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教室里座位有讲究 中间二三排是“黄金宝座”?--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The classroom seat two rows of four seat belong to"Golden seat"?Naughty students teacher will arrange"Special seat"?Relationship too good students can't be sit at the same table?...These days the beginning of the new term,Micro bo on student seat discussion is very warm.so,These statements are true?Now nanjing middle and primary school how row seat?The legendary"Gold seat"Without spectrum by?Yangzi evening news reporter in yesterday had a detailed survey.

教室里座位有讲究 中间二三排是“黄金宝座”?


“黄金座位”靠谱吗? "Gold seat"By spectrum??


家长喜欢“靠前居中”的座位 Parents like"Near the front of the center"seat


还有人喜欢靠窗的座位,觉得空气比较新鲜 There are people like to seat by the window,Feel the air is fresh


recently,Have net friend list the classroom of the seat"Golden seat":Such as the second row four seats.Say these seats are to the blackboard,The most easy to get the teacher attention.


"Centered on the front seat of course best,A child looking at the blackboard is not difficult,The second is sitting in the middle,The teacher is very easy to attention to,Accept the chance to ask even more.Other children in the teacher under the nose of attention will also more centralized.But by the first row is bad also,Because of easy to eat chalk."interview,An elementary student parents to speak out,Most of the parents hope their children will sit to"Gold seat".For this kind of idea,Reporter in the interview several parents said recognition.But some say,The most core seat so few,Not everyone can get.


Yangzi evening news reporter in the interview also found,In addition to"Near the front of the center"Seat outside,For other seat parents also is each have preference:For example, some parents like a window seat,Feel the air is fresh,And some parents think window seat is easy to disperse the child attention;Some parents like the child single single table,Also some parents think children should have"Sit at the same table you"...


曾有记者“拉关系要座位”被拒 Had reporter"Try to curry favor with to seat"rejected


老师要求近视的配眼镜,不能高个子坐前排 The teacher asked myopic glasses,Can't tall sit in the front row


Interview yangzi evening news reporter learned,In order to let the children sit to good seats,Some parents rack one's brains to ask the teacher requirements."Especially elementary school new parents special anxiety,Always want to please the teacher to arrange to the so-called good seats,Even at "everywhere relationship to the teacher a gift,Make the teacher very embarrassed."Nanjing a primary school grade one teacher in charge helplessly said.


And the reporter's a media is told his peers to children"Try to curry favor with adjustable seat"Not if really story.The colleague's son congenital myopia,But is relatively high,First-year time especially Joe relationship please the teacher attention.But the teacher made clear:Have received a lot of similar request,To be fair,Please nearsightedness students through the glasses to solve vision problems.If meet mydriatic or other special circumstances,Can put forward in advance,The teacher according to the situation of care.


成绩好坏和坐在哪没多少关系 Grades and seat didn't have much relationship


力小书记说:坐在后面的孩子的优秀率也很高 Force small secretary said:Sitting in the back of the children of universities is also very high


so,for"Gold seat",Nanjing teacher how to see?Yangzi evening news reporter to interview.


小班化班级扇形排座,不存在“黄金座位” Small class change class fan row seat,Does not exist"Gold seat"


It is understood,Now nanjing middle and primary school pew way to diversification,For example small class change class number originally is very few,Can semicircle or round table type arrangement,Can also according to the teaching requirements of permutation and combination,For such class doesn't exist the stand or fall of position.


普通排座的学校每周都换位置 Ordinary row seat school change the location of every week


But there are some ordinary primary and secondary school adopt the traditional old row seat method,"The most common classroom seats are double double table,General points 4 groups,A total of 5-6 row,And the most popular among parents welcome is two groups of two or three pew".A in nanjing some well-known fourth grade on the director's teacher zhang told reporters,In order to meet the needs of the parents,Now many teachers are on the increase exchange frequency."Our class will exchange position every week,For example QianHouPai students sit rotation."


后排的孩子优秀率其实也很高 Children in the back of universities in fact is also very high


"In the eyes of parents‘Gold seat’There is no special effect."Superfine teacher/Nanjing mechanics elementary school lilin secretary told reporters,fundamentally,Children to develop good or bad and sit where is absolutely no relationship.Every seat has different harvest.Sitting in the back of the child's universities in fact is also very high,The children itself learning attention and self-discipline."


“特殊座位”真有吗? "Special seat"Really??


Micro bo on,There are some net friend the sun drying out"Special seat":Such as the most in front of the pedestal and the corner of the last row seat,All is for special naughty or performance especially bad for students.so,In fact the teacher would do?


