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 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在已发布的 “十二五”规划纲要中,提到“教学教研的改革,要从民办教育开始”, 这次集中优秀项目的展示,是否也代表着这个行业生力军的特别的亮相和品质的提升?

In published “1025”Planning in the outline of,mentioned“The reform of the teaching research,From the private education began”, The centralized excellent project show,Whether also represents the industry force of special appearance and quality of ascension?

  章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:创新研究的持续性,办学教育教学实践,经过实践检验再提炼,再提升,通过实践检验以后再认识这个项目的科研性,再来指导实践。这对人的训练,对人的培训,对品质的提升都是不言而喻的,是中国教育改革新力量。现在有一批民办培训教育机构,集聚了一批富有社会责任,富有教育理想,富有教育激情的人,他们要改变中国的教育。这样的理想,我被他们都感动了,所以“教育培训行业,作为中国教育改革新的增长点,改革创新的重要的力量”我觉得是希望所在。

Innovative research of sustainability,School education teaching practice,Through practical test and refine,To improve,Through the practice of the project after test the understanding of scientific sex,To guide the practice again。This to the person's training,To the person's training,For improving the quality of the is self-evident,Is China's education reform new strength。Now there are a number of private training education institutions,Gather a group of rich social responsibility,Rich education ideal,Rich education man of passion,They want to change China's education。Such ideal,I was they all moved,so“Education and training industry,China's education reform as a new growth point,Reform and innovation of the important strength”I think is to place。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:对于目前民办教育发展面临的生源稀缺、师资不足、教学质量下降等危机,几位是怎样的心态?怎么看民办教育在未来发展中遇到的机遇和挑战?

For the present development of private education facing the germ scarce、Lack of teachers、The teaching quality in crisis,A: what kind of state of mind?How to see private education in the future development opportunities and challenges encountered in?


章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:中国培训行业比较复杂,差异性也很大,机构的办学水平参差不齐,举办者追求理想也不尽一致。让我们办学者,机构办学者更应该去培养好的消费市场,让消费市场更成熟,让社会、让家长看到什么样的培训是好的,大家去消费它,而不是盲目的去消费。按照市场竞争法则,在一个成熟市场环境下,在一个消费者成熟背景下,我想这些东西都会变化的,这是市场的作用,只要我们坚持做下去会有变化的。

China's training industry is more complex,Difference is very big also,Mechanism of the managerial level of unevenness,The ideal pursuit is endless also and consistent。Let us operators,Institutions should be more operators to cultivate good consumption market,Let consumer market more mature,Let the social、Let parents see what kind of training is good,Everybody to spend it,Not blind to consumption。In accordance with the law of market competition,In a mature market environment,In a consumer mature background,I think these things will change,This is the role of the market,As long as we stick to it there will be changes。


 罗珠彪【阳光喔教育科技公司董事长】: LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:行业的生存、竞争的压力,是行业发展必须面对的,还有非学历教育对大学生提出了更多的要求。但是在2012年以后随着整个行业发展,其实给我们机构提供了三个方面的竞争,第一是产品优势;第二是运营模式竞争,意味着你的研发优势项目是否转化为生产力,是否转化为社会效应和经济效应,才称之为优势项目;第三是优秀的企业管理,靠这三个形成企业竞争合力,才是目前企业生存之道。

Industry survival、The pressure of the competition,Is the development of the industry must face,And non-academic education on college students put forward more requirements。But in 2012 years later with the industry development,Actually give us agencies provide the three aspects of the competition,The first is the product advantages;The second is operation mode competition,Mean you development advantage if the project into productivity,Whether into social effect and economic effect,Just called the advantage project;The third is excellent enterprise management,By these three forms the enterprise competition force,Is at present the enterprise the way of existence。


