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Beijing on August 31, the ministry of education website news,Issued by the ministry of education[The 2011 national education career development statistics bulletin],Communique the following is the text:


2011 years is"1025"Starting year,Is the full implementation of education planning outline/The key to promote education reform and development in a year.The central committee of the/Under the correct leadership of the state council,In the party under the joint efforts of the whole society,Education cause has made great progress in reform and development.Preschool education into the garden chance to increase,Nine years of compulsory education to realize comprehensive,High school enrollment rate continued ascension,Vocational education to enhance attraction,Popularization of higher education to a higher level,Education fair taken significant steps,Education reform and orderly propulsion,Education structure was further optimized,Notable achievements were scored in the construction of teachers' team,School running conditions improve.


义务教育 Compulsory education


China had 241200 primary schools,Reduce more than the previous year 16200;Recruit students 17.368 million people,A year-on-year increase of 451000 people;A student 99.2637 million people,More than 143400 people last year to reduce;Graduates of 16.6281 million people,More than 768300 people last year to reduce.Net primary school-age children enrollment rate reached 99.79%;the,For boys and girls net enrollment rate were 99.78% and 99.80% respectively,Girl's higher than boy's 0.02%.


The national primary school 5.6049 million people full-time teachers,More than 12200 people last year to reduce.Primary school full-time teachers degree qualified rate 99.72%,Increased by 0.20% than last year,Pupils division ratio of 17.71:1,And the year 17.70:1 flat.


China had junior middle school 54100(The junior high school career which 54),Reduce more than the previous year 773.Recruit students 16.3473 million people,More than 818500 people last year to reduce;A student 50.668 million people,More than 2.1253 million people last year to reduce;Graduates of 17.3668 million people,More than 136700 people last year to reduce.The junior middle school stage, such as gross enrollment rate of 100.1%,Flat with the previous year.The junior middle school graduate enrolment rate 88.62%,Increased by 1.11% than last year.


The national junior high school 3.5245 million people full-time teachers,And the year 3.5254 million people flat.Junior high school full-time teachers degree qualified rate 98.91%,Increased by 0.26% than last year.Student/teacher ratio of 14.38:1,More than the previous year 14.98:1 reduced.


National ordinary primary school building construction area of 569.1311 million square meters,Junior high school construction area of 455.4631 million square meters.The elementary school sports stadium(hall)The school area ratio of 45.32%,Sports equipment is equipped with standard school 45.15% proportion,Music instrument equipped with standard school 42.85% proportion,Art instrument equipped with standard school 42.41% proportion,Mathematics natural experiment instrument standard school 47.52% proportion.Junior middle school sports stadium(hall)The school area ratio of 62.24%,Sports equipment is equipped with standard school 63.92% proportion,Music instrument equipped with standard school 60.22% proportion,Art instrument equipped with standard school 59.49% proportion,Science experimental instrument standard school proportion 70.91%.


The national compulsory education stage school resident student 32.7651 million people,Obligation of education stage of the total number of students at 21.85%.the,Primary school boarder number 10.8078 million people,The proportion is 10.89%;Junior high school boarder number 21.9573 million people,The proportion is 43.34%.


The national compulsory education stage in the school of rural migrant workers in SuiQian children altogether 12.6097 million people.the,In the elementary school 9.3274 million people,In junior high school in 3.2823 million.


The national compulsory education stage in the school of rural left-behind children altogether 22.0032 million people.the,In the elementary school 14.3681 million people,In junior high school in 7.6351 million.


学前教育与特殊教育 Preschool education and special education


There are a total of 166800 kindergartens throughout the country,A year-on-year increase of 16300,Children in the garden(Including attached class)34.2445 million people,A year-on-year increase of 4.4778 million people.Kindergarten teacher calls and a total of 1.496 million people,A year-on-year increase of 190700 people.Preschool education hair RuYuanLv reached 62.3%,Increased by 5.7% than last year.

  全国共有特殊教育学校1767所,比上年增加61所;特殊教育学校共有专任教师4.13万人。全国共招收特殊教育学生6.41万人,比上年减少783人;在校生39.87万人,比上年减少2.69 万人。其中,在盲人学校就读的学生5.23万人,在聋人学校就读的学生10.77万人,在弱智学校及辅读班就读的学生23.88万人。普通小学、初中随班就读和附设特教班招收的学生3.64万人,在校生22.52万人,分别占特殊教育招生总数和在校生总数的56.76%和56.49%。特殊教育毕业生4.42万人,比上年减少1.47万人。

China had special education school 1767,A year-on-year increase of 61;Special education school there are 41300 people full-time teachers.The special education students recruited 64100 people,More than 783 people last year to reduce;A student 398700 people,More than 26900 people last year to reduce.the,In the blind school students 52300 people,In deaf school students 107700 people,In FuDouBan retarded school and enrolled students 238800 people.Ordinary primary school/Junior high school with class and self-designed attached to recruit students 36400 people,A student 225200 people,Respectively in the special education school admissions total and 56.76% and 56.49% of the total.Special education graduates 44200 people,More than 14700 people last year to reduce.


