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August 31,,Have article said,The United States a professional website published papers revealed,The United States tufts a scientific research institutions in 2008 in a primary school in hunan province a genetically modified rice(Golden rice)Human trials,This article then cause strong concern at home and abroad.


The reporter understands,August 1,,[The American journal of clinical nutrition]Website published a paper named[Golden rice of beta carotene and oil capsule of beta carotene on children's complement vitamin A also effective]paper.


The paper says,In order to compare children intake"Golden rice"/Spinach and beta carrot oil dementholized capsule to complement vitamin A have any different,The United States tufts/Hunan centers for disease control and prevention/The Chinese CDC nutrition and food security/Zhejiang academy of medical sciences work mechanism such as researchers in hunan province in 2008 common a primary school test,According to is 6 to 8 years of health school pupils.


The paper also says,Institute materials golden rice and spinach is manufactured in the United States/Processing and cooking,Then refrigerated shipped to China experiment is located after heating for pupils edible.


The paper says,All of the author are examined manuscript.


The paper consists of seven members of the author.According to reporter understanding,The paper first the author TangGuangWen(sound)For the United States tufts researchers,The paper the second author YuMing hu for China's hunan province CDC staff,The third author shadow, and for the Chinese CDC researchers,The author WangYin fourth for zhejiang academy of medical sciences researchers.The other three authors for Gerald wear rolle/Michael case lu sarkozy/Robert Russell.Additional as we have learned,The so-called"Golden rice"Is a genetically modified rice,Because the name is yellow.


美高校回应黄金大米事件:试验得中方家长同意 American college response golden rice event:Test to Chinese parents agree


疑问一:中方作者是否知晓论文内容? Doubt a:The Chinese side the author knows whether paper content?


【调查】中方作者称对黄金大米数据不知情或对论文不知情 [survey]The author says the Chinese side of the golden rice data not informed or to paper not informed


September 3, afternoon,In hunan province CDC office building,People's Daily"verification"Column reporter saw hu YuMing,He is the author of the thesis the second.Hu YuMing state of mind looks very bad,Because the paper signature,He almost overnight is pushed to the opinion in the teeth of the storm."I to the present or confused."Hu YuMing helplessly said.


He told reporters,For this paper,He is not familiar with the,Neither heard before with the papers in relation to any information,Haven't seen it, the content of the thesis,More do not know why his name will appear on the author of the paper in.


Hu said YuMing,In the paper the test and their participation in the experiment(Namely in hunan HengNaXian estuary center primary school to do the experiment)Completely is not consistent,"We had been participating in an experiment is the national subject,After the subject,All the information on to the China CDC nutrition and food security".


In this paper the authors first TangGuangWen,Hu said YuMing,2008 don't know,Later met,But has nothing to do with paper.


The third author shadow and Ann is China CDC nutrition and food security researchers,He gave the reporters on September 4, the statement said,"(I)For the United States the thesis involves spinach and beta carotene experiment informed,Golden rice to data not informed;Our project(Namely in hunan HengNaXian estuary center primary school to do the experiment)In plant food(Such as spinach)In carotene into vitamin A efficiency."


The fourth the writer is zhejiang academy of medical sciences researcher at the institute of health food WangYin,On September 4, morning and afternoon,Two reporters in an interview to her office,She tell reporter,"I'm not familiar with the papers."


疑问二:湖南是否进行过转基因大米试验? Question 2:Hunan is a genetically modified rice test?


【调查】湖南省农业厅称,2008年以来,湖南省从未进行过任何转基因大米试验 [survey]Hunan provincial bureau of animal husbandry says,Since 2008,Hunan has never had any genetically modified rice test


According to the paper mentioned content,The reporter interviewed the hunan province agriculture department.Hunan provincial bureau of animal husbandry gm office related staff said,Since 2008,Hunan has never had any genetically modified rice test.


Hunan province CDC/HengNaXian CDC officials and participation"Vitamin A in the human body transformation efficiency"Experiment YuMing hu are told reporters,From the United States paper describes time/Participants and content to see,2008 years in hunan province to carry out the relevant experiment,Only HengNaXian estuary center primary school implementation of this one,There is no other.


On September 1,,Hunan hengyang city government said in a statement,Through the investigation,In HengNaXian estuary center primary school experiments is not genetically modified (gm) test,but"Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research",And all food are in the local purchase.


疑问三:在湖南小学做的是什么实验? Question three:Primary school in hunan and what do the experiment?


【调查】课题负责人与实验小学表示,是国家自然基金研究项目,不是转基因试验 [survey]The subject with the experimental primary school said,Is the national natural science foundation research project,Not genetically modified (gm) test


For the verification of hengyang city government statement content,On September 2, morning,The reporter arrived HengNaXian JiangKouZhen in hunan province,In an interview in 2008 estuary center primary school subject research of the relevant personnel.


HengNaXian, deputy director of the centers for disease control and WuJian bridge is one of the participants.He told reporters,This topic is the Chinese CDC nutrition and food security in hunan province in 2008 by CDC assumed[Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research]work,System national natural science foundation research project(Topic Numbers for NO. 30571574).


Shadow and Ann said in a statement,He himself is the national natural science funds[Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research]Research project,This subject is the national natural science funds project.Purpose is to get our country children's diets carotene in the body how many can be converted into vitamin A efficiency,Obtain the final results will be estimated as our country children's vitamin A requirement/Make dietary vitamin A recommended intake of the important basic data.


