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 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:作为主办方请您对我们优质项目做一个点评,您觉得怎么样?

As a sponsor please you to our high quality project to do a comment on,You feel about?


ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:Because we are the outstanding project shows all the operation process,First of all, we have a standard。To achieve what kind of conditions can be used for outstanding project in the contest。Excellent project to have this several conditions。a、Project teaching education concept is advanced;two、Project training goal is clear;three、Training is scientific and effective;four、Project implementation quality and service security system is sound;five、After the practice effect and social reputation。


ROM. Always said that several,Basically, he is according to our condition in trying to do,I think he is very hopeful,I spoke to him on a project。Training core value in what place,Is that through the at one point,Or a surface,Give us the special training and training,To improve the ability of it,Improve its quality,Improve its personality。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:期待我们阳光喔可以取得好的成绩,王董事长,作为承办方,目前搜集到优质项目什么情况,有没有您最看好,或者最期待的项目?

We look forward to the sun oh can get good grades,The king the chairman,As a promotional,At present collecting to quality projects what circumstance,Have you the most valued,Or the most looking forward to project?


 王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:培训机构,大家都有这样一种意识,改变目前整个社会应试这种大的环境,民办教育培训应该做出了特别大的贡献。某种程度上,以课业培训为主的培训机构,目前的培训模式,包括他们推出培训课程在应试教育这个过程当中,起到了推波助澜的作用。我们这次推荐的项目,从学校发展,从整个社会改变这种大的环境,在从长远观点看非常有意义的。

Training institutions,We all have this kind of consciousness,To change the present the whole society takes an exam the this kind of big environment,Private education training should be made special contribution。To some extent,With their training primarily training institutions,The current training mode,Including their to launch training course in the examination-oriented education this process,Play a important role。We recommend this project,From the school development,From the whole society to change this kind of big environment,In the long haul is very meaningful。


For faith education,The reason we engage in such activities,Besides I've told the chairman admire chapter to the cause of the a kind of love,At the same time as a responsible institution,Have the responsibility to have an obligation,In the critical moment,Reflect their own this kind of social value。In China the training education should do,Exactly in China education run by the local people should do,We have been exploring,We also hope that through sincere education practice,Through our undertaking this activity,Let the quality education concept in our training institutions of,Let more people through the practice to realize each agency to rapid development,In China under the situation,We must not go exam-oriented education that a road,Must have go his own way,Intangible which is also let training institutions to a survival and development of space。


 章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:学英语,中国人学英语,特别是我们的孩子在美好的青春年华花相当多时间学习英语,对学习英语效果又不十分理想。有的机构就在研究能不能把知识结构,教学方法改革,在17岁以前完成学英语,17岁以后用英语这样的实验。我在这里借用搜狐教育的平台,希望我们的机构把自己最好的东西都拿出来展示来交流。

Learn English,Chinese to study English,Especially our children in the beautiful youth spend a lot of time learning English,In learning English and not quite ideal effect。Some institutions in research can make the knowledge structure,The reform of teaching methods,In 17 years old ago finish to learn English,After the age of 17 in English such an experiment。Here am I borrow sohu education platform,We hope that the institutions to own best things out to exchange show。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:章理事长,我们也了解到本次参展的类别有学科类、职教类、课外辅导类等近十大类,基于怎样的原因会选取这些类别?您对本次展示会有着怎样的期待?

Chapter of,We also know that this exhibition categories have discipline class、Vocational education class、Extracurricular counseling groups, such as nearly 10 categories,Based on how to reason will select the category?You to this show how have to look forward to?


