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学生高价上培训班学蒙眼识字 实为通过作弊偷看--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  蒙住双眼,把扑克牌放在鼻子下闻一闻就能说出数字花色;迅速翻阅书本,几秒内一目十行、过目不忘。这就是青少年脑力开发后的神奇功能,很多"望子成龙""望女成凤"的家长信了。 Eyes covered,Put the CARDS on the nose smell can tell digital design and color;Leafing books,A few seconds read rapidly、photographic。This is the youth mental development after the magical function,A lot of"Used to""Hope female ChengFeng"Parents believed。


On August 26,,Four a rude awakening to the parents of qingpu district police,Say is HuaXinZhen qingpu di, offered the hotel"Win in the right brain"Training alleged fraud。this,Reporters interviewed the track。


骗局 scam

  名为蒙眼识字实为练习作弊 Called blindfolded literacy is cheating in practice


"Win in the right brain"Training is registered in minhang district of Shanghai by the XinYu education training center open,Has been recruiting 6 period and more than 200 people,The age of 8 to 17 years old。The instructor is the training center person in charge,The so-called"Win in the right brain"Nine step training method LeiYaRu founder。


The junior class LeiYaRu curriculum is divided into two parts,First back PI,To learn blindfolded literacy。"breathing,Breathe again,Close their eyes breathing,There will be a light in slowly……"The children under her leadership in the narrow strip have eyes,The color of the CARDS began to understand,In her constant"encourage"under,The children seem to be in a short time learns to this"magic"function。


From haikou training parents Mr. Wan said,At first he to the child mental development training or agree with,So the 11 year old daughter sent to Shanghai。


"Daughter called to tell me her mastery of the divine power,I will realize that they have been cheated。"Mr. Wan said,Through the self testing it is not hard to find,The so-called"Blindfolded literacy"It is through certain cheating skills realization of peek technique。"Blindfolded cloth is very narrow,Young children through the eyeball rotational budge cloth,Light can through to come in,Under the nose to see the color of the object and digital,Absolutely not training right brain development results!"


"Children don't know are imbued with a??????,Don't believe in yourself to others will be blindfolded literacy reaction is very fierce。"There is a mother said cheating is wrong,Kids said don't mother!


3分钟看10万字培训费6万以上 Three minutes to see 100000 words more than 60000 training


The parents of students from dongguan Mr Yang said:"More exaggeration,The intermediate class so-called 5 seconds pages,3 minutes read 100000 words and gifted with photographic memory,I later found out that are false。"The training of the junior class lasted three days,Tuition fee is 49880 yuan,Intermediate class took five days,Tuition fee is 59880 yuan,Plus room and board incidental expenses,Each child's training expenditure is in 60000 to 110000 yuan。


Mr. Wan memories,Many parents are LeiYaRu"flicker"the。"You love not love their own children?Love is charge it!""The first time meet,She claims the leadership of the many children in her training here。Also told me that a lot of theory,What quantum mechanics、Universe mystery、Subconscious spirituality, etc。"


备案申报内容无赢在右脑项目 Record declare content in no win right brain project


Shanghai minhang district education bureau concerned personnel has when accepting a reporter to interview,Managerial main body"The Shanghai minhang area XinYu education training center"Through the relevant provisions, apply for、Submit materials、Examination and approval after the record,Really won the private school school license,The content including medium and the following non-academic secondary education。however,The center of the run"Win in the right brain"Training programs,The record is not included in the declaration of the content。


 现状 status

  培训中心受处4名家长报案 By training center in four parents go to the police


The reporter also came to the training center registered,The Shanghai minhang area lotus south road no. 719"Ray hot woman business hotel"inside,Training center and business hotel enterprises is per capita"Shanghai ray hot woman recreation bath co., LTD"。Business hotel staff ceramic lady told reporters,They have more than a year do not contact"Ray boss"the。


Registered in minhang district of Shanghai training center,Whether can run in qingpu training?Shanghai municipal education commission development planning department deputy director general LiWei said,Private education institutions interregional school must go through relevant districts and counties of the approval of the department of education。Education department as minhang district of Shanghai,XinYu education training center belong to illegal school,Instruct its rectification,And LeiYaRu requirements as soon as possible to the relevant department shall coordinate with the investigation and handling,The money collected all return。


On August 26,,Four a rude awakening to the parents of qingpu district police,says"Win in the right brain"Training alleged fraud。The municipal public security bureau qingpu branch 28 says,The police have parents go to the police investigation,Whether put on record to wait for further investigation results。


分析 analysis

  急功近利心态致家长"走火入魔" Get rich quick mentality to parents"Possessed by the devil"


"Is aimed at those who have the money、By their education level is not high,Longed for that children learn to get promoted parents。"Mr. Wan said。A lot of parents is misleading advertisements,Think through meditation spirituality and other special training,Can help children improve the learning efficiency。


Experts point out that,This is a kind of get rich quick under the state of mind"Possessed by the devil"performance,The parents to the child's this expectation is not scientific、reasonless。


"I am the main attack brain cognitive development,When heard‘Win in the right brain’advertising,Will it as a use of intelligent development course to‘Spin a yarn’case。"The Shanghai children's medical center, deputy director of the department of pediatrics development behavior LiFei said,"Also some people put the word as graphics、Symbol to read,Can do read rapidly,But the words read fast,Is not to understand。pages、Smell can read more mischief。"


Shanghai education institute affiliated school principal body、Super President zhang man and think,Now a lot of schools and parents are too value children examination-oriented skills,In fact deviated from the original intention of education,It is therefore,Social training project emerge in endlessly,Among them there are few engaged in brain science research of experts to participate in,And most are under a"Intelligence development"banner,To make money。


Shanghai deputy secretary general law ShangXiao pointed out that day,In the education market today,By parents to identify the authenticity of education service products,Is very difficult。therefore,Need education administrative department"checks",For some education institution of audit qualification,At the same time,Also deal with its teaching content、Process necessary tracking、Audit and supervision。According to xinhua


