Social and school to young children in behavior form and skill training,As in the safety on the road for environmental simulation、Teach walking and cycling skills, etc。Peking University shenzhen hospital emergency department physician WangYongJian pointed out,Minor car accident hurt more common cause,Is in the motor vehicle road to ride a bicycle、Skid wheel slide,Traffic accidents are likely to happen。


“You stop at a red light,Green line,Meet yellow light does not QiangHang,After the first left right have a look,Have to go zebra crossing”;“Ride on the road to avoid,No and help with climbing,Pillow fight chasing more dangerous,Many turn to slow down”……For walking and cycling,WangDaWei writing nursery rhymes,Remind the child obey the traffic rules。


安全教育,绝不能用生命“走过场” Safety education,Should never be life“Go through the motions”

  【镜头】 暑假前,山东枣庄刘湖小学的一间教室里,电风扇摆在正中央,孩子们认真地学习家庭安全用电注意事项。

【lens】 Before summer vacation,Shandong ZaoZhuang LiuHu primary school a classroom,In the electric fan is central,The children learn seriously family security power matters needing attention。


Every day around the world more than 2000 children die from damage,Thousands of injured children go to a doctor。《Children's injury prevention advocate》display,If the effective preventive measures,Every day at least, could save 1000 children's life。


“The teacher told us the newspapers wrote the child was drowned,That sounds scary,But always feel these things away from us quite far,Won't happen in yourself。”Read this year there YaoXinYu said。Because of the lack of empathy,Safety education in,Many children think“Is in the scare yourself”,Add the child's curious,Sometimes don't let what to do,Partial going to give it a try。


Safety education how to?How to into the brain into the heart、follwing?


Studying in Beijing ritan primary school grade three of the GuoDaZhi,For school safety education video memory,“A personal call on rainy days is the machinery,I'll never call on rainy days。”GuoDaZhi mother told reporters,The issue of school safety manual content detailed,Speak to the children listen to very useful。“parents、The school、The government should cooperate with each other,To improve the students' safety consciousness into effect。”Shenzhen futian district the strong primary school vice President KangLi said。

  安全教育,绝不能用生命“走过场”!教育部发布的相关通知中特别强调,要逐项把安全措施落到细处、实处,坚决杜绝搞形式、走过场。(张烁 张小玉 贾娜)

Safety education,Should never be life“Go through the motions”!The ministry of education issued the relevant notice special emphasis on,Item by item to the safety measures to finest point、effect,Resolutely put an end to make form、Go through the motions。(ZhangShuo ZhangXiaoYu JiaNa)