 章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:教育是为人的教育发展服务,人是多种多样的,有的是学业需要,有的人希望除了学校教育以外,通过培训来帮助他学业发展提升。有一种是职业发展需要,比如说要考公务员了,通过公务员考试改变职业。培训教育可以提高生活品质,提高质量,陶冶情操。整个培训教育行业里面项目类别将来会是更加丰富多彩。

Education is a education development services,People are varied,Have a plenty of school need,Some people hope that in addition to the school education outside,Through the training to help improve his academic development。One kind is professional development needs,For example should take an examination of the civil servants,Through the civil service examination change career。Training education can improve the quality of life,Improve quality,Edify sentiment。The whole training education industry project categories in the future will be more colorful。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:罗董事长,从实践者的角度来看,您觉得这样的交流会对教育机构的发展有什么价值和意义?

ROM. The chairman,From the point of view of practitioners,Do you think it's fair to the development of education institutions what value and significance?


罗珠彪【阳光喔教育科技公司董事长】: LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:阳光喔教育科技目前已经做了24年,今后教育培训行业是阳光产业,(我们)希望做成百年产业。只要抓住核心竞争力,不被外界过多干扰,可以做得更多。实际上每个企业最开始具备生存与发展的能力,通过这一次优质项目评比,就可以展现,比方说你的生存发展空间是什么?我们优质项目凭什么是优质项目,是超越的、互补的、整合的?举个例子,中国有很多文化智慧,一个一年级学生他的父母教不了,学校也教不了,我们会设计这样的课程:指导孩子如何跟孔子打交道,如何沟通,通过这个告诉孩子什么叫文化尊重?比如,有一天,你是值日生,这个时候孔子迟到了,你该怎么处理?孔子是儒家文化的鼻祖,在班上很受爱戴,人缘极好。如果粗鲁地指责他为什么迟到,可能会招来全班的公愤。所以,这个时候应该学会运用儒家文化:拍拍他的肩膀,询问“是不是家里出什么事了?”,“需不需要我帮忙”等,这个时候孔子就会大受感动,自己跑到黑板上写下:迟到者:孔子。这样的课程,学校教育无法开办。同样的道理,如果是老子迟到了,怎么办?孙子、韩非子、姜子牙呢?我们就会把这样的课程放到优质教育项目的评比中去,体现超越非学历教育那种生存和发展的空间在哪里,强化它的生存和发展。

Sunshine oh education science and technology has made 24 years,The future education and training industry is sunshine industry,(we)Hope to make one hundred industry。As long as seize core competitiveness,Don't be too much outside interference,Can do more。In fact each enterprise most began to have the ability of existence and development,By this time the high quality project appraisal,It can show,For example, say you the survival and development of space is what?Our high quality project by what is high quality projects,Is beyond the、complementary、integration?For example,China has a lot of cultural wisdom,A first-year students his parents can't teach,The school also can't teach,We will design this course:Children how to deal with the guidance of Confucius,How to communicate,Through this tell their children what is culture respect?For example,One day,You were on duty,This time Confucius was late,How should you handle it?Confucius is the ancestor of Confucian culture,In the class is beloved,Popularity extremely good。If rudely accused him why he was late,That might bring the whole class scandal。so,This time should learn to use the Confucian culture:Clap his shoulder,ask“Isn't home what's the matter?”,“Need I help you”, etc,This time Confucius would be big touched,His run to write on the blackboard:latecomer:Confucius。This course,School education can't open。In the same way,If Lao tze late,do?grandson、HanFeiZi、Son tooth??We will put such a course in quality education project in comparison,Reflect beyond non-academic education that the survival and development of space in where,Strengthening its survival and development。


We especially want to with the aid of this exhibition,Extending industry influence。One is its research meaning,Social significance。If there is more such non-academic education training institutions to make efforts to do education words,Finally can reach the third meaning,Is national significance。Each brand of living space is in the democratic system in the space,This is able to innovation,A subject innovation,Rely on public system,Is business system is the foundation education,Is there can be no innovative things。I'm so excited this activity、expect,I am also the preparation。


章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:我们搞这个项目展示就是想来推动改革创新,推动研究,希望更多的机构拿出更多的项目来,也向社会展示看看我们行业是什么样的状态,中国的民办培训教育要成为中国教育改革的重要力量,新的增长点。将来一些传统的教育的模式,其方法可能会在我们培训行业里面得到发扬,我也很有信心。希望展示会以后,大家在这一方面有共识。

We make this project is to promote reform and innovation to show,Promote research,Hope more agencies out more to the project,Also to social display look at our industry is what kind of state,China's private training education to become an important force in China's education reform,The new growth point。The future some traditional education mode,The method may be in our training industry inside to carry,I also very much to have the confidence。Hope show later,Everyone in this respect have consensus。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:精诚教育作为承办方,是否也有很多优秀项目会参与展示?

