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老虎机藏身杂货店 南安初中生半月输掉4000元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

老虎机藏身杂货店 南安初中生半月输掉4000元 南安水头一农贸市场的杂货店内藏有老虎机,常吸引中学生前去赌博 Nanan head a farmer's market in the grocery store with slot machines,High school students often attract to gambling

  新华网讯 刚开学上初三了,16岁的小军却有点反常,不仅老跟家里要钱,老师也说他上课没精神。妈妈张女士多次追问无果,在一次偷偷地跟踪中才发现,儿子迷上了老虎机,半个月竟输掉4000元。

Xinhuanet just opening on the third day,16 the small army was a little bit bizarre,Not only old with home for money,The teacher also said he didn't spirit in class.Mother ms. Zhang interrogation without answer many times,In a secretly in tracking discovered,Son fan on the machine,Half a month have lost 4000 yuan.


yesterday(17),Nanan head ms. Zhang call our hotline on 968111,She said,Although son promised not to bet,But this is open from the son school is only 100 meters far machine shop,Always let people don't trust.Yesterday afternoon,Nanan head police station DuanDiao the machine shop,Take away the shopkeeper CengMou.At present,The case is still in further investigation.


母亲:儿子想着法要钱 一路跟踪探究竟 mother:Son thinking method for money followed what agent


Ms. Zhang said,Son in head a middle school study,In September this year since the new term,Total to home in a way for money,The teacher said reflect,Son is always absent-minded in class.She often ask son how,But the son what also not to say,She felt very strange.


The night before last(16)More than 6,Son to eat a meal out from home,Ms. Zhang is behind quietly tracking,The results showed that son came to the southeast of the farmer's market a grocery store,There are two sets of slot machines.A small army into the shop and a few students play slots.


Know the truth ms. Zhang is very angry.Stay home,She and her husband pressed together son,Son finally admitted that,He in the machine shop gambling already the half to month,A total of $4000 to lose.


After the discovery of,Small army guarantee with their parents,Later won't bet.But ms. Zhang not trust,She said machine shop is next to the school,Not only do harm to her son,Will also hurt the other students,So she decided to ask our reflect it.


儿子:同班同学相邀 赌到没钱才肯回家 son:Classmate phase invited bet to have no money before they would go home


Small army said,At the beginning of the start of this year a day at noon,With his theory will take him to go to a very good place to have fun.He went southeast farmers markets,In the grocery store with my classmates played the slot machines.At noon that day,He won 10 yuan,Think slot machines is exciting.


Since then,He often on while at school,Students to play with,Every time you want to play more than one hour,Until the money of the body lose light didn't leave,The less a lose 40 yuan,, a lost 6700 yuan.He therefore owe the classmate 3000 yuan debt,The others are the parents to the pocket money.


Small army said,Lose money after,He felt unable to turn to their parents replacement,Want to win back the money,But yied doj yied saw lose,The lose more.According to the small army memories,Usually there gambling students at least three or four,Much when have a dozen,Are all wear uniforms,Near is middle school students.


探访:6小孩边赌边叫 店主当天被带走 visit:Six children side bet edge that the shopkeeper was taken on the day


Yesterday afternoon 1 half hui,The reporter comes to small army said the grocery store,Found two table machine,There are six high school students like children.They are very skilful operation of the machine,From time to time, the cry of the excitement out,See a store is a middle-aged woman, dressed in a black dress.


A nearby city boss revealed to reporters,Come here to gambling children,Most are near school students.Every noon and afternoon after school,On Saturday and Sunday,Children love to run here.According to his understanding,Some children here one day have to lose a few hundred dollars.


Reporter then alarm,Nanan public security bureau police rushed to the scene of the police station head when,The children had left,2 sets of slots on the spot be confiscated,See a store of middle-aged women were captured,Name had,Is nanan people.


Handling police say,In accordance with the relevant regulations,School peripheral within 200 meters shall not be operated Internet cafe and entertainment such as game hall.For gambling sites near the school,Once found,Will be in strict accordance with processing.


专家:结交上进的朋友 帮孩子树立理想 experts:Make aspirant friend help children establish ideal


16 years old children indulge in the game gambling,do?Quanzhou city education system closes working committee member of Mr. ZhuangZhenWei this said,The first,16 years old children are in adolescence,And its students/Playmates is easy to influence each other,As parents and teachers,Can help him away from former playmate,Encourage him to make active new partner.The second,Parents who want their children to be legal education,Combined with some real cases,Let the child understand the dangers of gambling,Set up the consciousness of from gaming.The third,Parents to give children pocket money,Pay attention to where the money,Pay more attention to the child usual,Prevent children access gambling sites.In addition,Through the help children establish ideal,Achieve ideal,Avoid children have too much time into the empty.
