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高校海归教师因穿衣过于时尚被学生要求换人 课堂上的陈志林。 ChenZhiLin in the classroom.


调查 survey


问:成教老师爱打扮,讲课不按课本内容教,你会喜欢吗 ask:Education teacher love dress up,Lecture not according to the textbook content to teach,Would you like it


答: a:


时尚老师爱打扮,学生要弹劾他 The teacher love fashion dress,Students to impeach him


这才开学,主城一高校的学生就反映:无法接受陈志林老师的时尚范儿,要求换人 This just opening,A city of college students can be reflected:Can't accept ChenZhiLin teacher fashion lun namely model,Requirements substitution


Pay attention to image/Dress fashion/Class not scripted……In the eyes of students,25 ChenZhiLin is a real fashion teachers.But the fashion and not every student"Show respect for".


These two days,ChenZhiLin in micro blog complain on September 6, just opening,Leadership call said,To continue education college clothing professional part of students reflect,They can't accept ChenZhiLin fashion lun namely model,Want to change the teacher.ChenZhiLin joked:"I am lying in gun."


时尚教师衣服从不重样 Fashion teacher clothes never weigh appearance


Armani gray short sleeve T-shirt/White pants of the cultivate one's morality,Herms belt/The orange doug TODS shoes/Prada green bag……Yesterday morning,ChenZhiLin although he was not in a good mood,Or a makeover,Before going out, don't forget to spray on a bit herms earth fragrance,On a pair of Gucci glasses.


ChenZhiLin 5 years study in the UK,In Britain the east London university under attack a master's degree in psychology.In 2011,,A university to continue education college external him as English teacher,Responsible for aviation professional and garment specialty.


Has the application of graduate students majoring in psychology ChenQin fly memories,The first ChenZhiLin walked into the classroom,The whole class is startled:"The first time I saw dress up so tide of male teacher!"In the next year together,ChenQin fly is surprised,Weekly class,ChenZhiLin never through the same beverage clothes!


In addition to the dress fashion,Easy-going personality/Sharp fashion language,Also let him and students become one.Aviation professional students JiaYuTing said,ChenZhiLin often in micro bo send my photos on selling sprout,Often and students interaction,As time passes became good friends,Students never shout his teacher,Call him"Chi Lin brother".


ChenZhiLin class like to tell some things outside the classroom,Often in the classroom organization situational dialogues,Request everybody to ideas,Inspire students' thinking ability."Because of the classroom easily/Interaction more,Students skip classes less."


太时尚,有学生不买账 Too fashionable,Have students not buy it


On the afternoon of December 6 1:47,"Chi Lin brother"Update micro bo complain:"Just got into ce (ece) teach discipline telephone,Said I was the class children to the complaint,They thought I class dress up too fashion,Lecture not in strict accordance with the textbook knowledge……Hearing the news,I have no language……"


Then with a he in this class photos.Part of the net friend replied,The teacher should listen to the opinions of the students,With the requirements of the students give priority to.


"Comfort group"in,Once taught a lot of students are running message support him."@ HuRunZe"said:"Students may education purpose is to pass the exam!Give them added may they feel no need to"……


In reply ChenZhiLin also made clear,"I just hope to build their knowledge,Let them not to be a bookworm.I always want to teach them some really useful things."

  陈志林一直觉得自己和学生打成一片,无话不说。陈志林说,7日一整天,他都在家休息,因为心里堵得慌,粒饭未进。(记者 王婷婷)

ChenZhiLin always feel and students become one,No words don't say.ChenZhiLin said,7 all day,He is resting at home,Because heart block have to panic,Grain of rice not into.(Reporter WangTingTing)


校方回应 Response to the school


他的授课方式不合适 His teaching methods don't fit


The continue education college officials say,Students want to change the teacher's main reason is they study objective to take the diploma,ChenZhiLin added extracurricular knowledge on exam without too much help,Students worry can't pass the exam.


Of course,Students also mention the teacher too fashionable dress up and delicious water problem,But in the teacher is done not have how old relation.This person in charge said,For the teacher's dress,The school did not strictly required.


(Chongqing morning paper)
