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父母陪读热如何降温 专家:平衡教育资源是关键--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  早晨,6点半准备早餐,7点叫醒儿子,7点半梳洗好准备上班。中午,12点半准备午饭,1点半叫醒午休的儿子,自己再赶公交上班。晚上,6点10分开始给孩子做晚饭,10点准备夜宵,10点半休息。这就是省城一位陪读妈妈叶梅女士每天的生活。 morning,Preparing breakfast at half past six,7 point to wake up my son,At half past seven wash and dress ready to go to work.At noon,Prepare lunch at half past twelve,1 the son of lunch break at wake up,Myself to catch bus to work.In the evening,6 PM children began to cook dinner,10 point prepare food taken late at night,Half past ten rest.This is a provincial capital or relatives can apply for mother YeMei woman everyday life.

  供职于省城某事业单位的叶梅,自儿子去年升入高中以来,这样的作息时间已成规律。由于家在包河区,而儿子上学的六中离家太远,于是她平时带着儿子在学校旁的出租屋居住,周末回家。这样一来,孩子上学倒是方便了,可叶女士每天得在出租屋与单位间奔波四趟,路上得花三四个小时。此外,租房也给她的家庭带来不小的经济负担,每月的房租加水电煤气费等开销,超过2000元。 “从早到晚忙得团团转,经济压力又大,身心疲惫。 ”叶女士说。

Worked in a provincial capital YeMei institutions,Since the son to high school last year since,Such work and rest time has become a law.Because in the package reach home,And the son of no.6 middle school school too far from their home,So she usually took his son in the school by let live,Weekend home.so,Their children to school is convenient,Every day can be leaf lady in let with the unit the trip between four,The road takes three or four hours.In addition,Renting a house also give her family brings a lot of economic burden,The monthly rent water electricity and gas costs,More than 2000 yuan. "From morning till night fuss around,Economic pressure is big,Exhaustion of body and mind. "Leaf lady said.

  与叶女士过着相同生活的还有在省城某高校工作的张洁女士。张女士家虽然在滨湖新区和省直家园各有一套住宅,但由于女儿今年刚刚升入四十二中,为了方便女儿上学,她只好在学校附近租了一套90平方米的旧房子,月租2000元。“房屋很旧,而且临街很吵,但由于陪读的家长很多,房子很抢手,再晚一点可能就租不上了。 ”张洁说。

Ms and leaf have the same life and provincial capital in a university of work by zhang jie lady.Ms. Zhang home although in new binhu region and ShengZhi home each have a house,But since my daughter this year just to four ShiErZhong,In order to facilitate the daughter to school,She had to near the school rented a 90 square meters of old house,RMB 2000 monthly rent."Building is very old,And it's very noisy street,But because of a lot of parents or relatives can apply,The house is very hot,A little later may rent up. "By zhang jie said.

  合肥某高中学生小吴的经历仿佛是新版的“孟母三迁”。小吴告诉记者,读小学时,其父母就计划在重点初中和高中的附近买房。小学毕业,她搬了第一次家;顺利升入高中后,父母又不辞辛苦地把家搬到离学校最近的一套房里。“每次搬家都是为了我上学近,可他们从来不考虑过自己工作是否方便。 ”

Hefei a high school student xiao wu experience as if is new"MengMuSanQian".Xiao wu told reporters,Elementary school,The parents plan in key junior and senior high school near the house.Elementary school graduation,She moved the first home;Well into high school,Parents and went to the trouble of moved his family to a set of recently from the school room."Each move is for me to go to school near,But they never considered his work is convenient. "


Hard or,Helpless or,now,The parents or relatives can apply for growing team,More and more of the mother to join to the contemporary"Mother meng"ranks.


优质资源稀缺是根源 Quality is the root of scarce resources


Compared with primary school students,Most students have a basic knowledge of self-care ability,Why can have many parents choose this"Guard education"way?interview,Many parents expressed their own difficulties.

  叶梅告诉记者,儿子所在学校的旁边有不少小饭馆,日常生活孩子自己其实也能解决,当初也考虑过让他中午在学校附近小饭店吃饭,晚上再回家。但这样儿子每天早上6点钟就得起床赶公交,晚上很晚才能到家。 “再过一年他就要高考了,高考学业负担已经很重了,作为家长,我们希望尽可能地给他创造舒适的学习环境,以减轻他的负担。 ”

YeMei told reporters,Son school there are many small restaurant,Daily life to your child actually also can solve,Had also considered let him near the school at noon to eat small restaurant,Go home at night.But such son every morning have to get up at 6 o 'clock bus drive,To get home late at night. "In another year he will the university entrance exam,The university entrance exam academic burden is heavy,As a parent,We hope to give him as much as possible to create comfortable study environment,In order to reduce his burden. "

  叶女士的想法代表了很多陪读家长的心声。采访中许多家长表示,如今虽说人人能上大学,可上名牌大学不仅不容易甚至竞争更加激烈了,就业压力又大,孩子考不上好大学就意味着失去一块强有力的就业敲门砖。“陪读就是为了让孩子衣食无忧,全身心投入到学习中去。 ”

Leaf lady idea represents a lot of parents or relatives can apply voice.Many parents said in an interview,Now although everyone to go to university,The famous university can not only not easy even more competitive the,The employment pressure is big,Children don't test into a good college means losing a piece of strong employment sky."In order to let the children or relatives can apply is worry about food and clothing,Devoting themselves to their studies. "


Compared with leaf lady,Provincial capital of hu, or relatives can apply for much a few minutes but.She told reporters,The child is naughty,Especially like to play computer games.Junior high school home near their school,To prevent he enter net cafe,Every day she personally transfers.Last year the school high school focuses on the far from your home,A few days the,After school the children immersed in the net cafe near the school.Helpless under,The only a month,Hu, the family moved to live next to the school.Now the child if didn't go home on time,Hu lady immediately find the school.And as hu, because the child self-control difference and choose or relatives can apply for parents is not a few,They hope that through the discipline of the close,Avoid children due to interference and go astray.

