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  给下班回家的妈妈递上拖鞋,逢年过节为远方的爷爷奶奶打个电话问候,不再等着爸爸大喊才写作业……地处庸生故里的胶州市北关育才小学,具有浓厚的文化底蕴,自建校以来,在贤峰智校长的带领下,开展了丰富多彩“忠孝”实践活动,让孩子们体验到收获爱的幸福感。 To get home from work mother handed on slippers,Holiday for distant grandma and grandpa to make a phone call greetings,No longer waiting for dad yell to write my homework……Is located in the hometown of BeiGuan born without producing soft container bags.for yucai elementary school,To have the strong culture,Since school,In the peak wisdom under the leadership of the headmaster,To carry out the rich and colorful"Filial piety"practice,Let the children to experience the happiness of harvest love.

  教育学生感恩 促进社会和谐

Education students gratitude to promote social harmony


Yucai elementary school through the implementation"Filial piety"education,Let the Chinese nation and the traditional culture of massiness in children young heart reaches deep root,And along with the growth of a child's life;Through the effective education strategy,In order to realize"Education students gratitude,Realize family harmony,Promote social harmony"The trinity of education goal;And try to explore a normalization/serialization/Persistent school moral education education way.


According to"Filial piety"The connotation of education established,Yucai elementary school construction from four dimensions"loyal"Rational framework,Namely: loyal to their,Do to achieve their dream;Loyal to family,Do honor your father and your mother;Loyal to the social,Do learn to be grateful;Loyal to our motherland,Do loyalty patriotic.Construction from two levels"Filial piety"Rational framework.Yucai elementary school think: honor your father and your mother,Understand the family is small filial piety,Is one of the most basic filial piety,Thanksgiving social,Our country is big filial piety,Is a high level of filial piety."Filial piety"education,From the static Angle they mutual independence,From the dynamic Angle between them and be in harmony is an organic whole,As close as flesh and blood,'m,I have your.


After repeated research/The discussion and practice,Yucai elementary school for"Filial piety"Education has established the school-based teaching materials/"three"engineering(Learn celebrity/Read classics/Reward chef-d 'oeuvre)And to students and parents in common"Filial piety"/"love"As the theme of the practice activity as the carrier.


implement"Filial piety"Education plan


How to make"Filial piety"Education normalization/serialization/Persistent??


To improve the teachers' moral quality.School is subject education activities of the main position,Teacher is the leading role of education,is"Filial piety"practitioners,fugleman.The first school to all the teachers"Learn the traditional culture,Be a moral person"Of special training,Watch the teacher organization learning"Wenzhou traditional culture moral BBS"Live video,Teachers benefit a lot,Deepened to do a good children/Good wife/Good husband/Good understanding of the elders.The teachers learn after feeling very good,The site introduced to parents,Parents also were learning,Very strong repercussions.Family harmony the,Will ensure each person with good state of mind,Enthusiasm into the work the study.Every family in harmony,Unit in harmony,Society is in harmony.


School-based teaching materials compilation.Yucai elementary school is located in the hometown of born sometime,In order to pass on born without culture,Combined with experimental education subject to write the first set of school-based teaching materials.Teaching materials of low points high three level department,According to the student age characteristics,Establish education theme: lower part is"frequently",Intermediate department is"Filial piety",Senior department is"loyal".

  实施“三名”工程 陶冶学生情操

implementation"three"Engineering edify students sentiment


A celebrity is to learn,Read classics.The school according to the student age characteristics,According to the low/in/Senior year period of piecewise progressive protocol celebrity/words/masterpiece/Classic directory,Each student must be completed regulations each four celebrities/Masterpiece or classics study,For the rest of the learns content.Six years later the school each student learned at least 48 celebrity stories,Article 48 reading classic masterpiece,I believe that there is always a celebrity stories in the children heart lay a brand,Always there is a famous saying affect a child's life.In order to guarantee the implementation of activities,Schools to set up a special[Celebrity story record card]/[To convey the classics reading card]/[Celebrity famous saying ShouJiKa],The student to the learning condition will be recorded,The teacher/Parents for inspection and write good evaluation opinions.At the same time,The school a week early read time on Tuesday for the unity of time to convey the classics,The language teacher how to read the classics to students guidance,Teach students the basic methods some read classics.In order to check for each grade whole learning situation,Each school to grade for the unit,Organizing a respectively"Celebrity story incentive I grew up"Tell a story and toastmasters"Read classics the feeling after reading"Essay contest,Requirements through the class activities/Grade activities,The last school show,The school organizes the judges to participate in the whole process and evaluation,This as evaluation grade education conception on the implementation of the important basis,And with the teacher in charge/Brigade their job objective assessment hook.


The second is reward chef-d 'oeuvre.Beautiful melody of upward can cultivate one's sentiment,Inspire people's morale,In popular songs popular today,Campus should keep a piece of pure land,Schools should keep it quiet.therefore,Early in the morning when the children bath chaoyang campus of that moment,First of all to the children in the ear is beautiful/high/Upward melody,When the school every day,Step with melodious singing away from school.The school a week on the radio broadcast every day what songs are carried on the earnest arrangement,For some chef-d 'oeuvre in broadcast at the same time, match with artistic conception or background interpretation,Let the children really come into the music of artistic conception,Edify sentiment,Incentive progress.School each semester to conduct the class"I sing good song"Singing contest,Period period so,Never give.


