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体育老师转行教性教育课 曾解救为情自残女学生--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  昨天是9月10日教师节。坐在中山区葵英街道智仁社区青春阳光工作室里,68岁的“知心奶奶”一脸微笑地向记者娓娓讲述了自己从事“特殊教育”的经历:1992年她便开始在学校上青少年青春期性教育课。“当时中国学生还处在谈‘性’色变的阶段,更别提在学校里开这门课程了。校长开始让我教这门课时,我自己也被吓到了。 ”

Yesterday was on September 10, teacher's day.Sitting in ZhongShanOu kwai British streets ZhiRen community youth sunshine in the studio,The 68 - year - old"Bosom grandma"A smile face to the reporter tells the story of an engaged in himself"Special education"experience:In 1992 she started at school teenagers adolescent sex educational curricula."At that time China's students are still in the talk‘sex’Colour change stage,Not to mention in the school open the door the course.The principal began to let me teach this subject,I was frightened. "


Her name is SuXiuLan,Dalian is a young adolescent sex education dissemination to the first person.20 years of exploration quality,She is how to help students to uncover the mystery of sex of the veil?


家长难言之隐 促成体育老师“转行” Parents secret sorrow to PE teacher"turned"


"Bosom grandma"This year 68 - year - old SuXiuLan,Before retiring to teach in dalian city middle school 16,Used to be a sports teacher.The school is a foreign school,The headmaster many times to foreign exchange investigation,Found foreign elementary school/Junior high school of the curriculum have adolescent sex educational curricula,Come back and initiation of the course idea.


Just at that time the school holds 1000 meters long distance race,A teenager schoolgirls race day did not ran said"Special circumstances".Physical culture is a boy is very angry,Hate the girls back and fill not handout spirit.After SuXiuLan know guess girls may be suddenly come menstruation,After check just as expected.SuXiuLan give male the MPCSC finished physiological period after knowledge,He knew the girl come menstruation can't strenuous exercise.


And a single father find speaking daughter big but about growing things he embarrassed open,She always keep away from him.SuXiuLan immediately resolved and teach adolescent sex education,Until thoroughly"turned".


挂上生殖器官图 班内没人敢看 Hang reproductive organs diagram in class nobody dare to see

  1992年,大连市第十六中学把青春期性教育写进了课程表,这在大连还是第一家。宿秀兰到现在还清晰记得第一次上课的情景,羞羞答答难开口,自己的脸都红。“我把男女生殖器官图挂在黑板上,底下鸦雀无声,根本没有学生敢看黑板呀。我第一次真切感觉到了老师不受欢迎的那种尴尬和无奈。 ”

In 1992,,Dalian city middle school 16 the adolescent sex education written into the curriculum,This is the first company in dalian.SuXiuLan to now still clearly remember the scene of the first class,As shy as daphne difficult to open,His face was red."I put the male and female reproductive organs map hanging on the blackboard,Silent under,No students dare to look at the blackboard ah.The first time I really felt the teacher not popular awkwardness and helpless. "

  又过一会儿,宿秀兰发现有学生用手捂着脸,偷偷从指缝往黑板上看。“嗯,有门儿了,这时我心里才有点底。 ”

And after a while,SuXiuLan found to have students covers her face with her hands,Secretly to see from the fingers on the blackboard."well,YouMenEr the,At this time my heart just a little bottom. "


SuXiuLan adolescent sex education more speak more good,The students also gradually habits and accept.Men and women at first to divide the class,I later found out that men and women living on their respective after class will ask each other."Adolescent sex educational curricula was to uncover the mystery of sex veil,Why to let children feel mysterious?."SuXiuLan bold attempt the boys and girls together,Slowly the students no longer so shy.


男生乳房也发育 校长恍然大悟 The boy breast also development principal take a tumble


SuXiuLan in class gradually becomes the bold,From the initial as shy as daphne to consumedly square square,It also has the influences of The Times.Many students including parents in her classroom which in addition to a lot of trouble and anguish.

