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南师大广电班新生“一男独秀” 上课方式需调整--亲稳网络舆情监控室

南师大广电班新生“一男独秀” 上课方式需调整 师大新传院学生活动中,男生“凤毛麟角”。(资料图片) NaShiDa xinchuan school student activities,boy“rare”。(Material picture)

南师大广电班新生“一男独秀” 上课方式需调整 今年南师大文科江苏招生男女比例 Jiangsu this year liberal arts NaShiDa recruit students the proportion of men to women

  文科女生人数 92% The number of liberal arts girl 92%

  文科男生人数 8% The number of liberal arts boy 8%

  张叶 绘

Piece of leaf drawing

  今年,南师大广播电视新闻专业大一新生中只有1个男生,而整个南师大文科专业江苏计划招收的900个左右的名额中,男生也只有70多个。而在该校大三的西班牙语、意大利语两个专业中,男生数竟然为0;文学院的江苏籍男生也仅有两人。“公主班”现象在南师大,尤其是文科专业中已是常态。有意思的是,即使是在以工科见长的东大,今年江苏新生中女生的比例也首次超过了男生。有专家称,“女生优势”正在席卷江苏高校。实习生 宋璟 扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 张琳

This year,NaShiDa radio and TV journalism freshmen only one of the boys,And the whole NaShiDa liberal arts jiangsu plans to recruit 900 or so in the quota,The boy is only more than 70。And in the school junior Spanish、Italian in two major,The boy number unexpectedly is 0;Jiangsu college of arts cadastral boy also only two people。“Princess class”Phenomenon in NaShiDa,Especially in the liberal arts is normal。Interesting is,Even if it is to be in with engineering in the university,Jiangsu this year in new the percentage of female students for the first time more than boys。Some experts say,“Girl advantage”Is swept across jiangsu university。Interns song Jing yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi zhang Lin

  A 现象挺有趣 A phenomenon interesting

  21人广播电视新闻班 男生“仅此一枚” 21 people broadcast television news class the boy“That a nuclear”


NaShiDa liberal arts this year in jiangsu recruit of about 900 people,The boy of a total of more than 70


Near the,NaShiDa xinchuan school radio and TV journalism freshmen li lei found,Myself is the class 21 classmates only a boy。Li lei told yangzi evening news reporter,Senior told him the previous class there are 26 a girl and a boy,This year the school increased the proportion of the school of science living the recruits,But I didn't know it is,This session of the class or only he a boy。


“Have students learn elder sister said one of the boys in the class or,Be have a supervisory role,Because can't skip classes,concern,cultivate!shocked!”Was the pressure li lei a little worried that they will be a class of girl“assimilation”the,He decided to look up,If there is no will consider the turn professional。


“Wide new class only a boy”The news caused a NaShiDa xinchuan teachers and students in the group“onlookers”。The classmates was astounded,Poking fun at the boy became the grand view garden“Jia baoyu”,“That a nuclear,So precious”,“Look for the girlfriend to worry about the future”,but“Encounter dirty work fatigue also get a man take hold”。


Xinchuan court YuXiangShun teachers also FaWei bo regrets:“As the first radio and television news professional teacher in charge,But 18 male、18 female,Balance of Yin and Yang。This a boy why since the place?Tend to assimilation or outstanding self-reliance。”For micro bo net friend“The boy later want to escape a class are very dangerous”Ridicule of,YuXiangShun teachers also joke type reply“I appreciate his anguish,Allow him to skip classes。”


College of arts、Science and education school also encountered the same situation,“The college of liberal arts jiangsu by only two boys,If it were not for broadcasting television playwright-director limit the proportion of men and women,Estimate the boy fewer;This year a total of 159 science hospital in new,Only 14 boys。”The relevant person in charge told reporters,Not only this a few college so,The whole NaShiDa of liberal arts this year also only to record more than 70 jiangsu by boys。And it was reported,NaShiDa liberal arts this year in jiangsu enrollment plan at about 900,More than 70 the proportion of boys even less than 10%。


NaShiDa institute of foreign languages junior counselor TianJun is with two“Princess class”:“Spanish and Italian the two class are girls,They do activity will be more thinking girl's problems,Such as host girl day,In flower arrangement、Cosmetic learning activities。”Field teacher memories,1998 years in college English major,More than 20 students in the class have six boys,The boy was accounted for 20%。And ten years after the past now,“The boy ratio has dropped 10%。”