高中阶段教育 High school education


The national high school education(Including ordinary high school/Adult high school/Secondary vocational school)There are 27638 schools,Reduce more than the previous year 946;Recruit students 16.6465 million people,More than 420100 people last year to reduce;46.8661 million students in school,A year-on-year increase of 92800 people.The high school stage, such as gross enrollment rate of 84.0%,Increased by 1.5% than last year.


The ordinary high school 13688,Reduce more than the previous year 370;Recruit students 8.5078 million people,A year-on-year increase of 145400 people,Growth of 1.74%;A student 24.5482 million people,A year-on-year increase of 274900 people,Growth of 1.13%;Graduates of 7.8774 million people,More than 66900 people last year to reduce,Fell by 0.84%.


Ordinary high school full-time teachers 1.5568 million people,A year-on-year increase of 38600 people,Student/teacher ratio of 15.77:1,More than the previous year 15.99:1 improved;Full-time teachers degree qualified rate 95.73%,Increased by 0.92% than last year.


Ordinary high school there are school construction area of 408.2729 million square meters.Ordinary high school sports stadium(hall)The school area ratio of 76.86%,Sports equipment is equipped with standard school 80.29% proportion,Music instrument equipped with standard school 77.56% proportion,Art instrument equipped with standard school 77.67% proportion,Science experimental instrument standard school proportion 82.11%,Establishing campus net school 77.55% proportion.


The national adult high school 857,A year-on-year increase of 203;A student 264500 people,A year-on-year increase of 149600 people;Graduates of 222000 people,A year-on-year increase of 131800 people.Adult high school staff 07100 people,A year-on-year increase of 02500 people;05800 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 02200 people.


The secondary vocational education(Including ordinary secondary specialized schools/Vocational high school/Vestibule school and adult secondary specialized schools)There are 13093 schools,Reduce more than the previous year 779;Recruit students 8.1387 million people,More than 565500 people last year to reduce,High school education enrollment of 48.89% of the total;A student 22.0533 million people,More than 331700 people last year to reduce,Students of high school education 47.06% of the total;881900 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 10400 people.


The national general secondary professional school 3753,Reduce more than the previous year 185;Recruit students 2.9957 million people,More than 170400 people last year to reduce;A student 8.5521 million people,More than 225100 people last year to reduce;Graduates of 2.7023 million people,A year-on-year increase of 55900 people.Ordinary secondary specialized school staff 435000 people,Equal more than the previous year;303900 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 08800 people.


The national vocational high school 4802,Reduce more than the previous year 404;Recruit students 2.4643 million people,More than 322500 people last year to reduce;A student 6.8097 million people,More than 453600 people last year to reduce;Graduates of 2.178 million people,More than 124000 people last year to reduce.Vocational high school staff 406700 people,A year-on-year increase of 03500 people;315500 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 08500 people.


The vestibule school 2924,Reduce more than the previous year 84;Recruit students 1.639 million people,A year-on-year increase of 48800 people;A student 4.3042 million people,A year-on-year increase of 83700 people;Graduates of 1.1922 million people,More than 24200 people last year to reduce.Vestibule school staff 266100 people,More than 00200 people last year to reduce;192600 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 02000 people.


The national adult secondary specialized school 1614,Reduce more than the previous year 106;Recruit students 1.0396 million people,More than 121500 people last year to reduce;A student 2.3873 million people,A year-on-year increase of 263300 people;Graduates of 530900 people,A year-on-year increase of 42900 people.Adult secondary specialized school staff 81300 people,More than 04100 people last year to reduce;55200 people full-time teachers,More than 01800 people last year to reduce.


高等教育 Higher education


The different kinds of higher education total scale up to 31.67 million people,Higher education, such as gross enrollment rate reached 26.9%.China had ordinary higher school and adult higher school 2762,A year-on-year increase of the 39.the,Ordinary higher school 2409(With independent academy 309),A year-on-year increase of the 51;The adult higher school 353,Compared with reduce 12.Ordinary university undergraduate course colleges and universities in 1129,17 a year-on-year increase of;Higher vocational(college)1280 colleges and universities,A year-on-year increase of the 34.China had training of the postgraduate unit 755,The higher school 481,Research institutions 274.


The national recruit graduate student 560200 people,A year-on-year increase of 22000 people,Growth of 4.09%.the,Recruit 65600 people of doctoral student,Recruit master's 494600 people;Learning graduate student 1.6458 million people,A year-on-year increase of 107400 people,Growth of 6.98%.the,In 271300 people of doctoral student,Learning to master's 1.3746 million people;The graduate 430000 people,A year-on-year increase of 46400 people,Growth of 12.09%.the,Graduation 50300 people of doctoral student,Graduation master's 379700 people.