成绩好的学生能短暂“挑座位” Good student can short"Pick seat"


"If we can to get some achievements,As a reward,The teacher will allow us to pick their own seat."interview,Read elementary school sixth grade XiaoDan told reporters,His last semester because added to share enough by the welfare.


"I'm high/Eyes good/Results in class all right,So I have been sitting in the last row."XiaoDan said,Himself in"I'm not who hell hell mood",Four consecutive years in the last row of the class.But when the teacher announced can pick seat's time,XiaoDan very hard,Finally won this award."I did not choose transferred to the intermediate to,But chose to me a‘girlfriends’Sit together."But the welfare enjoy three months,XiaoDan girlfriends and separated."Behind a few boy talks too much,The teacher is and we turned on,Let me go tube they."


可能会给调皮学生第一排“加座” May give naughty students the first row"pedestal"


Reporter in the investigation to know,Although does not advocate,But in practice,There are some used to governance naughty students"Special seat"."Our class that boy too make,The teacher let him sit in the front row in front of the class‘pedestal’."In nanjing a good primary school grade 5 small force told reporters,The teacher in order to restrict individual students don't abide by the rules,Will let they sat in the front row of the pedestal."Is this seat facing our other classmates,Also is to let everyone supervision and he.If he played well,Let him go back to your seat.But the teacher generally are also scare them,Often sit a lesson let them a home."Reporter in the interview to understand,The teacher will also have the good student relative intensively arranged in two rows before,The result is bad students focus sitting in the last row,In order to avoid the latter influence the former.


不要对座位贴标签 Don't label seat


"If students in some special position sedentary,Will let the child produce"Broken falls"psychological,Think not be recognized,Is isolated."Nanjing a education senior personage says,The teacher to arrange seat to avoid letting students feel these seats had been posted the label.


Also have elementary school teacher said,students/Parents sometimes want to much,Feel sitting in"Special seat"Not fair,Actually change a point of view,Some concentration students sitting alone in the front,In class the teacher occasionally clap his shoulder,Can give more attention.But students take the seat,Shoulds not be too long.


座位究竟怎么排? What row seat?


小学:身高、视力最先考虑 Elementary school:height/Vision first consideration


"Generally speaking,Pew the main according to or student height."interview,A long-term a primary school teacher in charge's teacher zhang told reporters,A school she will let the children from high to low queue,Then progressive pew."The second will consider vision,To the myopic degree more serious children for some changes.In addition,In order to let the children around eyes regulation,Every two weeks will be according to the group in seat."


Reporter in the interview to understand,In addition to height and visual factors,The sex of a child/Personality situation/Grades, and students get along between the state is also a lot of the teacher in charge when the row of seats of the consideration.


"The standard of row of seats,Height is the first,Look at personality and achievements,Such as active and quiet lap,Learning strong and weak lap.Playing too good cannot sit together."In the xuanwu borough a well-known primary school teacher wu the teacher smiled and told reporters,Over the past few years male-female student ratio and some disorders,In her class of boys than girls seven more,In the pew hour really want to move the nerves."With more males than females in less row of seats when also can have a trouble.Such as the boy,Two boys sit together special love speech.Since we are single table,So I let three people group,Two boys sitting among a girl,So much more peaceful."


高中:重视成绩和性别 High school:Pay attention to performance and gender


But in the middle school,Achievement and gender in the pew problems should pay more attention.


"We'll consider sit at the same table competition,Let the good student sit together,Also consider let performance very good performance with special bad student,But it won't let bad grades students sit together."One does not wish to disclose the name of the key high school principal told reporters,Junior high school or boys and girls sit together more,But high school tend to same-sex sit at the same table,It is also considering the child adolescent prone to heterosexual contact problem.

  采访中,有人提出,按照传统教室的设计,排座位肯定不能兼顾全体。“传统的排法最便于管理,但不利于孩子们间的相互交流。”一位校长告诉记者,最理想是单人单桌,便于排列组合。“比如有的课需要合作交流,就可以根据不同需要排列成扇形等多种方式。”(扬子晚报记者 王璟)

interview,It is proposed,According to the design of the traditional classroom,Pew must not give attention to two or morethings all."The traditional exhaust method the most convenient to management,But against the children of mutual exchange."A principal told reporters,The most ideal is a single single table,Facilitate permutation and combination."For example, some class need cooperation and communication,According to different needs can be arranged in fan and so on many kinds of ways."(Yangzi evening news reporter Jing king)