  一次,学校的校长来旁听宿秀兰的课。当听到她讲述了男生乳房也会发育,其间也肿胀发疼时,激动地拍了一下大腿。这位校长年龄比她还大,事后跟她说:“哎呀,你说那时候咱们多傻呀,我就因为乳房发育差点想自杀,还以为自己不正常,生生被这件事折磨了2年多。 ”“由此可见,青春期性教育课程太有必要了。 ”宿秀兰说,青春期性教育越早越好,小学三四年级或四五年级就应该开始了,不能等到发育时再告诉孩子们,其实那已经晚了。

a,The headmaster of the school to sit in on SuXiuLan class.When she heard about the boy breast will development,Meanwhile also swelling hair when pain,Excitedly patted thigh.The headmaster is greater than her age,Afterwards she said with:"oh,You say that time let's dork,I because of mammary development almost want to commit suicide,Think you don't normal,Circle was this torture the more than two years. ""Thus it can be seen,Adolescent sex education curriculum is too important. "SuXiuLan said,Adolescent sex education the sooner, the better,Three or four primary school grade or four or five grade should be started,Can't wait for development to tell the children,In fact it is late.


 初中生为情自残后走出误区 Junior high school student in love after self-mutilation out of misunderstanding


retired,SuXiuLan face more than restart wage 4-5 times the opportunity,Still resolutely chose to restart - she won't put down the grope carried out more than 10 years of adolescent education and students.

  一个女同学在日记中写道:因相貌平平,在同学中低人一头。宿秀兰在评语中写道:“人不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。希望你能悟出其中的道理。 ”结果,就因为这一句话的鼓励,半年后,女同学被选为班长,并在年级首批加入共青团。

A female classmate wrote in his diary:Because of the plain,Students in middle and lower a person a head.SuXiuLan wrote in the comments:"Man is not because of beautiful and lovely,But because lovely is beautiful.I hope you can realize the truth. "The results,Because there is a word of encouragement,After six months,Female classmate was elected monitor,And in the first grade to join the communist youth league.


There is a girl like a boy in the class,But the other side to ignore her,For this girl with glass cut wrist……Girls and boys therefore are very pain,Find the SuXiuLan quietly.SuXiuLan respectively do the work of two,With them more than a year,Finally both smooth with excellent grades to high school.


如遭侵犯切记紧急避孕 Such as encroached remember emergency contraception

  针对青春期的教育目前在我国家庭、社会、学校中仍存在差距和不少问题,宿秀兰心急如焚。“我们曾做过调查,每年都有初中生、高中生到医院去做流产,太令人伤心了。 ”

For adolescent education at present in our family/social/The school still exist in the gap and many problems,SuXiuLan worried."We have made investigation,Every year, junior high school student/High school students went to the hospital for abortion,It's really sad. "


SuXiuLan said,The most to her aching a answer is a 12 years old girl asking questions:"grandma,You said let's strictly abide by the sexual ethics,But if we violated?""The only way is to emergency contraception!"SuXiuLan said,In the reality and difficult problem before,She feel unspeakably love dearly.

  以往避孕知识是讲给成人听的,在青少年当中被视为不宜的禁区。但在良莠混杂的性信息面前,如何减少青少年受到的伤害,是目前所有家长、老师的责任。要坚持把避孕知识和方法告诉少男少女们,特别是女生。 记者刘坤相关链接

Previous contraceptive knowledge is speak to adult to hear,In adolescents from be regarded as unfavorable the box.But in LiangYou promiscuous sexual before information,How to cut down on teen hurts,Is at present all parents/The teacher's responsibility.You must keep on contraceptive knowledge and way to tell the boys and girls,Especially the girl. Reporter Yang ch relevant link


撰写四万字指导书籍 Write a statement of about forty thousand words guide books

  宿秀兰如今在葵英街道智仁社区开办的青春阳光工作室常年开展青春期性教育;并担任多个学校的辅导员;编写了四万多字的《青少年异性交往指南》一书;20年来做义务讲座1500余场。国家计生委曾对宿秀兰的青春期教育工作的评价是:“工作方向正确、方法灵活实效,应向全国推广。 ”

SuXiuLan now in kwai British streets offered ZhiRen community youth sunshine studio perennial in adolescent sex education;And as more school counselor;Write more than forty thousand words[Teenagers heterosexual contacts guide]book;20 years compulsory lecture do more than 1500 field.The national population and SuXiuLan have adolescent education work of the evaluation is:"Working in the right direction/The flexible methods of actual effect,Should be popularized to the whole country. "