Regular higher education this specialized subject common recruit students 6.815 million people,A year-on-year increase of 197500 people,Growth of 2.98%;A student 23.0851 million people,A year-on-year increase of 767100 people,Growth of 3.44%;Graduates of 6.0816 million people,A year-on-year increase of 327300 people,Growth of 5.69%.


Adult higher education this specialized subject common recruit students 2.1851 million people,A year-on-year increase of 100900 people;A student 5.475 million people,A year-on-year increase of 114600 people;Graduates of 1.9066 million people,More than 66200 people last year to reduce.

  全国高等教育自学考试学历教育报考922.67 万人次,取得毕业证书74.28万人;非学历教育报考 862.80 万人次。

The national higher education self-study exam education to enter oneself for an examination in 9.2267 million people,Gain diploma 742800 people;Non-academic education to enter oneself for an examination 8.628 million person-time.


Undergraduate course of common colleges and universities/Higher vocational(college)Full-time students of average size 9446 people,the,Undergraduate course school 13564 people,Higher vocational(college)School 5813 people.


Ordinary higher school staff 2.2048 million people,A year-on-year increase of 48200 people;1.3927 million people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 49600 people.Ordinary university student/teacher ratio 17.42:1.The adult higher school staff 69000 people,More than 08100 people last year to reduce;40900 people full-time teachers,More than 05000 people last year to reduce.


Ordinary higher school building with a total construction area of 780.76 million square meters(Including the property rights used independently),A year-on-year increase of 34.72 million square meters;Teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment valued at 255.5 billion yuan,A year-on-year increase of 27.6 billion yuan.


成人培训与扫盲教育 Adult training and literacy education


The national accept all kinds of non-academic higher education students 4.0514 million people,The certificate has 6.7718 million people;Accept all kinds of non-academic secondary education students up to 54.3308 million people,The certificate has 58.425 million people.


The national vocational training institutions to 129500,A year-on-year increase of 83;Staff 521800 people;298300 people full-time teachers.


Adult elementary school 10400,Reduce more than the previous year 00600;Graduates of 971600 people,More than 08800 people last year to reduce;A student 930300 people,A year-on-year increase of 64500 people.Staff 16000 people,A year-on-year increase of 00600 people;10500 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 01300 people.


A total of 818200 people across the country to eliminate illiteracy,More than 84400 people last year to reduce;Another 748900 people are learning to eliminate illiteracy,More than 331900 people last year to reduce.Literacy education staff 49500 people,More than 00800 people last year to reduce;23200 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 03800 people.


民办教育 Education run by the local people


There are all kinds of school of run by the local people at all levels across the country(Education institutions)130800,A year-on-year increase of 12600;Recruit students 14.0088 million people,A year-on-year increase of 1.0043 million people;All kinds of education student 37.139 million people,A year-on-year increase of 3.2094 million people.the:


Private 115404 kindergartens,A year-on-year increase of 13115;In the children's 8.134 million people,A year-on-year increase of 1.0176 million people;In the children's 16.9421 million people,A year-on-year increase of 2.9474 million people.

  民办普通小学5186所,比上年减少165所;招生100.83万人,比上年增加6.10万人;在校生567.83 万人,比上年增加30.20万人。

Ordinary 5186 primary schools run by the local people,Reduce more than the previous year 165;Recruit students 1.0083 million people,A year-on-year increase of 61000 people;A student 5.6783 million people,A year-on-year increase of 302000 people.


Ordinary junior high school of run by the local people 4282,A year-on-year increase of 23;Recruit students 1.5365 million people,A year-on-year increase of 04400 people;A student 4.4256 million people,A year-on-year increase of 04500 people.


Private ordinary high school 2394,Reduce more than the previous year 105;Recruit students 835400 people,A year-on-year increase of 25900 people;A student 2.3498 million people,A year-on-year increase of 49100 people.


Private secondary vocational school 2856,Reduce more than the previous year 267;Recruit students 957400 people.More than 174500 people last year to reduce;A student 2.6925 million people,More than 377400 people last year to reduce.Otherwise non-academic secondary vocational education students 376900 people.


Private universities 698(With independent academy 309),A year-on-year increase of 22;Recruit students 1.5373 million people,A year-on-year increase of 69900 people;A student 5.0507 million people,A year-on-year increase of 283800 people.the,Undergraduate student 3.1182 million people,College student 1.9325 million people;Otherwise ZhuXueBan from students/preppie/Education and training students 260000 people.Higher education institutions run by the local people non-academic 830,All kinds of registered student 881400 people.


In addition,There are other private training institutions 21403,9.5546 million people accept the training.
