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 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,这里是由搜狐教育举办的《圆桌星期二》中国民办教育发展论坛,今天邀请到嘉宾是:

You sohu net friend everybody is good,Here is the sohu education held《Round table on Tuesday》Chinese private education development BBS,Today invited to guest is:


中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会 章家祥理事长 Chinese private education association training education professional committee of ZhangGuXiang

  精诚教育集团 王国欣董事长 WangGuoXin sincere education group chairman of the board of directors

  人民政协报教育周刊 贺春兰主编 The people's political consultative conference report education weekly HeChunLan editor

  阳光喔教育科技公司 罗珠彪董事长 Sunshine oh education science and technology company LuoZhuBiao chairman of the board of directors

  众志成城助力民办教育可持续发展 Unity is strength power private education sustainable development

  活动介绍:首届中国民办培训教育优秀项目展示会将举办 Activity is introduced:The first China private training education outstanding project exhibitions will be held


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:中国民办教育培训专业委员会成立以来,组织了高峰论坛、校长论坛、金融、财税等各类大型活动和培训,此次,“中国首届民办培训教育优秀成果交流展示会”12月在京举行,大家都称之为“民办培训教育的广交会”,您怎么看,您组织本次活动初衷是什么?

Chinese private education training professional committee was founded,Organized peak BBS、The headmaster BBS、financial、Fiscal and tax all the major activities and training,the,“China's first private training education outstanding achievements communication exhibition”December is held in Beijing,Everyone called“Training education run by the local people of the Canton fair”,How do you see,Your organization this activity purpose is?


 章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】:“ ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:“中国首届民办教育优秀成果交流展示会”由中国民办教育协会培训专业委员会主办,精诚教育集团承办。组织这次交流展示会有这么几点考虑,第一,考虑到我们中国民办培训教育的历史使命。因为在国家教育改革发展的《中长期发展规划纲要》当中已经明确了,中国的教育事业是有两大部分组成,一部分是政府主办的公办教育,一部分是民办的。中国民办教育在《纲要》里面被定为是中国教育事业的重要组成部分,是中国教育改革发展重要力量。中国民办教育事业也有两部分组成。我们把它分为一部分是学历教育,包括学前教育,一部分是非学历教育。中国民办教育协会组织任职机构的时候,就把国内非学历教育机构组织起来,成立培训教育专业委员会。我们也认为中国民办培训教育是中国民办教育的重要组成部分,也是重要力量,改革的重要力量,是教育改革发展新的增长点。

China's first private education outstanding achievements communication exhibition”By the China private education association professional committee by training,The sincere education group。To organize the exchange exhibition there are so some consideration,The first,In view of our Chinese private training education historical mission。Because in the national education reform and development《Medium and long term development plan outline》Have been identified in,China's education cause is a two major part,Part of it is hosted by the government of public education,Part of it is run by the local people。Private education in China《outline》It is a Chinese education is an important part of the cause,China's education reform and development is an important force。Chinese private education enterprise also have two parts。We put it into part is the record of formal schooling education,Pre-school education,Part of the right and wrong degree education。Chinese private education associations in the institution,The domestic non-academic education organization up,Establish training education professional committee。We also think that China's private training education is the important part of education run by the local people,Is also important force,Reform of the important force,Is the education reform, development and new growth point。


The second,China's private training education,Its core value in the human development、For the development of the society to provide education services,Through the education service to promote the development of the people,Through the education service to reach the purpose of service for social development。In the reform and opening up such a good big environment,After more than 30 years,Our industry has been gathering a large number of rich ideal、Rich education passion、Has education pursuit、Meaning through the“Education is”efforts,To contribute for the social development of a group of people of insight、A person with lofty ideals。They used the power of the society in the training education platform,Respect and follow the education law、People's growth pattern,Continuously the research、development,How the human development to provide effective services。They gathered a large number of forces for research and development,Optimizing knowledge structure,Pay attention to the cultivation of ability,Improve the quality of personnel,Introduced a lot of good projects,These projects is very effective in practice。So we want to have such a good some project,How were you to know、see,Let it better to play a role,For the development of human,Do a better service for the society。


