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大学新生不愿断奶 陪读家长推涨高校周边房价--亲稳网络舆情监控室

新生报到,多数家长在学校周边打地铺陪读 Freshman report,Most parents or relatives can apply in school peripheral on the floor
  十几年前,家境优越的孩子出国留学,父母选择随孩子赴国外暂居,既照料孩子的日常生活,又能给予孩子精神支撑,被称作“陪读”一族。然而,时隔数年,随着90后大学新生入校,他们的父母也纷纷追随孩子,脱离熟悉的家乡赶赴陌生的城市,租住房子全天候给孩子“陪读”。 More than a decade ago,Family circumstances superior children studying abroad,Children with parents choose to foreign tabernacle,Is taking care of the children's daily life,And can give children mental support,called"Or relatives can apply"gens.however,After several years,With 90 freshmen after enrolling,Their parents have children to follow,From familiar to strange city home,To rent the house to all children"Or relatives can apply".


案例 case


Shenyang boy hubei admitted to a key university,Because the mother can't or relatives can apply for,Freshmen's he decided to drop out of school


"I want to drop out from school take an examination of local university next year!"


the,When the day of freshmen report,And the age of 18 shenyang boy qin Ming(alias)Along with the mother liu to hubei university after,But because the mother can't around or relatives can apply for,Say what can not read it.On September 4,,Liu helpless to shenyang mental health center for help,Psychological experts LiuChangHui interpretation for her child's psychological disease sticking point.


父母离异儿子优异 Her parents' divorce excellent son


"I will answer read,Next year, take an examination of a local university,So I can go home every day to see my mom!!"So childish words,Unexpectedly from a 18 years old boy out of the mouth!


Qin Ming long with fine features,introverted,A talk with stranger blush.Liu said,She and her husband divorced early,By his son a man with a big.From elementary school/Junior middle school to high school,Mother and son two people depended on each other,Not only ShangXiaXue was like peas and carrots,Even sleeping at night,Both mother and child is sleeping in a bed.Make liu is a comfort,Son's learning never let her hold beings,Performance was at the top.


Son this year the university entrance exam is very excellent,Pass a key university in hubei province.The whole summer,Mother and child are both immersed in the joy of mood,Also purchase a large number of articles for daily use.


新生报到屡碰“钉子” The new report to repeatedly touch"nail"


Entrance for the day is near,Her son with the train arrived at the hubei this university.On a hot day/Bedroom many/The dining room meal not delicious……Some problems follow,Liu son feel secure,In a small hotel outside for several days,But every night after the son in turn out the lights come out,Don't want to sleep with mother squeezed in a bed.


"Son classmates some parents or relatives can apply to stay,But I have work in shenyang,And parents is old,Inseparable from the people,I can't stay in hubei ah!"Her eyes were red with weeping said,Because my son introverted,Good at communication,In the school do not smooth,Particularly with operating the strong dialect southern students communication more difficult……


After a week,Qin Ming said to mother repeatedly attempt suicide:"The university I don't read,Take me go home!"


“分离焦虑”催生陪读 "Separation anxiety"Or relatives can apply gave


"This is typical of‘Separation anxiety’!"LiuChangHui said,The psychology,And intimate raisers separation shown jitters and behavior,called"Separation anxiety".It is children period than a common mood disorders,But this does not adapt behavior or emotional,According to different age,There will be different behavioral responses,For example:The smaller the children,It shows clung to the parents don't put/fear/Love cry;And the larger the child,It will be afraid of expression appeared/Emotion is very unstable/Also called and jump/Play to depend on/Cry lying on the ground do not get up, etc.


For 18 years old for qin Ming,And mother associated life too long,Form excessive dependence,Plus mother to son dote on,To lead to qin Ming would rather drop out of school/Answer read,Don't accept the cruel reality and mother separation.


LiuChangHui using"Change the cognitive therapy",Qin Ming to be psychological treatment.At the same time,Liu accept the expert advice,Decided to temporarily leave to hubei to his son when two months or relatives can apply for,Gradually help son"weaning"self-reliance.


All freshmen and their parents,You have relevant psychological confusion?Shenyang mental health center public psychological assistance hotline:23813000,Psychological experts will give you advice.


“陪读”母亲扎堆推涨高校周边房价 "Or relatives can apply"Mother gathers together push up around the house prices

  又是一年开学季,又有一批新生家长不远千里陪着儿女来到大学报到或是陪读。 9月4日,记者赴辽宁大学、东北大学等高校附近,对此现象进行了采访。

Another year opening season,And a group of miles new parents with children came to the university or report or relatives can apply for. On September 4,,Reporter to liaoning university/Northeastern university near university,This phenomenon interviewed.


母亲“病退”全程陪读 mother"BingTui"Or relatives can apply for the


"Have to shenyang lived for a week."At the door of the south lake park in shenyang,Fuck the southern accent hu, an interview,She comes from other areas in henan province,This year the university entrance exam son played very well,With high scores was admitted to northeastern university.Son was an only child,Since the childhood good grades,At home,In addition to learning,She and her husband the son almost the life of the contract.


See the son college,And to the northeast of are total strangers,climate/Diet is different,"Son even socks won't wash."She exclaimed,A couple was to discuss,The final decision,Let originally work ms hu to unit dealt with"BingTui",Come to shen renting a house or relatives can apply for.Hu lady told reporters,She was near northeastern university rented a set of more than 50 square meters of small apartment,Monthly rent 1800 yuan.


