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“异地高考”有准入条件 北京方案正在研究--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  原标题:随迁子女高考须满足3条件 Original title:The college entrance examination SuiQian children must satisfy three conditions

  家长:有稳定工作、稳定住所、稳定收入,缴纳各种保险,系常住人口 parents:Have a stable job/Stable residence/Stable income,Pay all sorts of insurance,System permanent population

  学生:要在迁入所在地就读 students:To move in the study

  城市:发展需这个行业群体 city:Development should be the industry group

  新京报讯 (记者郭少峰)“随迁子女‘当地’高考须满足三项条件。”昨日,教育部部长袁贵仁在国新办举行的新闻发布会上做出上述表示。

The Beijing news - (Reporter GuoShaoFeng)"SuiQian children‘The local’The university entrance exam must satisfy three conditions."yesterday,The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated in new countries do at a news conference to make the above said.

  “异地高考”有准入条件 "Different college entrance examination"Have access conditions


Yuan guiren indicated introduced,At present migrant workers SuiQian 79.4% children in public schools,A primary solution to the children in the city SuiQian accept compulsory education problem."In 2003 issued documents,Allow SuiQian children in the local compulsory education.now,When to receive compulsory education of the children started to take an examination of senior high school/Examination of university,This is an objective/Cannot get away from the real problem."Yuan guiren indicated said.


In order to solve migrant workers SuiQian children in local entrance problem,The ministry of education jointly with the development and reform commission/The ministry of public security/People club department after in-depth research,Drew up a file.On August 30, 2012,The general office of the state council forward the opinion notice.


Yuan guiren indicated said,Documents are three main spirit:A to actively solve.All documents before the end of the year should publish solution.


The second is to conditional access.First of all parents want to accord with conditions,The student must conform to the condition.Parents are basic conditions,You in place have a steady job,Have a stable home,Have a stable income,And pay all sorts of insurance,You are the place of permanent population,Although you are not household register population.Student condition is,The student may be here to learn the primary school/Junior high school/High school,Also may be high school just come to,May also high school three years are all here,May also be high school a year here,So will all according to the actual situation,What kind of students with my local students are the same.And still another is urban conditions,The city development need the industry,Need not to need to this group,I the city can develop to many large scale,Not to say that the city the bigger the better,According to the development of the city needs and bearing capacity.


Third, we need to adjust measures to local conditions.According to the population flow around the specific situation,Formulate specific measures,It proposes the concrete conditions.

  奥数热因优质资源不足 Because of the high quality heat aoshu resources shortage


According to the social hot debate aoshu training and another interests chain hook problem,Yuan guiren indicated said yesterday,"Aoshu heat"Involved in primary and secondary schools will be problems,Root cause is high quality education resources.


预计4%的目标能实现 Is expected to 4% of the target can be realized


Yuan guiren indicated said,2012 it is estimated that our education funds for a total investment will reach to 2.2 trillion,Increase over last year, about 600 billion,4% of the target to meet deadlines.

  进展 progress

  教育部:尽快明确“异地高考”时间表 The ministry of education:Clearly as soon as possible"Different college entrance examination"schedule

  确保年底前出台;制定政策要把握三原则 Ensure that issued before the end of the year;Policy to grasp three principles

  据新华社电 教育部6日召开座谈会,邀请北京、上海、广东、福建、山东、湖北、黑龙江、安徽、云南等9个省(市)有关方面负责同志研讨“异地高考”政策。

According to xinhua, the ministry of education and a forum,Invited Beijing/Shanghai/guangdong/fujian/shandong/hubei/heilongjiang/anhui/Yunnan nine provinces(city)The comrade responsible for discussion"Different college entrance examination"policy.

  合法稳定住所包括租赁 Legal stable residence including lease


The meeting noted that the,Solve migrant workers SuiQian children in defined in the entrance exam questions to grasp three principles:One should adhere to the people-centered,To solve the SuiQian children eleven-plus problem as significant livelihood of the people question to grasp.Second, we need to consider to plan as a whole,Polytropic coordination,Actively yet prudently proceed with.Third, we need to place give priority to implement,Don't make"One size fits all",Adjust measures to local conditions to solve.