The third,We want to give industry a good thing to let social understanding,Show our achievements,Also let society to realize training education is in the human development hoisting capacity,Improve literacy in service,Not just to make money。Our training education development level is really different,level、The elderly are a level,Regional difference is very big also。We through the form of the show,Can be achieved within the industry to communicate with each other,Because development research a good project need a lot of money、financial,Need a fair history test of time and the accumulation of practice,Not to say every organization can develop good project。In order to in some do not have the ability to develop institutions,He wanted to use this project for common people service,He will through the cooperation way,Push his use this project to expand effect。The project to the society in addition to outside show,Internal is cooperation and communication,Through the cooperation and exchange,Make the good project areas covered more coverage,Purpose is more people can enjoy the excellent project results。


At the same time in this show intermediate open up several area,Can put outside the some good project also set zillah,Although not our excellent project,But as cooperation in terms of level,You can learn from each other、Communicate with each other。We show is open to the society,And to all education institutions、Training institutions open,We welcome more social、Parents to participate in the meeting,Welcome us more in the industry organization,Different parts of the institutions to attend the meeting。At the same time, we also welcome the education of each expert、scholars、The teacher、masters、Famous principal to give us guidance,China's education need to learn from each other,From each other,Communicate with each other,For us Chinese to human resource power makes contribution which we should have。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:从关注民办教育发展角度来说,此次活动在培训教育发展的进程中,有什么历史性作用,我们是否可以期待第二届,第三届持续举办?

From paying attention to private education development point of view,The activities in the process of training education development,What is the historical role,Whether we can expect the second,The third continue holding?


 章家祥【中国民办教育协会培训教育专业委员会理事长】: ZhangGuXiang【Chinese private education association training education professional committee chairman】:培训教育专业委员会成立一年多,这次展示活动也是首次,还没有经验。通过这次展示会,我们想听取各方面的意见,行业内的意见,对这个项目今后怎么来进一步做,这样的活动怎么样进一步做好。我们的目标不想一次,从行业发展来讲,也需要大家不断研发新的项目,所以我们想通过这次展示,推动行业加强研发,希望不断的能延续下去。

Training education professional committee set up more than a year,This exhibition is the first time,Also have no experience。Through this exhibition,We'd like to hear the opinions of the concerned,The opinions of the in the industry,For this project in the future to further how to do,Such activities how further ready。Our goal don't want one,Will tell from the development of the industry,We also need to constantly develop new project,So we want to pass the display,Promote the industry to strengthen research and development,Want to constantly can continue。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:王董事长,精诚教育作为民办教育二十多年优秀品牌,为社会贡献了很多优秀的教育项目,此次承办这次活动是基于什么考虑,是否有引领性考虑?

The king the chairman,Faith education as a private education more than 20 years excellent brand,For social contributed a lot of good education project,The undertaking this activity is based on what consider,If there is a leading sex consider?


王国欣【精诚教育集团董事长】: WangGuoXin【Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors】:精诚教育之所以承办这个活动,我觉得首先作为培训教育专业委员会副理事长单位,我们有义务、有责任协助行业组织做工作,发挥我们的作用,尽我们的责任。当然同时我们也是很重要一点,基于我们对培训专业委员会章理事长的支持,因为这么多年接触过很多社会机构,章理事长对事业的责任,深深的打动了我,吸引了我。给我们做出了表率。我们作为副理事长单位,我们没有理由不承接更重的担子,我们是在履行职责。

Absolute sincerity education is undertaking the activities,I think at first, as the training education professional committee vice-president unit,We have an obligation to、Have the responsibility to assist industry organization work,Play our role,Do our duty。Of course at the same time we also is very important,Based on our professional committee of the training chapter of the support,Because so many years have been exposed to a lot of social institutions,Chairman of chapter to the cause of the responsibility,I am deeply impressed by,Attracted me。For we make the model。We as vice-president unit,We have no reason not to accept more heavy burden,We are in the prosecution of his duties。