  其它工科院校 女生比例也在增加 Other engineering college girls ratio are also on the increase


The same situation not only occurred in NaShiDa。Reporter in the nanjing university to know,The school 2012 newborn although overall boys than girls,But in the outer court、College of arts、Xinchuan court, etc has been prevailing college girls,Percentage of female continues to rise。


And in engineering colleges and universities in the proportion of girls are also on the increase。This year examinee of jiangsu university by the percentage of female students for the first time more than boys,South polytechnic girl also increased to 2 points,Men and women to student ratio, USA,Hohai university this year boy number close to 60%,Girls more than 40%,Also had a certain amplitude increase。


A admissions officers even told reporters,As long as it is a large number of recruit professional,Is the girl,Regardless of liberal arts or science professional。

  B 影响 B influence

  女生多,上课方式也得跟着有所调整 More than girls,Class mode have to follow have to be adjusted


NaShiDa xinchuan school radio and television the dean LiuQuan think,The emergence of a boy's“An only child”phenomenon,Indeed may affect the arrangement of some courses。Such as radio and television news professional camera class,“Before the camera are heavy,Girls up is not particularly easy。We in the course will also be adjusted,Such as rearranging group。”but,LiuQuan said,College will not because the girl many boys fewer but special change courses。


YuXiangShun teacher said,His literary teaching was not affected,“But if want to go to the technology、TV camera these need to begin and physical course,Will have the certain influence。”


And with two“Princess class”The TianJun teacher also think,In the teaching and management of daily life,The teacher's concerns are different,More girls used to consider the way。“For example of class we will consider is to use explain way or straight cut key。The girl one's deceased father grind more,We will also aimed at this point to adjust accordingly。”

  相关行业有偏女性化发展的“风险” Related industries have partial feminine development“risk”


“If the kindergarten is full of female teacher,The kid's character may be a baby。imagine,If later do TV are girls,May lead to TV show partial feminine。”LiuQuan teacher also expressed to radio and television news professional girls more and more concerns,“Boys and girls on TV industry in each have an advantage also have each disadvantage,At present in the television the proportion of men to women still is balanced。Only from professional enrolling students Angle is(The proportion of men to women affect TV industry)risk。”Which TianJun counselor teachers thought,In language professional boy this will not dominate。but,Although the study result can not more than girls,But the boy in the future developing performance are good:“Inside the university language professors also are mostly male,A lot of boys in the work can also have very good play。”


 C 难题 C problem

  这其实已是世界性两难“问题” It is a worldwide“problems”


The ministry of education says,A few schools part of professional men and women can be properly adjusted recruitment of students scale


In fact the girl advantage problems not only appear in jiangsu university,In countries such as Britain and the university,Numbers of women would have more than boys。In the United States,The proportion of male and female university students in the 1980 s about the other half,At present the United States of university students,58% are women。The United States department of education survey,No matter large or small,Public or private,Four years or the five-year,All kinds of university Yin flourishes while Yang declines phenomenon are more and more serious。And by the British elite universities of Russell group of 24 in universities,The majority of boys school only three。

  如何解决高等教育的男女比例“失调”问题?近日,英国皇家兽医学院(Royal Veterinary)发起特别招收“白人男性”学生的运动,因为该校的新生中,四分之三是女性,使得白人男性首次落入需要帮助的群体。而目前中国一些高校对部分专业招生时也做出了比例限制,分性别划投档分数线的情况,女生投档线远高于男生。

How to solve the higher education of men and women proportion“disorder”problems?recently,The royal veterinary college(Royal Veterinary)Launch special recruit“White men”The movement of the students,Because the school in the new,Three quarters are women,Make white men first fall into need help groups。But some colleges and universities in China for some professional when recruit students also made the proportional limit,Points gender row of cast archives fractional line,The girl TouDangXian far higher than that of male students。


South ShiYu sweet the teacher think,Want to solve this“problems”In fact itself is a dilemma problem:On the one hand,If the university plans to increase hiring boy girl cause unfair;On the other hand,Little boys to some professional、Industry produce certain effect。


July 9,,Long-term focus on women's rights of gender equality of public personage LvPin and lawyers yellow overflow wisdom to the ministry of education for public information,Requirements its 2012 college entrance examination enrollment in the ministry of education approved the which university which professional can restrict men and women living admission scale,As well as the corresponding basis for。But yesterday media reported that the ministry of education to reply:“Based on the national interests,For some special industries or post special professional personnel training,According to the specific program,A few schools part of professional men and women can be properly adjusted recruitment of students scale。But the school needs to recruit students in the articles of association shall be express,At the same time should strictly control the increase of enrollment。The regulations comply with《The protection of women's rights》。”
