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  8月31日,国务院办公厅转发教育部等部门《关于做好进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试工作的意见》,对于被社会广泛关注的“异地高考政策提出了明确规定,给各地定出最晚时间线:各地有关随迁子女升学考试的方案原则上应于2012年年底前出台,同时要求北京、上海等流动人口集中的地区防止“高考移民”。 文件公布后,引起社会广泛关注,诸多媒体对此进行了报道,公众在普遍欢迎的同时,也表示了一些担忧。

August 31,,The general office of the state council departments and so on ministry of education forward[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education after the local attend school entrance examination opinions],To be wide public concern"Different college entrance examination"Policy put forward specific provision,To determine the most late all the time line:The children all over SuiQian entrance examination scheme in principle should be introduced in 2012 by the end of the year,At the same time the requirement Beijing/Shanghai and other floating population centralized area to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant". File after the release of a,A widespread social concern is caused,Many media reports on it,The public in general welcome at the same time,Also said some of the concerns.


Calls for years,Dispute for years,SuiQian children different college entrance examination policy finally have the timetable.We can say with certainty,This policy will give millions of rural migrant workers and their children to the Gospel,Will push for the household registration system caused by the factors such as population flow disorder,Promote urban construction and social development.but,For being involved in all aspects of the interests of the people,Different college entrance examination policy could benefit SuiQian children,The locals can remove worries,Test the policy makers and the wisdom of the executives.


Should point out,Different college entrance examination became a social problem,And China's household registration policy has the close relation,Because China's education/medical/Health and so on many social policy are built on the basis of the household registration system,The policy of active the university entrance exam/Admission index and directly link and census register.The ideal state is,China's household registration policy with wheel dynamic,Supporting implementation,But this need time,Not a short period can be met.Since the census register policy no radically/QuanPanXing reform under the condition of different implementation of the university entrance exam policy,The relevant departments must have face complex problems in the preparation and determination.


Different college entrance examination,Equality bound is the key.What is equal?Let SuiQian personnel children in defined according to equal access conditions to participate in college entrance examination is an aspect;Security this locality census register examinee's enrollment index in the short term from policy changes is also a aspects;In the new policy to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant"And who is a lot.the public extremely sensitive issue.The above equal connotation,Will inevitably face east-west differences/A big city and the difference between the small and medium-sized cities,Different areas in large cities such as difference test.From this perspective,The difficulty of different college entrance examination policy not small.


Feasible way is,Policy should be put in place step by step,People look forward to also want to step by step to realize.For example,To focus on various provinces and cities,Implementation of the local area examinee policy equalization,Shandong before/hunan/Chongqing has conducted a pilot program,Because the same provinces and cities does not exist census register barriers,Textbook content the same,Implementation of the difficult relative to want a little bit small,The risk of the policy implementation is easy to control.Of course,Different between different provinces and cities of the university entrance exam should also gradually spread.At the conclusion of the same provinces and cities and different college entrance examination between different regions in the college entrance examination after the different experience,In the nationwide implementation of the provinces and cities across different college entrance examination,Perhaps more easy to achieve policy objectives.the,Difficulties will be concentrated in the north and wide the university entrance exam hotspots,These areas different college entrance examination policy appearing inevitable very concern.


Policy fair is very important,Procedural justice also cannot ignore.Periodic goal after signing,Around the access condition to be made public,Different schools/The same schools in this locality census register examinee and nonlocal census register examinee's admission scale to be made public,The examinee admission situation to be made public,And accept social supervision.Previous experience proved,Without the supervision,Some good policy often in in the practice of the walk partial,Leading to some should benefit people have no benefit,Should not benefit from the crowd but get benefits.


To ensure the fairness of the university entrance exam foreign policy,Realize win-win parties,Responsibility also could not missing.Responsibility is not clear,Does not reach the designated position shall be investigated for,Be weakened policy execution,Many times has been a practice proves.

  开放性、前瞻性地推行异地高考是大势所趋,实现各方共赢是关键。在政策不配套、各地差异大的现实背景下推行异地高考,要充分考虑其难度,目标要合理,推行要逐步。既不能因难度大而怠于推行,也不能因社会压力大而盲目推行。评论员 郭振纲

open/Proactively implement different college entrance examination is the trend of The Times,All parties to realize a win-win situation is the key.In the policy does not form a complete set/The differences of great realistic background implement different college entrance examination,Should fully consider its difficulty,The goal must reasonable,Implementation step by step to.Neither because of difficulty in implementation and idle,Cannot because of social pressure big and blind implementation.Commentators GuoZhenGang


(Source: the daily)