  从另一个角度来讲,我觉得做这个活动本身有它的价值存在,社会也有需求。精诚教育集团热衷于这个活动,我们也投入很重视,我们全力以赴要把这个活动做好,也是基于很多方面考虑。因为对于精诚教育而言,到现在为止已经走过了二十年。这个行业走过了二十年,我们经历了行业几次大的变迁,几次大的洗牌。比如北京,包括90年代初,每年至少500多所学校诞生出现,但是这么多年来北京依然维持在两千多所学校。培训机构在某种程度上生命周期都非常短,可能一般的规律是3年,充其量能走到5年的就已经很少了,那么到10年更不容易。这样一种状况,其实全国各地几乎都是如此,其实不只培训教育,就我们国家整个民营中小企业,其实同样也存在这样的问题。 但就整个培训教育市场而言,又呈现了旺盛的这种社会需求,看起来好象非常火,这一点大家能够看得到。但是为什么在很火情况下,有强烈社会需求情况下,我们很多机构短命,这里面有很多机构,我们不否认有一批人热爱教育,曾经在岗位上做出过贡献,对教育事业情有独钟,退休之后他们依然选择做教育的这样一批人,我们丝毫不否认一批人他们兢兢业业,完全把教育当成事业来做,本着一颗公益心。但是市场上很多机构良莠不齐,在某种程度上民办教育也是一个泡沫,特别是风投进入之后,加剧了泡沫形成,加剧了泡沫扩散,这种形成和扩散反过头对教育市场是一个冲击。作为教育工作者,我们做良心教育,既然是良心教育就得恪守良知,坚守道德底线,这样的高要求可能也加剧了办学的难度。

From another perspective,I think to do this activity itself has its value of existence,The society also have demand。Sincere education group to this activity,We also attach great importance to investment,We go all out to do this activity,Is also based on many aspects。Because for sincere in education,So far had already passed through for twenty years。The industry through for twenty years,We experience the industry several big changes,Several big shuffle。For example Beijing,Including 90 s,Every year at least more than 500 schools was born there,But so many years come to Beijing still maintain in more than two thousand schools。Training institutions in some extent life cycle are very short,May the general rule is 3 years,At best can walk to 5 years is already very few,So to 10 years more is not easy。Such a situation,In fact all parts of the country are almost so,Actually not only training education,Is our country the small and medium-sized private enterprises,In fact there are also such a problem。 But the whole training in education market,And presents strong this kind of social demand,Looks like very fire,That all the people may be able to see。But why in a fire,Have a strong social demand situation,Many of our institutions ephemeral,There are a lot of institutions,We do not deny that there is a group of people who love education,Once at the posts made contribution,Have a special liking for education career,After retirement, they still choose to do education so a batch of people,Is the least we don't deny that a batch of people they conscientiously,Complete the education as a career to do,In line with a public heart。But the market a lot of institutions the good and bad are intermingled,In some extent, private education is also a foam,Especially after the wind is cast into,Exacerbated the foam formation,Exacerbated the foam diffusion,The formation and diffusion had turned over a head to education market is a shock。As education workers,We do conscience education,Since it's conscience education will have to abide by the conscience,Stick to moral bottom line,Such a high requirement may also increased the difficulty of the school。


I went to a lot of training institutions,There are a lot of it is at best a workshop。running,The basic conditions、The core competitiveness of the reflected in what place,The characteristics of a school reflected in what place?These all require input power。Materials need to research and development,Researchers need to employ high salary,Present situation is social vicious competition,Copy from each other。Sincere education path and any a mechanism completely different,We do training education that day,Completely take a new road。We didn't imitate,Did not plagiarize any training institutions,From sincere start training education should be a new journey,A new starting point,Should be a new channel,Sincere education juvenile's English training、Mind the Olympic training、Children's intelligence training、Children's philosophy, etc.,These courses are popular with the students,At the same time also received a lot of institutions favored。We hope to learn from each other,This is an open society,Draw from each other,Exchange of needed goods,Itself is normal,The key lies in how to use teaching material this person,Level method,At the same time also is your teaching quality。


I think the undertaking“Private education outstanding achievements communication exhibition”,Is to give these many years in the industry of the struggle,Want to do his school,But based on their own condition,Based on the difficult aspects,Is not very good for its own preparation conditions of the circumstances,We provide service to him。A school to survive,As the factory to survive,Produce good product,And good products to demand,Some people buy。The same as a school your course accords with people need,Public schools can't copy down some courses,Must have distinct their own characteristics,For such a school,Especially the real running as a school to do such a school,We through such activities,The national and each region's most high quality education institutions,The expert teacher,Managers research results,We show the need,Equal to the market to do a certain butt。As the training education professional committee,As a butt joint institutions,We are playing“matchmaker”role,Let the school through to participate in such activities,Find positioning,Find suits own product course,Hope that through such activities,Let all schools solve their difficulties of running,The more important hope that through such a campaign to regulate the healthy development of the whole industry。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:贺主编,作为教育媒体人,您十年来也一直持续为民办教育鼓与呼,为此次活动,您也介绍了很多教育媒体人关注与参与,并做着大量传播活动,为什么如此关注本次活动?