疑问四:实验所需食材来自哪里? Doubt four:The experiment required ingredients come from?


【调查】实验方称食材均在当地采购,负责烹饪的厨师称未见过黄颜色大米 [survey]The party says all ingredients in local purchase,Responsible for cooking cook says not seen the yellow rice


The centers for disease control in hunan province YuMing hu is the subject of hunan person in charge.He said,Participating students were divided into three groups,Unified arrangement in the school cafeteria breakfast and lunch,Breakfast for rice,Chinese food is a stroke a meal a soup.


Hu YuMing told reporters,In addition to vegetables,The students eat content exactly the same.The major goal of this subject,It is through let the students edible carotene content different vegetables,To measure vitamin A in the student absorption of the body.


WuJian bridge said,The subject ingredients from two channels:meters/oil/Dressing by HengNaXian CDC in hengyang step by step the supermarket procurement;meat/birds/Egg and fresh food by the school in JiangKouZhen procurement.He gave reporters watched the supermarket purchasing invoice.


Participate in rice procurement WuJian bridge and the school several staff, told reporters,They remember very clearly,Give the students to eat rice in hunan province is JinJian of rice"Peach blossom fragrant rice",not"Golden rice".


Cook and kitchen workers all by the school is responsible for the recruiting,The kitchen staff WuQiuYing told reporters,When cooking rice is"Peach blossom fragrant rice",No seen yellow rice.


Estuary center primary school teacher ChenLiLan child was in the third grade,Because does not comply with the age requirement,Did not participate in the experiment,But she still let the child with her a block in the school dining room repast,Eat the food as well as with the students.


The center elementary school long royal midautumn told reporters,Because noon repast is convenient,School teachers are active will child to his dinner together,"Almost all the teacher let a child with participating students have a meal together".


疑问五:家长学生对实验是否知情? Doubt five:Parents students to whether the experiment informed?


【调查】超过100名学生参与实验,家长均签署了课题研究知情同意书 [survey]More than 100 students to participate in the experiment,Parents are informed consent signed subject research


For subject to participate in the experiment of children have age requirement(6-8 years old),HengNaXian estuary center primary school choice by all students to participate in the second grade.Royal midautumn told reporters,Before the start of the experiment,The school organizes the parents of the students to open the first pta,There are about more than 180 parents to participate in,The meeting to each parents send a group provides the familiar with the book,The parents choose independently.


In the school organization's second parents meeting,The school received more than 100 by the parents of signature informed consent.Royal midautumn said,Some parents don't want to children to take part in,There is no sign in informed the book.


In JiangKouZhen work of Mr. Shaw,That was one of the parents in parents' meeting.He clearly remember,The meeting did receive a topic introduces the content of the notice of knowledge,He also signed in the notification.


Royal midautumn said,The school has held four parents,Bulletin relevant situation.According to the related personnel to participate in many subject memories,In the process of the subject,A few students for various reasons free exit,At the end of the subject in the number of students in the experiment for 79 people.


疑问六:中方课题是否美方主导? Doubt six:The Chinese topic whether the United States leading?


【调查】课题经费来自国内,在实验室分析技术上得到美国塔夫茨大学的支持 [survey]Subject from domestic funds,In the laboratory analysis technology to get the United States tufts support


On September 1, according to the situation of hengyang city government provides introduced,"In HengNaXian estuary center primary school of the experiment,With the United States and abroad not any orgnaization happening direct relation."so,The experiment involved in what institutions?Any foreign organizations to participate in?


WuJian bridge is introduced,The whole project by the China CDC nutrition and food security expert guidance,Project implementation plan by the China disease control center for nutrition and food safety,Hunan province CDC and HengNaXian disease control center is responsible for the implementation of the project.In hunan province CDC issued by the project agreement,The reporter sees,The entrusting party and the entrusted party agreement respectively"China's centers for disease control and prevention nutrition and food security"and"Hunan centers for disease control and prevention".


WuJian bridge also told reporters,Subject the funds required for all by the Chinese CDC nutrition and food security appropriate,Not from foreign research institutions.HengNaXian CDC issued by a bank transfer bill display,Payment artificial"China's centers for disease control and prevention nutrition and food security".


Shadow and Ann said in a statement,The Chinese CDC nutrition and food security for the national natural science funds[Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research]Subject bear unit,Project implementation is with zhejiang academy of medical sciences/Hunan province disease prevention center cooperation,In the laboratory analysis technology has been the United States tufts support.


For the last few days,Journalists and zhejiang academy of medical sciences contact,The response is"Are still investigating".




The thesis said,All the authors are examined manuscript,But the second paper/The third/The authors said the fourth to the thesis golden rice test and data are not informed.Is the first author TangGuangWen in fraud?Or the Chinese researchers lying?

  论文中称,黄金大米和菠菜是在美国生产、处理和蒸煮,然后冷藏运至中国实验所在地,但记者调查显示实验食材来自湖南当地。究竟谁在说谎?(记者颜珂王君平驻美国记者吴成良 陈小燕)

The thesis says,Golden rice and spinach is manufactured in the United States/Processing and cooking,Then refrigerated shipped to China experiment is located,But reporter investigation shows that the experiment from hunan local ingredients.Who was telling a lie?(Reporter in the United States YanKe WangJunPing reporter WuChengLiang ChenXiaoYan)