The meeting stressed,To clearly as soon as possible to solve migrant workers SuiQian children eleven-plus problem schedule and the roadmap,Make good implementation plan.A further understanding base number,Master non-native household register population change and SuiQian children's schooling, etc,To provide reliable basis for the scheme designing.According to two"Three according to"requirements,namely:According to the city function orientation/The industrial structure layout and city resources carrying capacity,According to the migrant workers in the local legal stable occupation/Legal stable residence(Including lease)And in accordance with state regulations, attend social insurance fixed number of year,According to the SuiQian children learn in local continuous fixed number of year, etc,Further refinement access conditions,Sure operation way.Third, we will strictly implement file requirements,Ensure that all implementation plan before the end of 2012 on.

  京沪介绍了工作打算 The beijing-shanghai introduced to work


The meeting required,All relevant departments should jointly study and prepare a plan,To actively cooperate with defined and places,Provide policy cohesion,Ensure the examinee to come smoothly in the entrance exam.


symposium,fujian/shandong/Hubei etc have announced the preliminary scheme which are representative,Exchange their ideas and methods;Beijing/Shanghai/Guangdong population into concentrated on behalf of the provinces and cities,Introduced the preliminary deliberations and the work going to;heilongjiang/anhui/On behalf of the yunnan and other provinces and cities,The key to report to policy integration of ideas and measures.

  北京情况 Beijing situation

  北京“异地高考”方案正在研究 Beijing"Different college entrance examination"Scheme are studying


By the end of 2011 the autumn,Beijing compulsory education SuiQian children of about 478000 people,A record


yesterday,The Beijing municipal education commission officials say,Beijing's"Different college entrance examination"Plans are under study.


For the ministry of education puts forward will take appropriate measures such as increasing college enrollment plan,Ensure that defined the opinions of the enrollment rate,The person in charge said,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were increased enrollment plan can solve the problem,But difficult to solve city faces other difficulties.


According to introducing,By the end of 2011 the autumn,Beijing compulsory education stage SuiQian children about 478000 people,A record.At present in the public school SuiQian children of about 339000 people,Accounted for 70% of the total.Beijing this year compulsory education stage SuiQian children than the same period in 2010 increased by 44000,Than the same period in 2000 increased by 393000.


Municipal education commission officials say,In SuiQian children dramatically increased cases,Beijing adhere to"Defined the government/Public schools give priority to"policy,At present in the public schools of about 339000 people,Accounted for 70% of the total.

  新京报记者 杜丁

The Beijing news reporter dutin

  个案 case

  “绿卡族”最关注实施时间 "Green card family"The most attention implementation time


housing/work/insurance/Student status from soup to nuts,Elementary school/Junior high school/High school the lights,But turn but the university entrance exam this line.This is a lot of fight in Beijing"Beijing green card family"Parents in the heart pain,Ms king is one of them.


Ms king began in 2000 to Beijing to fight,And in 2005 to buy a house,But at the same time, the daughter of in Harbin to Beijing,Her daughter was in grade five.As a foreign enterprise financial personnel,Ms king of the unit is dealt with her"Beijing work residence permit"(Commonly known as"Beijing green card").Children attend elementary school's personnel/Junior high school/High school,All citizens in Beijing and enjoy the same policy,But the university entrance exam is not let go.


In 2010,,Ms king to the daughter of chaoyang district, a key high school.but,Not in the college entrance examination,Has been plagued by ms king.In fact,Junior middle school graduate with,She had with her daughter home discussed the problem of high school,But the daughter firmly opposed,Even to die mutually force."Their hometown don't have any relatives,Let a girl back alone,I also bottom not cruel."


In march this year,Ms king back to help my child to contact high school,But due to the differences between teaching materials,Children home return the result of the examination is not ideal,At the graduation last in grade.Schools to receive the child will influence on the graduation rates,Refuse to handle the student status.At present,For a child to,Most likely to social staff capacity to attend the university entrance exam,But the identity and will make the child in enter oneself for an examination the colleges by a certain limit.


yesterday,Hear different publicized by the ministry of education college entrance examination after the access requirements,Ms king said,Now she and her daughter already satisfy the conditions.As for whether to conform to the city,She think you hold"Beijing green card",I prove myself to be a city development needs and the introduction of talents.But even if all accord with,Beijing's policy on exactly when/When implementing the,Their children can enjoy what,This is her most concern.

