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14岁男孩被老师批评“太花了” 愤而跳楼受重伤--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The child cerebral hemorrhage/The body more fractures,There is no danger


Experts say,Don't easily give children wear"Early love"hat


On September fourteenth evening,JinDong area reader Mr Qin call our newspaper[Middle of zhejiang city things]Hotline 0579-89111111:


My son small lei(alias)In lake junior middle school reading,5 p.m. about 40 minutes,I got the teacher in charge telephone,To say to want to seek me conversation.The teacher in front of face,Said my son"Too spent".later,My son unexpectedly from the third floor jumped down,Was badly injured.


因为老师一句“你太花了”,男孩从三楼跳下 Because the teacher a"You are too spent",The boy jumped from the third floor


Intensive care in jinhua center hospital,Small lei lying in bed moan,Mouth are blood,Feet have bloated,Surrounded by family is sad face.


Mr Qin home so a only child,14 years old this year,In lake junior middle school reading,His teacher in charge Yang.


"Small lei peacetime result is good,Character is also very optimistic positive,Although sometimes a little naughty,But still calculate for the teacher like."Aside relatives said.


"Afternoon class teacher Yang teacher told me to go to school,Said he and female classmate relation close.At that time,Also in the presence of my face blame the child a‘You are too spent’."Qin says Mr,Small lei strong self-respect,The teacher the other words too heavy,"A terrible shock to him."


The teacher and Mr Qin finished talking out,Mr Qin also ready to call up the son home,"He said that he would go to the bathroom,I was in situ wait for him."


It wasn't long before,QinXian suddenly heard the voice of the son of appear downstairs,Sounds quite painful.


"He was lying on the ground,Face is blood."Mr Qin downstairs,Just know son unexpectedly from building three floor jumped down,"I immediately to Yang the teacher make a phone call,She incredibly don't pick."


老师:小磊和女同学过于亲密,才说他“太花了” The teacher:Small lei and female classmate too close,Just say that he"Too spent"


In the hospital,Reporters saw the little lei teacher in charge teacher Yang.She keep in the bedside,With apologies to the small lei said:"Is a teacher is bad,Didn't care enough about you,Usually the teacher all kua you are a man,The teacher like you the student,What is the relationship between criticism."


Yang said the teacher,Since last year,Small lei and female classmate appear too intimate behavior,Find symptom and parents said.The start of this year,Class realignment,Two points to the different class.


"but,In the new class,There is a beautiful female classmate,He and that female classmate and close,At that time and his father explained the situation,For students to make mistakes,My mood is not good,Really said no good words."Yang said the teacher.


As for don't answer the phone,Yang teacher's explanation is,"At that time in the car."Back to home, such as,Know what happened,She was the first time to the hospital.


For small lei accident,Yang the teacher felt very guilty.


最新进展:小磊目前无生命危险,将择日做手术 The latest progress:Small lei at present not life-threatening,Will next surgery


Many lake junior high school principal assistant leaf teacher said,Out of such a thing,Schools feel awful,The school will strengthen the teacher in charge's education,Remind them doing students work should pay attention to methods.


Leaf teacher said,"We will cooperate fully with the parents/hospital,Do children's rescue work."


The diagnosis,Small lei body fractures,Have cerebral hemorrhage symptoms.


yesterday,Reporters from the hospital to understand,The child has been out of danger,Is still in the observation period.


"The doctor said,The child brain hemorrhage,Want to wait for a circumstance better surgery again."Mr Qin said the red eyes.


专家:别轻易给孩子扣上“早恋”的帽子 experts:Don't give the child on the button"Early love"hat


Jinhua second hospital dean/Spiritual psychology experts ZhangZaiFu:In adolescence,Boys and girls close relationship,This is the very normal matter.In this special period,Teachers and parents to put students friendship and distinguish puppy love,Do not easily give them on the button"Early love"hat.


This happen to,Teachers and parents don't initiative to"Crush the layer window paper",Don't too nervous,Give him enough time and space,Believe that children in the growth process is able to handle their good.


Now the children have a strong self-esteem,For education should pay attention to when method,Don't be positive to criticize.


The right way is:To strengthen the psychological and physiological aspects of children education and popularization,Let them know that,What age paragraph should do??????,Guide the children should be how to deal with learning outside of the interpersonal relationship.If really appear early love tendency,On psychological counseling,When necessary consulting psychological doctor.


In a word,Teachers and parents if you can put yourself in the shoes for children,To understand their feelings and needs,It is not that difficult.

  本报记者 张姮

Our newspaper reporter zhang Heng

  实习生 冯梦哲/文

Interns FengMengZhe/text

  特约记者 葛跃进/摄

Stringer GeYueJin/taken
