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开学首日家长送学千叮万嘱 校门止步区缓解堵情--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

开学首日家长送学千叮万嘱 校门止步区缓解堵情


Today is the primary and middle school first,Many parents send their children to school in person.

开学首日家长送学千叮万嘱 校门止步区缓解堵情  “孩子第一天上学,一定要在校门口拍张照留作纪念。”中小学开学首日,不少新生的家长都有这样的想法,因此一幕幕“拍照曲”也在各个学校门口上演,为的就是要记录下孩子踏入学校的珍贵一刻。 "The first day of the school children,Must take a memorial at the school gate ZhangZhaoLiu."The primary and middle school first,Many new parents have such idea,Therefore scenes"Photos song"Also in each stage at the school gate,For is to record the children entered the school precious moment.
DongFangWang reporter QiuYingQiong/ChenZhu also reported on September 3:today,The city each big primary and secondary school ushered in the new semester first day.In this busy parents in student days,"Army to learn"Often the school gate plugging water trickled through,Give the students of a car and would not leave parents,Become a school landscape.This year,This situation may change.Reporters found through visit,To ensure the safety of students admitted,In the gate and several meters place,Some schools to"Army to learn"said"stay"the.


家长千叮万嘱仍难放心 Parents thousand ding told all is still difficult to rest assured


Today's 7:00 a.m,Quiet a whole summer baoshan district of dahua elementary school and lively up,Ushered in a batch of newborn.Reporters saw at school,Similar to previous years,Quite a few students smiling back schoolbag in high spirits leap to jump into the campus,And parents eyes but is full of anxiety and give up,Thousands of children a ding told all still difficult to mask worry of love,"Listen to the teacher in class"/"Remember to drink water"/"Such as school I come to pick up"And still is parents mouth decades have told the same term.


Small single students this year just into a grade primary school,This morning,She took father's hand,Came to dahua elementary school officially became a freshman.Compared with the other for a child,She seemed some gentle and quiet and shy,But haven't to the school gate,She requires the mother put the bag handed her let her back."In order to help children to adapt to the change of after the start,Yesterday evening have let her go to bed early"Small single father said,Although the new schoolbag new stationery to child brought novel feeling,But learn to adapt to the new environment is still children to face the challenge of admission.The reporter sees,In order to commemorate the child officially became a"Small ShuTong",Many a freshman in the parents with a camera/Camera photographed with children at the school gate,Some parents even family with a few mouth"battle",Two photo at the school gate.

开学首日家长送学千叮万嘱 校门止步区缓解堵情  为了给学生留出进校通道,学校的校门口特意划分了“停车区”和“学生通道区”。
In order to give students leave school channel,The school school gate have differentiated"Parking area"and"Students channel area".开学首日家长送学千叮万嘱 校门止步区缓解堵情   记者在校门口看到,不少学生家长都替孩子们背着书包。一年级新生单同学的家长这样向记者说道,“孩子的包很沉,帮她背到校门口再让她自己背。” Reporters saw at the school gate,Quite a few students parents for children back schoolbag.A freshman students single parents such told reporters,"The child's bag is very heavy,Help her back to the school gate again let her back."


门口十米外家长须“留步” The door ten meters WaiGu tenant"stay"


"Don't loathe to give up the,To here is ok."In the distance dahua elementary school ten metres at the door,Two school security with humorous discourse stopped a bobo walk or ride a bike to send learn parents,Despite coming,Parents of children in a after told,Look after their children into the school also quietly away.It is understood,Dahua primary school is located in baoshan district hualing road,Due to the school gate is dahua village communities inward and outward,Ferial in ShangXiaXue time,Send learn/After learning vehicles often village entrance and exit to the plugging water trickled through,Cause surrounding residents/Pedestrian access difficult.


This year,In order to ease traffic congestion,And to ensure that the students entrance security,The university not only at the school gate off the students channel line and you,And the school gate 50 meters of rail also"block"The part of the drive to learn vehicle,Objectively guarantees the students' traffic safety."This is in order to make the students enrolling channel can usually or shine"A security guard said,For parents not put the child's mood himself fully understand,But at the same time also hope that parents with school work,For child admission to build the atmosphere of safety.


Reporter also found that,Although many parents beforehand for the children to do a lot of preparation,But still some"careless"Types of parents,Some forget to prepare children for cup,Some even ligatures his name/Class's and grade's drop also forgot to give children wear,Cause a helter skelter.