王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:虽然这个行业,乱象丛生,而且愈演愈烈,但是恰恰给真正做教育,热爱教育,真正把教育做成教育这些人提供了这样一个机会。目前我们国家人均教育经费只有150美元,这是光明日网说到,这150美元什么概念呢?跟现在目前世界机构组织国家平均水平相比,我们只占十分之一,2010年我国全社会教育支出仅占GDP4.9%,具体4.9%什么概念呢?低于07年世界经合国家6.2%总体水平,更低于美国7.6%,低于以色列7.4%,低于韩国7.0%,马来西亚8%,泰国6.8%,我们连这些发展中国家都差得远,但是老百姓对于优质教育需求与日俱增。所以我觉得民办学校,民办教育机构他应该抓住这样的机会把自己的学校做好,我觉得危中有机,只要坚持你的理想不变,坚持把自己学校办得有特色,质量有保障,我相信家长最终会认知你的学校。我们也是希望通过这次优秀项目展示会,为更多的学校提供一个互相切磋,互相交流的好机会,对很多办学者提供有利的启示。

Although the industry,Mess cluster,And intensified,But just to do real education,Love education,The real education to make education these people provides such a chance。At present our country per capita education funds only $150,This is the light day network said,This $150 what concept?Now the world organization with national average level compared with,We only one over ten,In 2010, the whole society education spending accounted for only GDP4.9 %,Specific 4.9% what concept?Less than countries of the world the overall level of 6.2%,The United States more less than 7.6%,Less than 7.4% of Israel,Less than 7.0% of South Korea,Malaysia 8%,Thailand 6.8%,We even these developing countries are a great way,But people for high quality education demand grows day by day。So I think school of run by the local people,Private education institutions he should seize the chance to put their own schools do,I think are the organic,As long as we persist in your ideal unchanged,Adhere to the school to do have a characteristic,Quality is guaranteed,I believe that parents will eventually cognitive your school。We also hope that through this outstanding project show,For more schools provide a from each other,Good chance to communicate with each other,For many operators to provide beneficial revelation。


贺春兰【人民政协报教育周刊主编】: HeChunLan【The people's political consultative conference report education weekly editor】:任何时代都有挑战,都会给我们生存带来一种底色,但是也确实对民办培训行业来说提供了很大的机遇。在这种虽然乱象丛生背景下,包括实体,包括行业,包括传媒人大家需要坚守也创新,推动也引领。特别强调章理事长所讲的,虽然在座的不同角色都会有一种使命来推动这个机构本身不断的规范,但是我觉得还有一个最重要的需要改进的就是引领家长的消费观,因为最终他们在投票。如果他的消费观非常盲目,我觉得那汹涌的家长的选择,威胁着整个行业的发展,使得一些很优秀的行业机构也会有时候觉得很凄凉,因为他不良的竞争往往会各个方面受到冲击更强烈。各个机构都面临着积极主动为引领家长消费观的挑战,我很认同这种说法。

Any age has challenge,Will give our existence with a base color,But it really for private training for industry to provide a lot of opportunities。In this although the mess cluster background,Including entity,Including industry,Including media people we need to stick to and innovation,Promote also lead。Special emphasis on chapter chairman say what,Although our different role will have a mission to promote the organization itself continuously regulate,But I think there is going to be one of the most important need to improve is to lead the parents' consumption,Because the ultimate in their vote。If his consumption very blind,I think that surges choice for parents,Threatening the development of entire industries,Make some very good industry agencies also will sometimes feel very miserable,Because of his bad competition tend to aspects of more intense impact。All institutions are faced with active for lead parents the challenge of consumption,I very much agree with this statement。


 章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:只要适合你最有发展的教育,就是最优的教育。我们接触到很多家长,他们在选择培训机构的时候,选择自己适合有利于提升孩子素质能力提升的项目,我想只要我们是最好的,整个行业发展也会越来越好。

As long as the most suitable for you the development of education,Is the best education。We come into contact with a lot of parents,They in the choice of training institutions,To choose suitable for ascending children quality to enhance the ability of the project,I think as long as we are the best,The industry development also will be better and better。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:面对行业的发展现状,对于民办教育的从业者来说,各位有怎样的意见和建议?

