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  扬子晚报网讯 (记者 李冲)网络时代,信息传播飞快。同时,各种网络小段子在或真或假的传闻基础上按照人们的喜好进行再加工并传播。久而久之,有些流言的真假无法辨别。这可怎么办呢?对于自然科学类的传闻,可以通过科学实验或者公式推导等方法辨真伪。那么,人文方面的流言怎么办?近日,复旦大学毕业生吴恒成立了一个“流言研究中心”,他决定“招兵募马”来做这件有趣的事建立怀疑论者的家园,这一举动吸引了众多网友前来捧场。

Yangzi evening news net news (Reporter LiChong)Network times,Information spread fast.At the same time,Various network pee in or true or false rumours basis according to people's preferences reprocessing and spread.As time passes,Some gossip could not identify the true and false.This can do?For natural science class hearsay,Can through the scientific experiments or formula derivation method distinguishes the authenticity.so,Human aspects of the gossip?recently,Fudan university graduates WuHeng established a"Rumors research center",He decided to"Recruiting offering horse"To do the interesting things to establish sceptics homes,The move has attracted numerous net friend to come to pay tribute.


发招募帖 传授流言鉴别方法 Hair recruiting post teach rumors identification method


recently,WuHeng monitors in others the personal space,Issued a peer recruiting post,Want to and a group of interesting people do an interesting thing.He said in recruiting for,Not gossip rumors,Only when"gossip"When was proved to be false is a rumor.Confirm or falsification of the processes need to rely on fact and logic,So I hope collect a group of high quality articles,Let readers to master the thinking,From give fish to give fish.


"On the analysis of the rumors,My favorite is the Discovery channel‘Rumors the terminator’,The way they treat gossip is to design a scientific experiment direct validation,Actions speak louder than words.But the fruit shell network‘Rumor mill’Is also very convincing,But it is more a through the public/The paper to inference."WuHeng in recruiting article said,The two are convincing,But the only fly in the ointment was,Attention was in natural science knowledge in again,But to the humanities knowledge"gossip"Enough attention.Natural scientific conclusions can be final,For example"The earth moves round the sun",A counter attack after will never questioned,And humanistic knowledge for difficult to scene again,So it is difficult to have consensus.so,He wants to build a web site,Mainly located in the attention of the humanities knowledge"gossip".


重视过程 网站提供流言“侦破”思路 Pay attention to process web site provides gossip"detected"ideas


Yangzi evening news reporter in renren everybody way station/Micro blog as well as their own web site to see,this"Rumors research center"Show out various analysis methods.


Micro bo has such a joke,Be a lot of people attention and forwarding."@ the high wall:In today's press conference,Prime minister answers a Japanese journalists' questions after said to him:‘Bother you with your fellow say a sound,Diaoyu islands is China's’.Japanese journalist said:‘At least in geography,Diaoyu islands from Japan more nearly’.Prime minister said simply:‘geographically,Japan from China is also very close.’"Japanese journalist cold sweat faces with,The quiet for a while and then a round of applause.so,The fact is that so?And see the train of thought of gossip analysis:


Rumors analysis center reprint a analysis this paper,The said:"This is an old bottled new wine of the joke,Of false rumors,Very easy to verify.In that day GaiTie released,On September 17, 2012,Prime minister didn't press conference."While the adapted from about deng xiaoping's joke:In 1987, the former President of the Philippines, met the deng xiaoping about the nansha sovereignty problem statement.so,In 1987,The thing is real?Analysts after mining historical data,Found that although the widely used,But the first source also not indicate the sources of its historical data.At the same time,Analysts also pointed out that the joke itself all kinds of holes,For example,In 1987, Philippine President did not visit, etc.


In addition,There are all kinds of other rumors,Whether true bogus,Will put out,Give everyone is discussed.In renren and micro blog,Net friend to these confuse their long rumors finally"Uncover the truth"And get.Someone said,After had ever seen,Also won't consider the question,Now that I think about it,Many unproved joke originally can also authenticity is derived,Really good.WuHeng in these web site said,Web site is not to destroy gossip,But trying to explore a kind of thought to tell the true from the false.Perhaps conclusion does not rely on spectrum,But the analysis process is to rely on the spectrum.


关注食品安全 更想将精神垃圾“掷出窗外 Focus on food safety will more want to spiritual rubbish"Throw out the window"


yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporters came to the site WuHeng creator,He this year 27 years old,Just last month from fudan university graduation.Before this,He founded the"Throw out the window and"Pay attention to food safety problems,Draw many media favour.He told reporters,About six months ago will want to do this project,The original plan is to make before graduation,As your own graduation gift,But then very accidental reasons"Throw out the window"To be concerned,In view of energy co., LTD.,,Had to postpone plans.


September 16,,Take an examination after the toefl,WuHeng see a lot of people don't rational hit the car move,Think not drag on,WuHeng told reporters:"I decided to no longer in the center of gravity‘Throw out the window and’,No longer in food safety,Because the spirit of the trench oil than real trench oil more harmful."so,He wanted to collect like-minded people together,Establish rumors research center,The spirit of garbage"Throw out the window",Learn to think independently.


WuHeng to yangzi evening news reporters,In their own to recruit personnel news after release,In just one day,More than seven hundred people have response."These people will be divided into two dial the,Some people responsible for collecting the high quality deny this article,Some people responsible for writing.Gradually let people understand rumors analysis methods."


WuHeng now has begun to work,He told reporters the site early development to abstract give priority to,More for transfer,But also welcome contribution,Mature behind with original give priority to,And have a high quality reply."let‘rumors’Crack is not higher intelligence quotient (IQ),But more and more information.Hope this website can become a skeptic homes."WuHeng say this to the reporter.


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吴恒和他的“掷出窗外网” WuHeng and his"Throw out the window and"


Defenestration network,Is a toxic food warning web site,By fudan university graduate WuHeng joint 34 network volunteers to create,In 2012 online,In May 2012 leap up is red network,Caused great repercussions.Online can query to since 2004,All parts of the country of the poisonous and harmful food record,Article 3000 the number.Due to the huge traffic,This website in on May 3, 2012 appeared temporarily collapse phenomenon.Website slogan:In the face of the food safety crisis,You have to approach.


"Throw out the window"Founder of the website/Fudan university history geography research center master graduate student WuHeng is hubei jingmen people,2007 from wuhan university, fudan university graduate students admitted to read.


Material from the interaction
