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北大校友组织教师节茶话会 近百位退休老师参加--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  2012年9月9日上午,北京大学生命科学学院举办了一场别开生面的“谢师恩”茶话会。 有八十六位生科院的退休老师参加了茶话会,众多多校友和志愿者同学来到现场向老师们表达节日的祝福。此次茶话会是由北大生科院的“校友尊师基金”主办,北京大学生命科学学院承办。

On September 9, 2012 in the morning,Beijing university college of life science held an entirely new"Thank ShiEn"Tea party. There are eighty-six life science college retired teacher took part in the tea party,Many more students and alumni volunteers came to the scene to the teachers to express holiday blessing.The tea party by Peking University institute of the biotech"Alumni teacher fund"host,Beijing university college of life science undertaking.


  感恩红地毯 温馨回忆墙 Thanksgiving red carpet sweet memories wall

   八时三十分许,退休老师们陆续到场。 映入眼帘的是一幅对联,上书“育才兴邦创千秋伟业,尊师重教树时代新风”,横批“春华秋实”。伴随着悠扬的音乐,踏着鲜红的地毯,老师们走过彩色气球编织的拱门,校友和志愿者同学为每一位老师送上一枝美丽的康乃馨。 在校友和志愿者引导下,老师们沿着红地毯缓缓走向签到台,在留言薄上留言。 签到台旁的布告栏上的是旧时老师与学生们的照片,那些流金岁月引起退休老师与校友昔日的点滴回忆,大家纷纷在主题墙处合影留念,幸福的笑容洋溢在老师们的脸上。

8 am three very many,Retired teachers present in succession. View is a couplet,Submits a"Yucai development and vista,Respecting tree age fresh air",Horizontal batch"The literary attainment and moral cultivation".With melodious music,Stepping down the red carpet,Teachers through colorful balloons weaving arch,Alumni and volunteer students for each teacher to a beautiful carnations. In the alumni and guided by volunteers,Teachers along the red carpet slowly to sign in Taiwan,In a message on the messageboard. Sign in Taiwan by the notice on the bulletin board is old teachers and students' photos,The time of your life cause retired teachers and alumni in former days the intravenous drip recollection,We are in the thematic wall place photo as a souvenir,With happy smile in the face of the teachers.

  畅谈忆往事 鸿雁传书谢师恩 Talk about have past mail a letter xie ShiEn

   九时整, 茶话会正式开始,报告厅里播放了“校友尊师基金”在过去一年里慰问有重病的老师、为老师祝八十大寿、以及参与退休老师新年团拜等的活动画面。 尊师基金的执委会代表徐勇与生命科学学院党委书记柴真代表海内外的全体校友向退休老师表达了关心和节日的问候。 简短的欢迎仪式结束后,在校友和志愿者引导下,老师们来在阳光大厅集体合影留念,老师们虽然都年事已高,但在镜头面前都露出了自己最美的笑容。

At the whole, The tea party begin,The report hall aired"Alumni teacher fund"In the past year have serious illness to the teacher/For the teacher's eightieth birthday wish/And to participate in the New Year celebration, its all about retired teacher activities picture. Teacher fund committee on behalf of the college of life science XuYong and secretary of the party committee wood true representative of both at home and abroad all the alumni to retired teachers expressed concern and greetings. A brief welcome after the ceremony,In the alumni and guided by volunteers,The teachers come in the sunshine hall pose for a group photo,Teachers although all his old age,But in front of the camera all reveal the most beautiful smile.

  合影之后,基金会的工作人员为老师们精心准备了水果、点心、茶水,老师们围桌而坐,边吃边聊。他们大多都是曾经的同事,而退休之后也很少有机会坐在一起聊天,今天趁着这难得的机会,老师们在一起回忆过往的日子。 在老师们聊天的时候,基金会的负责人为老师们送上精心准备的节日礼物—-放大镜和印有每个老师姓名的贺卡,礼物不算贵重,但是却体现着对于老师们的体贴和理解,在场的老师也都十分的感动。

Group photo after,The foundation's staff for the teachers carefully prepared fruit/snacks/tea,The teacher handed and sit,Chat while we eat.Most of them are ever colleagues,And after retirement rarely have the opportunity to sit together to chat,Today under the cover of this rare opportunity,Teachers together memories of the past days. In the teachers chat of time,The head of the foundation for the teachers to elaborate holiday gift - with a magnifying glass and each teacher name CARDS,Isn't expensive gift,But embodies the teachers for the thoughtful and understanding,The teachers are very moved.