In the face of the current situation of the development of the industry,For private education for workers,You have what opinion and the suggestion?


章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:我现在重新看人生,看社会,我不知道这种认识对不对,人跟社会是相互促进中发展,在一定时间里面社会发展了以后,它得促进人发展。在一定阶段以后,又通过人的发展来推动社会发展。这两种是互相推动和促进的。每个人都要不断的学习,“活到老学到老”。如果每个机构的办学定位、办学特色都放在满足不同人需求上,为所有的求学者提供丰富多彩的选择,特色发展,特色办学,有质量的办学,诚信的办学,我想是越来越好的。

Now I look at life again,See social,I don't know if this know right,People with society is to promote each other in development,In a certain time in the future social development,It promote the development of people。In a certain stage later,And through the human development to promote social development。The two is to promote each other and promote。Everyone to keep learning,“Never too old to learn”。If each institution, the location of school running for、The characteristics of a school in the meet different people on demand,For all learners to provide rich and colorful choice,Characteristic development,Running characteristics,Quality education,Integrity of the,I think it's more and more good。


王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:有一句话树欲静而风不止,任何一个企业从创办到发展经营,他会经历了很多阶段,不可能一帆风顺。遇到了各种各样的困难,这是在所难免的,关键是什么样的心态。要坚定信心,既然选择做教育,意味着从此时开始我身上多了一份责任,这一份责任我要能担当。在某种程度上,有了这样一个责任,和这种责任的担当这样一种思想准备和这样一种信念,我相信没有克服不了的困难。当然作为一个企业,在这个过程当中如何体现自身的,同时也在体现你的学校价值,体现你个人的价值,需要坚守。机遇是给有准备的人,要把握机遇。

There is a ShuYuJingErFengBuZhi,Any enterprise since the foundation that development business,He will experience a lot of stage,Could not plain sailing。Met with all kinds of difficulties,This is inevitable,The key is what kind of state of mind。To firm confidence,Now that choose to do education,Means that from the start my body much a responsibility,This is a responsibility I want to bear。To a certain extent,With such a responsibility,And this kind of responsibility bear such a thought preparation and such a belief,I believe that you can't overcome difficulties。Of course as a enterprise,In the process how to reflect their own,At the same time also is in reflect your school value,Reflect your personal value,Need to stick to。Opportunity is prepared for those who,To grasp the opportunity。


罗珠彪【阳光喔教育科技公司董事长】: LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:我想要用《毛主席理论》的几本书来阐述,第一、生存—《红色革命政权为什么能够存在》,想好我的企业为什么能够存在;第二、价值—《建立井冈山根据地》 ;第三,模式—《星星之火可以燎原》,你的模式是否可以在复制,岗位复制,人才复制,流程有没有复制性;第四,坚持—《论持久战》,打持久战,加强企业文化,加强员工培训;第五,学习—《改造我们学习》资本,品牌各方面都要学习;第六,整合—《论联合政府》,联合起来整合资源。最后一条就是《将革命进行到底》,必须有这么一种信心走下去。

I want to use《Chairman MAO theory》Few books to illustrate,The first、Survival -《Why the red revolutionary regime can exist》,Want to good my enterprise why can exist;The second、Value -《Set up base areas the jinggang mountains》 ;The third,Mode -《A single spark can start a prairie fire》,You can model is in duplicate,Post copy,Talent copy,Process have sexual reproduction;The fourth,Insist on -《Theory a protracted war》,Fight a protracted war,To strengthen the enterprise culture,To strength the training to the employees;The fifth,Learning -《Transformation we learn》capital,Brand all aspects to study;The sixth,Integration -《On coalition government》,Unite the integration of resources。The last one is《Carry the revolution through to the end》,Must have such a faith walk on。