Organize rich and colorful"Filial piety"practice


Hundred good filial first.Today's"Little emperors"/"The little princess"are,How to sow in their hearts"Filial piety"seeds?Yucai elementary school in the school on the wall the traditional 24 filial piety story design as illustrated"Filial piety corridor",In the teaching building floors set "loyalty and filial piety" cultural topics long corridor.First floor: the Chinese long corridor;The second floor: "loyalty and filial piety" education;The third floor: moral education long corridor.Let the children are exposed to,At the same time,Everyone can speak for the students of 24 filial piety story.In order to let the filial piety education not be empty preaching,The school according to the student age characteristics,Points 1-3 grade/4, 6 grade two paragraphs,Were put forward respectively"love,Embodies filial piety"Practical activities,For every child every week to learn some basic practice must be completed,And will complete the situation fill in["Loyalty and filial piety" education practice record card].


In order to make the activities into effect,And perserve, insist to six years a cycle,The school held the parents project meeting,Offering clear yucai elementary school education purpose, filial piety/Significance and implementation plan,The special training for parents,The parents believe that the school of "loyalty and filial piety" education is very good,Are willing to actively cooperate with common education and keep up the good work.The school also the monthly the last week of the class meeting on Friday afternoon class as"Filial piety"Theme team will,According to their students to learn the situation of months,Reporting their activity experience,From the children's truth in the report,Yucai elementary school to see the children grow up a bit.


Yucai elementary school also carried out rich and colorful, filial piety education activities.spring,The students came to BeiGuan foster service center for disabled persons,Carry out""Loyalty and filial piety" in mind,Gratitude in line"activities,For the old people offered up rich and colorful programs,A wonderful program let old people laugh,Make old people intoxicated,In yixian home for the old, the atmosphere was warm,Harmony of."My parents with housework together".


Activities as a long-term activities of the school,Insist for a long time,Issued by"Parent-child common do housework activities record card",Weekly by parents make evaluation,The children write feeling.Not only the harmonious parenthood,Also train the students' ability of self-care,At the same time let children feel the parents is not easy,Sow the seeds of gratitude.


"Filial piety"Education let the children know better


Evaluation can guide/Incentive function,Any education is inseparable from the evaluation.Yucai elementary school, filial piety education evaluation ways mainly have the LianXiKa show filial piety,class/grade/School star selection, filial piety class,School display platform, filial piety.The campus website open up "loyalty and filial piety" education project.


Through these evaluation mode,The children feel the joy of success,Experience the love is how of happiness.Yucai elementary school have reason to believe that: as long as such a cycle to six years,perserve,Giving away a batch of and a group of children,Primary school education six years,Will affect their sixty years.


Through the"Filial piety"education,Yucai elementary school was delighted to see the children's growth,Such as the second grade students in growth diary wrote:"I grew up,Won't wait for mother home me to wash my feet,When the door in her hand on slippers;I grew up,Won't wait for dad yell homework!,Will the initiative near table;I grew up,Won't waiting to take pressure years old red packets,Can promptly to the grandma and grandpa greeting call;I grew up,Don't pull my grandparents want this to want that thy skirts,I will love the COINS to the donation;I grew up,Not only watching cartoon,Will pay attention to watch the news,Know the affairs of state,Love the motherland".


"Loyalty and filial piety" activities,Is favored by the vast number of parents welcome and support,In the current issue of the parents in the questionnaire,Parents to schools "loyalty and filial piety" education,99.9% satisfaction.Parents praise the school"Filial piety"Education make good,His family in the one-child not only change the capricious/ChiDuShi/Don't understand etiquette/Don't care about other people's problems,And often help the home to do some housework,Before the little slackers gone,Also often remind yucai elementary school to have respect for the elderly.Have a parent in communication this to say:"One night,Daughter finished his homework,From a pot of water,End to my side,Say to want me to wash my feet,Although make all over the ground water,But I still very happy.Because this is the first time the daughter me to wash my feet,Back to me told a story of 24 filial piety.Afterwards I want to,Daughter can through the study/Honor your father and your activities at yu CAI middle school,I have never to give their parents wash feet,I feel very ashamed,I am determined to study to his daughter.School education is too good, filial piety,Education not only for my daughter,Also education my."The parents words proved yucai elementary school education success,Such feeling there are many, many,This is what yucai elementary school implementation"Filial piety"Education goal: education students,Influence family,Promote social,For today's children,Is tomorrow's parents.

  教育是一项美丽而缓慢的事业,教育成果不可能一朝一夕得以实现,这是一个漫长的过程。育才小学将在“忠孝”教育的探索路上付出更多的汗水,用希望的眼光,热情的双手,期待的心情,巧妙的方法,去浇灌那含苞待放的花蕾!育才小学更坚信:有育才小学坚持教育的六年,必将影响孩子的六十年! (李丛全 陈兆平)

Education is a beautiful and slow career,Education results may not in one day can be realized,This is a long process.Yucai elementary school will be in"Filial piety"To explore the way of education pay more sweat,With the eye of hope,Warm hands,Expect mood,Clever method,Water them that be in bud bud!Yucai elementary school more firmly believe that: there are yucai elementary school adhere to the education of six years,Will affect a child's sixty years! (LiCong full ChenZhaoPing)