  在老师们聊天期间,主持人大声宣读了来自国内外众多校友对于老师们的祝福话语,这些祝福都是教师节之前几周,尊师基金会向海内外的校友征集来的。一句句问候,都蕴含着昔日的学子对于老师们的感激以及对老师们未来的美好祝福。 一些老师流下了感动的泪水,一些老师拉着校友和志愿者同学人员的手直问,“这是哪一级的学生,他现在哪里工作?”

In the teachers during the chat,Read aloud the host from domestic and international numerous alumni for teachers blessing words,These wishes are teacher's day a few weeks before,Teacher foundation alumni from home and abroad to come for.YiGouGou greetings,All contains the former students for teachers gratitude to the teachers and the good wishes of the future. Some teachers began the touched tears,Some teachers took the alumni and volunteer students staff hand straight asked,"This is the level to which the students,He is now where work?"


11:In,,Tea party in a happy atmosphere end,The teachers are still immersed in this moment of time meet,Many teachers say tea party activity again let them feel the happy as a teacher,Also said in the future have such activities still to attend.Several alumni and separate drive will be several action inconvenience teacher sent back to home.

  正如此次茶话会邀请函中所述“时光荏苒,数载匆匆,未名湖畔杨柳依旧绿,授业恩师两鬓悄然白。”尽管现在的他(她)们已经白发苍苍,但他(她)们永远是校友眼中最敬爱的老师。 现场来探望老师的62级校友何大澄教授非常感动,他称“尊师基金”举办这个茶话会,给退休老师们带来的最为重要的是精神和文化层面的抚慰与关爱,让退休老师们过了一个非常有意义的教师节, 也展现和发扬了北大人树立社会积极风尚的精神传承。

As stated in the tea party invitations"Time flies,Several years in a hurry,WeiMing lake willows are still green,Lesson teacher quietly white temples."Although he now(she)Are already white-haired,But he(she)Forever is the alumni eyes most respected teacher. Site to visit the teacher's class 62 alumni HeDaCheng professor very touched,He says"Teacher fund"Hold the tea party,To retired teachers to bring the most important is the spiritual and cultural levels of comfort and love,Let retired teachers had a very meaningful teachers' day, Also show and develop the north people set up the social positive fashion spirit heritage.

  校友尊师基金是由北大生命科学学院(原生物系)1985级十三位校友首先倡议并由更多的热心校友共同参与于2011年教师节设立,这是北京大学第一个由校友发起的专门关注和关爱退休老师的民间专项公益基金。目前尊师基金已经收到近百位生科院毕业校友的捐赠,尊师基金衷心希望将一众校友之爱心传递给那些当年为我们兢兢业业付出的退休老师们。 这次茶话会活动作为尊师基金的年度活动,向海内外的生科院校友传递了基金代表毕业校友关爱退休教师的信息,希望更多的校友以各种方式支持和参与“尊师基金”- 网址:www.pku-bio.org 。

Alumni teacher fund by Peking University college of life science(Original the living creature fasten)Thirteen level 1985 alumni first initiative and the more enthusiastic participation alumni in 2011 set up teachers' day,This is Beijing university first launched by alumni special attention and care for retired teacher's folk special public welfare fund.At present teacher fund has received nearly bit life science college alumni graduated from donations,Teacher fund sincerely hope that all the alumni of a pass love to those who pay for our cautious and conscientious retired teachers. The tea party activity as teacher fund annual event,Both at home and abroad to the birth of science college alumni transfer the funds on behalf of the graduation alumni love retired teacher information,Hope that more alumni in various ways to support and participation"Teacher fund"- web site:www.pku-bio.org .