. He,As education media people,You ten years also continued for the managed by the people education drum and call,For this activity,You also introduced a lot of education media attention and participation,And doing a lot of communication activities,Why so concerned about this activity?


贺春兰【人民政协报教育周刊主编】: HeChunLan【The people's political consultative conference report education weekly editor】:我大概十五年前我刚开始做媒体人开始,我就发现这个社会存在着一批人,他们做事情,不仅仅为自己的一己之力,他们为了信仰,为了自己一种追求去努力,去奋斗,我想在座的这几位都是。无论以行业协会理事长名义,以实体名义,包括媒体人角色,大家一直想推动一些事情。就像刚才大家所说的,民办培训教育行业是社会需要的,所以它蓬勃发展。我们也看到很多机构飞速的增长,但是另一方面确实有很多“作坊式”企业存在,这样的现象存在,让我们做教育行业非常担忧。我一直说自己是待在传媒圈里的教育人,彻头彻尾的教育人,这样的话,我一直工作指导思想——但凡这个事情值得我们去推动,那么我们一起去努力,去关注这个事情。

I probably 15 years ago I started to do the media people are beginning to,I found the social being with a group of people,They do things,Not only for their own strength,Their belief in order to,A kind of pursuit for yourself to hard,To strive,I think everyone here this several are。No matter industry association chairman of the name,In the name of the entity,Including the media role,We have been trying to push some things。As you said just now,Private training education industry is the needs of the society,So it vigorous development。We also see a lot of institutions rapid growth,But on the other hand have a lot“mill”The enterprise has,This phenomenon exists,Let us do education industry is very concern。I have been saying that he himself is to stay in the circle of media education people,Out-and-out education people,so,I have been working in the guiding ideology, this thing is worth us to promote,Then we go to effort,To pay attention to this matter。


moreover,We in the industry have some confusion makes many people of insight very concern,Even see has a piece of。I went into these after training institutions,Special let me echocardiography,Lasted for decades of continuous study,Constantly striving for,We found the industry there are also some people,They like gold, trying to,In the promotion of China's education,Also to the Chinese education to do a lot of innovative contribution。So I think when chapter chairman out we need to lead,Not only do we need more criticism,As the industry association,From chapter of the role he need to lead,As a media people,I think this has value,A positive things we should go to promote。《Jobs preach》This book,I want to give me the impact is very large。I to the full of the spirit of innovation,Take the product as the king,The most elegant,The most exquisite products to the world the pursuit,Very infinite yearning。In fact in the education and training industry,My side of a group of people who do just this,Through the promotion industry a batch of outstanding innovation project drive the industry development,I think this is a kind of progress,We all have the duty。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:罗董事长,阳光喔作为专注作文教育的实践者,一直在作文培训上,有自己的优势项目,此次优秀成果展示,有什么样的打算?

ROM. The chairman,Sunshine oh as focus composition education practitioners,Has been in the composition training,Have their own advantages project,The outstanding achievement presentation,What kind of plan?


罗珠彪【阳光喔教育科技公司董事长】: LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:我做培训24年,一直关注作文教学,培训教育真正成为行业也就是近几年的事儿,看到整个行业蓬勃发展,一方面心里特别开心。但是也发现资本涌入后发展的良莠不齐,也感觉到特别的心痛。我个人觉得优质项目的评比,它关系到一个品牌的核心竞争力。一个品牌之所以成为品牌,必须有几个核心的、优质的项目,这是第一。如果培训行业的每个品牌都有核心竞争力的话,可以上升到的第二个意义:行业的影响力。在培训行业,每个品牌都有它的核心竞争力,优质品牌,汇集成行业影响力。最终可以达成什么?民族科研力。因为我们说了整个中国的教育公办也好,民办也好,民办教育有特定的科研的一种优势和力量,所以我看优质项目评比,我把它定义为“展现我们品牌核心竞争力,同时能够扩大行业影响力,最后汇聚成一种民族科研力”。