贺春兰【人民政协报教育周刊主编】: HeChunLan【The people's political consultative conference report education weekly editor】:当今社会最有生命力一拨人、最有创新力一拨人就是企业家,尤其是教育企业家,能够胜出尤其不容易。就像王总说身上担负双重使命,光说自己有理想的追求,运营模式不创新的企业是生存不了的,没有可追求的战略眼光也走不远。有个人对我说,创业是对生命极限的一种挑战,但是如果有来生,那个人告诉我他还愿意创业,因为在浪尖上感觉生命非常有价值。我经常跟我同行,或者跟小朋友们说,我说这样一批人是最值得我们去呵护的,他们如果单从财富的追求来说,早就不需要那么累了,但是这些人还在不断创造创新,他们需要我们在可能情况下给他一些关注掌声、鼓励就够了,这样一批人是我们社会财富,他们所有精力奉献给社会了。所以作为媒体的代表,希望我们更多的媒体同行呵护这样一批人,关注行业发展,关注本次活动,我们还是非常期待的。

In today's society the most vitality appealing to people、Creativity is the most appealing to entrepreneurs,Especially education entrepreneurs,Especially not easy to win。As WangZong said body responsible for dual mission,Light says he has the ideal pursuit,Operation mode not innovative enterprise is not survival,There is nothing the pursuit of the strategic vision also not far away。Have individual to say to me,Entrepreneurship is to life the limit of a challenge,But if there is life after death,The man told me that he would like to venture,Because in waves feel life is very valuable。I often walked with me,Or with children said,I said so a batch of people is the most worth us to caress the,If they only from the pursuit of wealth for,Don't need to be so tired,But what these people continued to create innovation,They need our situation in May give him some attention applause、Encourage is enough,So a batch of people is our wealth of society,They all energy devoted to the society。So as a representative of the media,I hope we more media peer care so a batch of people,Pay attention to industry development,Attention this activity,We are really looking forward to。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如果让各位来预想下未来十年的民把教育发展蓝图,会用什么样的词语来描述?

If let you to envision the future ten years the people education development blueprint,Will use what kind of words to describe?


章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:进入十年以后,我想这个行业是丰富多彩的,是老百姓离不开的行业。

In ten years later,I think this industry is rich and colorful,Is the common people can not be separated from the industry。


王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:十年之后到底是什么样的情况?应该说无法断言,但是起码我可以讲,就目前的趋势而言,大家需要的是优质教育。中国民办教育,中国培训教育未来一定有特别好的市场空间,所以在于把握机会。

After ten years in the end is what?It should be said can't say,But at least I can speak,As far as the trend,We need is high quality education。China education run by the local people,China education training future must have very good market space,So is to grasp the opportunity。


贺春兰【人民政协报教育周刊主编】: HeChunLan【The people's political consultative conference report education weekly editor】:我想用三个词儿描述,延续、品质、丰富。这样真正让和谐社会所希望的,“学有所教”的局面出现。

I want to use three words description,continue、quality、rich。This really let the harmonious society want,“Taught to learn”Situation appear。


罗珠彪【阳光喔教育科技公司董事长】: LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:中国改革开放三十年,经济的积累,如果从汉朝、唐朝还有其他几个朝代去看,每次经济腾飞,都会意味着一种学术井喷,就会有这么一个状态,包括欧洲文艺复兴也是如此。随着整个这几年经济的积累,政治开明,我估计未来十年,其实还会是一个新的引领民族的思想会逐步产生,而且民办教育在孕育思想家、精英、创新人才当中是很有贡献的。

China's reform and opening up 30 years,The accumulation of economic,If from the han dynasty、The tang dynasty and a few other dynasties to see,Each economic boom,Will mean a kind of academic blowout,There will be such a state,Including the European Renaissance is also so。As the whole over the past few years the accumulation of economy,Political enlightened,I estimate that over the next ten years,Actually also is a new lead the thoughts of the nation will gradually produce,And private education in pregnant thinker、elite、The innovation of talents is a contribution。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:再次感谢各位,也预祝“中国首届民办教育优秀成果交流展示会”圆满成功,谢谢各位!

Once again thank you,Also wish“China's first private education outstanding achievements communication exhibition”Has come to a successful conclusion,Thank you!