  “优质教育资源依然稀缺是陪读热愈演愈烈的根源所在。 ”受访的陪读家长一致认为,大家放着舒适的家不住租房住,都是为了名校的优质教育资源。只有名校附近的小区才有可能成为“陪读小区”就是最好的证明。

"High quality education resources is still scarce or relatives can apply heat intensified the source. "The surveyed agreed that parents or relatives can apply,We put a comfortable home not to rent a house,Are all of high quality education resources in order to school.Only near the school district will be more likely to become"Or relatives can apply for community"Is the best proof.


父母选择陪读须理性 Parents or relatives can apply for choice must be rational


Parents or relatives can apply,Students need not to worry about life trivia,Can make more time and energy to study,But at the same time also let some students under the invisible pressure.

  “陪读生活,让我感到欠母亲太多。 ”在省城某重点高中复读的汪筝同学说,今年高考失利后,父母暑假就设法将她从肥东带到合肥,母亲辞了工作专职陪读。前几天一次考试没考好,这几天又有点失眠,但这些都不敢向母亲说,怕引起她的担心。

"Or relatives can apply for life,Let me feel owe mother too much. "In the provincial capital some key high school answer read of wang zheng, a classmate say,This year the university entrance exam after defeat,Summer holidays will try to her parents from FeiDong to hefei,Mother quit working full-time or relatives can apply for.A few days ago a the examination didn't test good,This several days again a little bit insomnia,But these all dare not to mother said,Fear causes her worry.

  小汪告诉记者,上初中时,她每天与同学一起上学,一起放学,上学路上神侃是她每天最快乐的时光。上高中后,学习压力太大了,根本没有闲聊的机会。 “很担心来年高考还是没考好,那我就太对不起父母了! ”带着这样的心理负担,小汪继续着她的复读生活。

Small wong told reporters,Top junior high school,Every day she go to school together with my classmates,School together,The way to school every day ShenKan she is the most happy time.After high school,The pressure of study is too big,No chance to gossip. "Worried about the coming year college entrance examination or failed the exam,Then I would be sorry parents! "With this psychological burden,Little wang continues her answer read life.

  合肥工业大学心理素质教育与咨询中心李艳老师认为,古时候“孟母三迁”的本质是改变受教育的环境,从教育规律来说,现代租房陪读对孩子的成长有一定好处。 “就近上学是保证中小学生足够睡眠的最好方式,而在城市交通拥堵的今天,住得太远,不仅会牺牲掉睡眠时间,还会对孩子心理产生负面影响。比如,每天上学路上的颠簸、堵车的焦急,容易让孩子性格变得焦躁不安。 ”

Hefei university of psychological quality education and consulting center LiYan teacher think,In ancient times"MengMuSanQian"That is the essence of education by the change of the environment,From the education for law,Modern renting a house or relatives can apply for the development of children have certain advantages. "Nearby school is to guarantee the primary and middle school students the best way to get enough sleep,And in urban traffic congestion today,Live too far,Will not only sacrificed sleep time,Also will have a negative impact on children psychology.For example,The way to school every day of turbulence/Traffic anxious,Easy to let the child personality became agitated. "

  李老师也指出,陪读因为耗费了大量的时间、精力和金钱,很多家长在心理上容易产生更高的期望值。一旦孩子成绩不理想,容易产生失落感。 “家长期望值过高,极易诱发孩子怕失败、输不起的心态,进而影响今后的教育。 ”

Mr Li also pointed out,Or relatives can apply for cost a lot of time/Energy and money,Many parents in the psychological easy to produce higher expectations.Once the child achievement not ideal,Easy to produce loss. "Parents expect too much,Easily induced children are afraid of failure/Can't afford to lose the mentality of,Affect the future education. "


Hefei forty no.6 middle school teacher think high office advancements,Whether or relatives can apply to vary from person to person,Some old students required to be parents to take care of,And some of the students are entirely dependent on psychological.The parents or relatives can apply to former best can with teachers and children communicate adequately,In understanding the thought of children learning status before deciding whether to or relatives can apply for.

  “学习只是孩子成长和家庭生活的一部分,而非全部。 ”有教育专家提醒,从孩子角度来说,不仅要学习书本知识,更要学会自立;对家长来说,不仅要培养优秀的孩子,也要有自己正常的工作生活。家长如果把学校教育变成孩子的唯一任务、家庭的唯一重心,反而不利于孩子的健康成长。

"Learning just children to grow up and a normal part of family life,Rather than all. "Have education experts remind,From child point of view,Not only need study the book knowledge,More to learn to be independent;For parents,,Not only to cultivate good children,Also want to have their own normal work and life.Parents if the school education into the child's the only task/The family is the only centre of gravity,But to a child's healthy growth.

  “‘陪读热’,该降降温了。降温的关键,是有关教育主管部门要采取切实可行的措施均衡教育资源。 ”采访中,不止一位教育专家呼吁。(记者 聂扬飞)

"‘Or relatives can apply for heat’,The cool the.Cooling key,Is about education departments should take feasible measures to balance education resources. "interview,More than one education experts called for.(Reporter NieYangFei)