I do training 24 years,Has been paying attention to the teaching of composition,Training education become a real industry also is in last few years thing,See the whole industry vigorous development,On the one hand heart especially happy。But also found in the development of the capital after the good and bad are intermingled,Also feel special heartache。I personally think that the high quality project appraisal,It relates to a brand of core competitiveness。A brand is a brand,There must be a few core、Quality project,This is the first。If training industry each brand have word of core competitiveness,Can rise to second meaning:Industry influence。In the training industry,Every brand has its core competitiveness,Quality brand,Pooled into industry influence。Finally you can achieve?National scientific research force。Because we said the Chinese education is business or,Run by the local people or,Private education has certain scientific research of a kind of advantage and power,So I see the high quality project appraisal,I define it for“Show our brand core competitiveness,At the same time to expand industry influence,Finally converge into a national scientific research force”。


So, how do we do it?24 years we are able to continue to expand its own survival space and digging their own development space,Because we have a lot of product project,We will put our own quality projects into three categories。The first kind of,Is to surpass public education goal,We called the advantage resources project,In composition, for example,Chinese teaching of composition to the stage,Public education goals,It has become a Chinese knowledge education,Or language education。It has been two years than the sui dynasty to the late qing dynasty --“Are fixed lifelong”Of that kind of composition。More such as French,Including the United States college entrance examination composition philosophical concerns。The present thesis,The goal itself has some worthy of our thinking、To consider things,So we put the sunshine oh projects for public education to transcend a kind of target project,I call it is called“Sunshine oh classical composition project”。For example, according to the“text”and“thinking”、“personality”、“innovation”relationship,The project evolved into 16 module。Inherited Chinese 1300 years the imperial culture,And the French、The United States the teaching goal,Have more than public education target system,Beyond the public system of the project target,We called the advantage resources project。Set high quality resources,Teaching material process design,Optimization of process,This one is public schools can't do it,And private training school can easily do things。A sense for from this project,National scientific research force accounted for half。But it is a pity that we counterparts in this kind of project about pay too little attention,It costs too much,24 years 63 16 million scientific research personnel input,This is what we do the first kind of transcendence is business target,Called the advantage resources project。


The second type,A public education target project,We call optimize resource project。The first advantage resources,The second optimize resource project。For example we put full marks composition、High marks composition level for formatting,For special research,This is public school can achieve。Process can be more optimization,Resources can be more optimization,Can a、grade,three,Different classes have the same kind of problem solving centralized,We call layer teaching。Public school achievement no matter good and bad,By age is divided,this(Stratification teaching)Is public schools can't do it。Our first kind program called mention points sprint sex。undeniable,(Exam-oriented demand)These things nearly phase change,I can improve your learning efficiency,Take the same time,Effect better,Or use a shorter time to reach this goal,We put the sunshine oh project integration into a few。For this exhibition,I am determined to participate in,And it is a kind of industry influence。


The third kind,Is the public schools and private this training school there is no need to opposition,Since I can optimize your,The resources to achieve your goals,Can beyond your this one,It means that there are so many things I can let you study。Public schools there were a lot of things worth to be learned by us,So we call combined with common goal,We contribute to resources with project,Or resource integration project。For example set up some Chinese teacher training,Whether it is business school,School of run by the local people,Include some of our competitors,School teacher of run by the local people,We call qualifications (acteq) project,From public schools achieve,And we reached a higher goal,We encourage more people to participate in。Because we 24 years has been based on the scientific research project,Hope that optimization of the project be able to be Shared with everybody:The first beyond public school quality resources project,The second reach school goal optimize resource project,The third and schools can combined with the project of the integration of resources,Really looking forward to。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您对本次展示会自己的名次和奖项有什么期待吗?

You to this show their own place and awards have what I expect?


LuoZhuBiao【Sunshine oh education science and technology company director】:We should is the best。In fact, this a quality projects,I want to see if the subject from Chinese,Reading this piece of composition,Can integrated and learn from each other。If our hearts to participate in this project,The MEDALS sow to the heart of the participants,Than hanging on the wall will be more useful。