  新京报记者 王佳琳

The Beijing news reporter WangJiaLin

  对话 dialogue

  “条件设置不能过于苛刻” "Conditions set cannot too harsh"


The Beijing news:The ministry of education announced SuiQian children local college entrance examination three conditions,How many children will benefit?


ZhangQianFan(Beijing university law school professor,Had to solve"SuiQian children in situ to participate in college entrance examination"Problems to the state council submitted proposal):The ministry of education has just published data display,Last year compulsory education stage of the SuiQian children up to 12.6097 million people,2010 to 11.6717 million people.Because each district timetabling and conditions,May many children can't benefit,If can have half the children benefit is good.At the same time,Left-behind children may be converted to SuiQian children,This scale is also changing.


The Beijing news:The timetabling permissions to all,Will there be a batch of SuiQian children still will fall in different timetable in the middle?


ZhangQianFan:There was a general worry about this,Afraid of local conditions set too high,Too harsh.The social from all walks of life, especially SuiQian children's parents will stare at the local government,Can't in life setting too long.Shandong scheme is better,2014 years of implementation of this policy,The vast majority of provinces can do this.Even if the beijing-shanghai to"Further understanding base number,Master non-native household register population change and SuiQian children's schooling, etc",But I think that should not delay too long.


The Beijing news:For parents/The children set many conditions,These Settings is demanding?


ZhangQianFan:This is originally to SuiQian children a policy,Unable to parents' request too harsh,These problems cannot be required in the fixed number of year is too long.If the parents do not local work,The child is difficult to study in the local.Parents to the nature of the work is not so important.Students also cannot demand of fixed number of year is too long,It could lead to a considerable portion of the SuiQian children do not enjoy this policy.


延伸阅读: readings:

  民声:异地高考获46%网民支持 京沪95%市民反对 praised:Different college entrance examination was 46% netizens support the beijing-shanghai 95% of people oppose


Internet users in the university entrance exam on foreign policy views are very bright,Most of the Internet users not to support this policy is against.Through the four gateway website net friend message analysis found,For different users of the university entrance exam against/Support sound almost in the balance of power,But into a post, Beijing and Shanghai will find it,Local people against the proportion of different college entrance examination are more than 95%,There is even Shanghai net friend set up against different college entrance examination signature special micro bo.[detailed]


困局:媒体称异地高考难在准入门槛 必须统一高考模式 this:Different media said the university entrance exam is the admittance threshold must be unified college entrance examination mode


To solve different problems the college entrance examination,Must be unified college entrance examination mode.The problem is different with the parents of the university entrance exam mainlanders whether students into the local high school study and life.If all the university entrance exam mode not unified,They cannot be in different places in high school.And now all over the country the university entrance exam mode each are not identical,In addition to jiangsu mode,and"3 + 2"way/"3 + X"Mode and/"3 + wen(reason)harness", etc,Because the university entrance exam mode difference is very big,All the provinces and high school teaching mode and students to use the teaching materials is not the same,This has brought the difficulty to the university entrance exam to different places.[detailed]


地方:上海"异地高考"采用积分制 考虑职业和年限 place:Shanghai"Different college entrance examination"The JiFenZhi consider professional and fixed number of year


The national"Different college entrance examination"Scheme will come before the end of the year,The big cities including Shanghai corresponding scheme concern.The municipal government held a news conference yesterday revealed,Shanghai scheme will use JiFenZhi,Comprehensive consideration of the migrant workers who work in Shanghai professional situation with its SuiQian children attend fixed number of year.[detailed] 


专题:异地高考一小步 教育公平一大步 project:Different college entrance examination education fair one step one step

  策划:异地高考来了,你就拼得过富二代吗? planning:Different to the college entrance examination,You can spell too rich the second generation? 



