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混大学带来太多遗憾 80后新生赵俊再读一次大学--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  今年27岁,赵俊再一次迈入了大学校园,成为华东交通大学的一名大一新生,和其他新生不一样的是,他已经拥有了一张某名牌大学的本科毕业证书。 This year 27 years old,3th again entered the university campus,Become east China jiaotong university as a freshman,And other new is different,He had a zhang famous university undergraduate course graduation certificate.


上了大学就等于解放了吗 The university is equal to liberation


Seven years ago,ZhaoJunYi excellent results are eligible for the domestic a famous university.The university relaxed environment,Let ZhaoJunYou the"The university is liberated"illusion.79:1413 said,At that time he self-control is relatively weak,Do not do meet the title of lay aside to give up,Won't do topic is piling up,This has not high interest in learning is Internet cafe/Wine field kill out.


In the net bar all night on the Internet,Two or three days not back to the bedroom...In the network lost 79:1413 performance decline gradually,A lot of course have lit up the red light.But he still chose to escape,Continue to use network anesthesia himself."In fact I myself to this kind of life also feel pain!"79:1413 said,College counselors have a very good relationship with him,But no matter how hard the teacher,All can't let him get rid of the situation."Until now,He is my special respected teacher."


finally"struggle"By 2009,3th to his undergraduate course graduation certificate.With a diploma,But he always feel oneself still didn't graduate."University four years in the drone,Muddle along,Didn't even know their strengths and weaknesses??? What??!That's graduation!?"He laugh at himself.


混大学给自己带来太多遗憾 Mixed university bring you too much regret


After graduation,3th had a"Return fairly good"work.work,3th found own aspect of knowledge is very narrow,This let he often feel"Very self-abased".

  “4年的大学过得太颓废,留下了太多的遗憾。这种感觉在工作期间变得越发强烈。” 赵俊坦言,找一份工作对他而言并不是什么问题,但4年大学生活的两手空空,是他始终放不下的一个心结。

"Four years of college have too decadent,Left too much regret.This feeling in the course of work becomes more intense." 79:1413 said,Looking for a job for him and not what is the problem,But four years of university life empty handed,Is he always can not let go of a heart.


"My college shouldn't spend it,My life can't hold sorry to go on."so,3th heart initiation of the exam again the idea of university.


In order to cram school knowledge,He is out of work part-time do a tutor,In the teaching at the same time find the feeling of learning.Two years later,after"thoughtful"He made up his mind to give up work,To a middle school followed a group of 90 devote yourself to review the reference appendix.Not that he expected,The decision by the friend,Especially for parents opposition.

  “那个时候跟家人闹得很僵,我最好的朋友也说我是精神病。” 赵俊的朋友中有的已为人父,而他却要再读一次大学,这在熟识他的人眼中,无疑是一件匪夷所思的事情。

"That time with your family make very stiff,My best friend also say I am psychosis." 3th friends some already for father,And he will read an university,In this familiar with his eyes,No doubt is a fantastic things.


In order to let the son"Live a normal life",3th parents also had a lot of time,"Light to put up to 10 times".Said with a ZhaoJunXiao,Some are let his heart girl,But he declined one.

  补习的一年,赵俊坚持每天早晨6点钟起床“吼英语”,学习到很晚才休息。“我必须给自己的过去一个交代!” 靠着这股倔劲儿,2012年7月,他如愿收到了来自华东交通大学的录取通知书。

Remediation year,3th adhere to get up at 6 o 'clock every morning"Roar English",Learning to rest very late."I must give his past a replacement!" By the stubborn strength,In July 2012,He get received from east China jiaotong university admission notice.


这一次,一定要真正读一回大学 This time,Must really read once university


That son again admitted to the university,3th parents also were his persistent touched,Attitude change gradually,He began to support the school at ease learning,Friends have also brought the blessing.


"The last university,Can't count as graduation.Only to work hard themselves,Flow sweat/Some blood flow,Something is graduation."Get the admission notice, 3th,Excited to five days ahead arrived at the school report.Arrived at school the next day,He would get up early,"roar"The best part of English."I feel,Now is the real start reading!"


Two years of work experience, 3th let to have a clear understanding of the importance of learning.Take the new textbooks of that night,He alone came to study room preview."May: we haven't found top self-study can also be so happy,Let people's mind,Every day there are harvesting and progress of the feeling is very good."Said with a ZhaoJunXiao.


"If he don't say he is born in the year of 1985,We thought he was after 90?."In the bedroom,79:1413 roommate and harmonious happy,No generation gap.Looking at nearby smaller than oneself nearly 10 years old roommate,3th regrets ground say,All the way walk till now,Really not easy."For this step,I gave up too much.But I also lucky!"79:1413 said,This time,He will cherish opportunity,Give yourself and parents a replacement,"The same as a man to face,No longer choose to escape life,A real college life."

  Unknows come from knows,to be the one,finally to be there!(未知来自已知,做真正的自己!)这是赵俊的QQ签名,也是他4年努力的方向。大学4年不能挂科,获得二等以上奖学金,考取研究生,大学期间创业赚钱,争取出国……赵俊不仅为即将展开的大学学业做了详细的规划,还计划在4年里阅读大量的书籍,并多参加一些课外活动,开阔视野、培养能力、提升涵养。“大学,可不仅仅是专业的学习。”

Unknows come from knows,To be the one,Finally to be there!(Unknown from known,Do the true self!)This is the 3th QQ signature,Is he four years of effort.University four years cannot be hanged division,Get more than second class scholarship,Admitted to graduate,During the university business to make money,To go abroad...3th not only for the expansion of university made detailed planning,Also plans in 4 years to read a lot of books,And a little more involved in extracurricular activities,The open field of vision/Cultivating ability/Ascension self-restraint."university,But is not only a professional learning."

  “过去的经历是一笔财富。” 赵俊说,长大付出的代价让他明白了自己想要什么、应该怎么做,而现在的他,也正以乐观的心态,积极迎接新的挑战。

"The experience of the past is a wealth." 79:1413 said,Grow up costs let him see what you want/Should do,Now he,Are also optimistic state of mind,Actively to meet new challenges.