Faith education as a promotional,If also has a lot of excellent project will participate in the show?


王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:当然,我们希望精诚教育更多优秀项目能和更多人分享。精诚少儿英语、精诚少儿思维能力训练、精诚少儿表达能力训练、精诚少儿头脑奥林匹克、精诚少儿哲学……我们最大的特点是什么?改变了传统的培训教育的办学模式,精诚教育所有的课程都有自己的大纲,都有自己培养目标,而且都是有自己的学制,完全一整套体系,而且每一套体系都有相配套教育质量保证体系。只要坚持,持之以恒一定有优质效果。

Of course,We hope that sincere education more excellent project and more people can share。Sincere children's English、Sincere children's thinking ability training、Sincere children's ability training、Sincere children's mind the Olympic、Sincere children's philosophy……Our biggest characteristic is what?Change the traditional training education running mode,Sincere education all the course has its own program,All have their training objectives,And has its own system,Complete set of system,And each a system have corresponding education quality assurance system。As long as we persist in,Perseverance must have high quality effect。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:贺主编,从传媒的角度来看,您觉得首届优秀项目的展示交流会,对于行业发展传递着什么样的信息?能否为行业健康发展树立标杆作用?

. He,From the point of view of communication,You feel the first excellent project to show a communication meeting,For the development of the industry transfer the what kind of information?Whether for the healthy development of industry set up the pole role?


贺春兰【人民政协报教育周刊主编】: HeChunLan【The people's political consultative conference report education weekly editor】:我相信肯定有这个作用,我相信这个活动对外能够传递出刚才两位说的民办培训教育行业是中国教育一个新的增长点,是促进它改革创新的一个增长点。对于行业内的机构来说,我相信会给他们传递出一种这样可持续发展必须靠特色定位,必须靠差异化的战略定位竞争,必须靠严格的质量保障体系,必须靠持续的创新,持续的科研。我想只有这样的,才得到了行业协会这样一种彰显,才得到这么多媒体人的关注,才得到这么多家长的拥戴,这个会给大家传递出一种无形的力量,也是一种鞭策,也是一种激励。我觉得民办培训教育行业这一支力量确实给我们教育科研带来一种新的示范。我们也看到教育改革三十年来我们有大量的创新,真正做得好的民办机构孜孜以求,有一套机制和体制保证他们科研核心的持续性。也正是在这种核心科研支持下他们才有了核心竞争力,今天得到行业协会的支持,得到我们媒体人的拥戴、支持,也给我们做科研的人做了一种示范。

I believe that there must be the role,I believe that this activity foreign can transfer out just two said private training education industry is Chinese education a new growth point,It is to promote the reform and innovation of a growth point。For in the industry for institutions,I believe I will give them deliver a such sustainable development must rely on the feature localization,Must rely on differentiation strategy positioning competition,Must rely on strict quality guarantee system,Must rely on continuous innovation,Continuous research。I think the only way to the,To get the industry association such a reveal,To get so multimedia 'attention,To get so many parents allegiance,This will give you transfer a kind of invisible power,Is also a kind of spur,Is also a kind of incentive。I think private training education industry this a power does give us education scientific research brings a kind of new model。We also see education reform thirty years we have plenty of innovation,Really a good run by the local people striving for institutions,A mechanism and system guarantee their scientific research core persistent。It was also in this core scientific research support they had the core competitiveness,Today to get the support of the industry association,Get our popular media people、support,Also give us a scientific research do a demonstration。