单间抢手能洗衣服 Single hot can wash the clothes


"Have a bed,A stove cooking will do,On the,The best drying her clothing have a place."In liaoning university a nearby house property intermediary,Baotou from women to intermediary researchers said,"It is best single,The lower the price, the better."

  房产中介的工作人员告诉记者,陪读租房市场从刚发录取通知书时就启动了。 8月上旬开始,就陆续有学生家长前来租房,除了少数给考研学生陪读外,大部分都是新生家长。而按往年经验,这股租房“热潮”将持续到9月末。

Real estate intermediary staff told reporters,Rental market or relatives can apply for admission to the hair from just when they started. In early August began to,Parents of students is in in succession to rent a house,Except a few to one's deceased father grind or relatives can apply for the students,Most of them are new parents.According to the experience and previous years,The rent"boom"Will continue until late September.


Renting a house family mostly from provincial,There are a few from dalian/Anshan, etc various cities in the province.Or relatives can apply to most of the mother is,Students have to freshmen is given priority to.Family or relatives can apply for rent is broadly in line:Area is lesser,30 to 50 square meters can;Price lower,Is highest do not exceed 800 yuan;Position in the distance to school by bus within two Station Road;For in the room the facility requirement is not high,But there is a bed,Can cook,Can wash his clothes.


仨母亲合租三居室 Sa mother three-bedroom shares


"Single too hard rented."A or relatives can apply for mother said,You have fixed unit,Can't university four years or relatives can apply for the whole,So only to unit please two months off,Ready to accompany the daughter a transition.She went around the school intermediary,Learned that her lease is too short,The owner is not rise in price is refused to rent.


but,The mother and looked around small hotel,But because of the similar or relatives can apply for many parents,Small hotel most also promoted price.At the same time,Small hotel facilities not complete,Life is not too convenient.therefore,She contacted the two other or relatives can apply for mother,Through the intermediary to rent a set of a three-bedroom house.The monthly rent is 2100 yuan,Every name mother only 700 yuan a month cut,The house has a stateroom,Be tied three mother more than on the rope,Hanging around clean clothes/sheets,Life atmosphere especially strong.


高校周边房租涨价 The surrounding the rise in the house rent


The reporter interviewed the old campus of liaoning university near three real estate intermediary,Found in house prices cheaper mount tai village,With only between two single rooms availability,15 square metre house rent every month in 600-800 yuan between,If more than two rooms of the house rent a room should be 400-600 yuan per month.If want to rent near the school environment better high-grade village,40 square metre room the monthly rent for 1200-1400 yuan between,60 square meters of one room one hall rental is as high as 2000 yuan a month.


Reporter in the northeastern university surrounding property intermediary to know,That parents or relatives can apply for rent,Rent offer roughly:Room 700-900 yuan;Suite 1000-1800 yuan;Three room 1900-2100 yuan.Is such a high rent price,Also could not stop parents"Or relatives can apply"determination.This manuscript by shenyang evening news TangKuiYang senior reporter intern reporter TangXinMeng collection &composition


数说 chatter


5%大学新生因心理问题退学 5% freshman because of psychological problems drop out of school


University freshman because you did not adapt to the environment and drop out of school,Every year new accounts for around 5% of the total.On September 4,,Shenyang evening news reporter from shenyang mental health center to know,"Separation anxiety"/"Interpersonal distress syndrome"Psychological problems such as serious problem after the 90 freshmen.


According to clinical statistics,University freshmen face numerous psychological problems:


大学教育趋于“低龄化” University education tends to"DiLingHua"


a,A university required every instructor and student with live in the dormitory.A college student said:"Our teacher can clearly know which students often come back late at night/Which girl collywobbles for a few days/Which boy like in the dorm Shouting……And it almost in kindergarten."


大学女生:“不想长大” College girls:"Don't want to grow up"


There is a junior girl,Her dormitory bed filled up with large and small toys.One of the barbie doll dirty and old is her favorite:"We are best friends,Every night I have to hold her to bed.With her to accompany in my side,I feel just like in the home safe."She often hug doll said aside,Reason is:"My parents told me not to talk to strangers,Is not safe,I don't want to grow up."


连一盒药都不会买 Even a box of medicine won't buy


A foreign university girl caught a cold,Send a message asked the teacher to where to buy medicine.The teacher reply students to take bus so-and-so to so-and-so station.The results,The girl sitting on the station,And send a message to the teacher:"Had stood".The teacher can't,Have to reply again:"Look at the nameplate,A car through a pharmacy."finally,The girl rode back to the school,Running for an afternoon also didn't buy medicine.


把老师当成父母 The teacher as parents


Have at least 18 years old of college students,Emotional problems,Whether brokenhearted of,Still can't shake away the tangled,Are looking for the teacher;Meet problem,There was a traffic accident/Injured playing,Even lost my wallet,Also be the first to call the teacher……


Shenyang spiritual centers for disease control and prevention LiuChangHui person in charge told reporters,Average annual because they do not adapt to and from school freshman proportion about 5% or so.It is only a first-year stage,If you graduated from college,The proportion of drop out of school can reach 10%.He concluded,new"Don't adapt to the"Mainly is the reality of college life and imagination of the great head,For example,School hardware facilities/The teacher's attitude/School management/The relationship between the students and so on.(Shenyang evening news)
