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多所国外高校认可中国高考成绩 组团抢生源(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

酷暑未消,“洋大学”来华招生忙…… Intense not disappear,"The university"To recruit students busy……
高考成绩渐成国外名校门票 The university entrance exam epigenetic famous overseas tickets
In the middle of August,Beijing girl ChenRuiLin delightedly received from Sydney university admission notice.And former students different,The university of Sydney ChenRuiLin gain recognition,With her good English ability and close to 600 points of the university entrance exam in China.
In march this year,Is regarded as"The southern hemisphere Oxford"The university of Sydney in the official website announced the formal recognition of China's university entrance exam,This is one of the world's top 50 of the university will for the first time of the university entrance exam into the enrollment examination standard.2012 years after the end of the college entrance examination,The university entrance exam admission by the first batch of Chinese students have to Sydney university admission notice,By way of world-famous universities through train.
悉尼大学的第一批“高考生” The university of Sydney's first"High examinee"
The university of Sydney international student office director jay is introduced:"Chinese students as long as the university entrance exam achieves the rules fractional line,English or other conditions are standard,You can directly from the university of Sydney in the undergraduate course."Jay said,The new policy is in order to attract more excellent academic performance of Chinese students went to Sydney university for further study.
"Go to the university of Sydney in fact in unexpected,Is in the university entrance exam before decision."ChenRuiLin in this year's college entrance examination and the dream institution of Beijing university respectively.then,The way of studying abroad in her mind to gradually clear.
"Parents are encouraged me to apply for the school,I also prefer foreign university will learn and practice of combining teaching method."ChenRuiLin think go to university of Sydney is not a"Settle for second best",But his grasp the good opportunity.
According to the university of Sydney official announcement,The school throughout the admission standards differ,Major provinces and cities for the college entrance examination admission scores:Beijing 524 points/Guangdong 580 points/Shandong 570 points/Shanghai 468 points/Hubei 571 points.The university of Sydney world ranking is higher than tsinghua Beijing university,Admission scores have low about 100 points.
The same gain admission qualification FuYaNa said,This criterion is"lower"of.Of the university entrance exam of FuYaNa reached 594 points,Beyond the school"threshold"70 points."I was ready to quote prep,But midway can use the university entrance exam result,This policy is very attractive."
Rev. DE study in Australia director wang LAN said,In previous years even if the examinee college entrance examination fraction to high also hide but prep school,The new policy can save about eight months to one year's preparation time."High school graduates to the university of Sydney requirements of the university entrance exam of English scores and can be read directly into the university of Sydney,From the time cost and the economic cost said,The Chinese students are very useful."
为抢“香饽饽”各显神通 For the"favourite"Each shows special prowess
now,Some American rank above the average school has also began to admit that China's university entrance exam,But by Chinese students of the university entrance exam to apply for direct admission.Such as the United States more than 70 rankings of brigham young university,The university entrance exam 550 points above the students can apply for,Requires no additional conditions.
Foreign university through the"Open door"Chinese students to stretch out the olive branch,All carried out in succession, the college recruit students talk show for Chinese students enthusiasm attitude.August 18,,"New York state university admissions teach-in"Held in Beijing,Attracted many students parents' attention.Foreign university admissions officers are sent to China"LAN to",Some schools interviewer even came to the spot,Face to face to decide whether to admit.
"If after reviewing,Student's material in accordance with our admission requirements,I can on the spot to the classmate hair admission notice."State university of New York China office executive director ms Sandra said,In order to better introduce students to the Chinese school,This year the New York university at buffalo with Chinese 37 cities abroad intermediary cooperation,Hope to further expand enrollment in China.
According to the ministry of education website has released data show,By the end of 2011,Chinese students studying abroad to the amount of 1.42 million.For nearly three years at an average of studying abroad increased 23%,China has become the world's largest students germ kingdom.
看重中国生源的“价值” Value of Chinese students"value"
"The university"Why are you so busy group to come to China"rob"students?
Nanjing university associate professor of sociology HuXiaoWu said,"Foreign universities accept China's university entrance exam,The first is they admit that China's basic education."
"The development of higher education and globalization/The development process of internationalization,Students how many,Is the higher education level of one of the evaluation standard.Go to a foreign university is in constant take measures,Improve their teaching quality,Train international high level students."Beijing normal university doctoral tutor WangYingJie said.
And say,Whether it is lucky or selecting,China has become the western university in the eyes of a huge cake.Higher education policy institute data display,Non-eu international students for Britain each year bring about 1.5 billion pounds tuition and living expenses 2.2 billion pounds,And Chinese students estimates that 20% of a contribution.
北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院副院长谷贤林提出,当前有些国家的高校,甚至一些著名的大学出于经济利益考虑,在学业标准的执行上对留学生的要求要比对本国学生宽松得多。在这种情况下,抢占或扩大留学教育服务市场对于这些学校来说显得极为重要。(李茜雯 房 蓓 卢 晓)
Beijing normal university international and comparative education research institute, vice President of the GuXianLin put forward,The current universities in some countries,Even some famous university for economic interests,In academic standard execution on the requirements of the students than domestic students much more comfortable.In this case,Take or expand study education service market for these schools it is extremely important.(LiQianWen room bud lu xiao)
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