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大学生遭遇尴尬“窃水案” 偷水不偷瓶盗亦有道--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  放在开水房门外的开水瓶被偷,是令不少大学生感到头疼的一个问题。可湖北大学研究生小徐前天的经历却让人有些啼笑皆非:傍晚打瓶开水放在开水房外,晚上回来一看,水瓶还在,开水却没了。 In the boiling water outside the door open bottle was stolen,It is to make a lot of college students feel headache of a problem.Can hubei university graduate student small xu the day before yesterday experience but let person some funny:The evening dozen bottles of water in water outside the room,A look back this evening,Aquarius is still in,Boiled water but not the.


偷水不偷瓶 盗亦有道 Steal water don't steal bottle dog does not eat dog


"But I first met someone steal water don't steal bottle of."Small xu told reporters,He is lake big life academy of sciences graduate student.The night before last at about 5 after supper,He carry open bottle to booth played a bottle of water.Considering that night to go to the laboratory experiment,He put the bottle in the booth at the entrance of the gate of the side of the road,Planning on the evening from laboratory back,To come to take it back to the bedroom.


Make small xu thought is,Four hours later he come back to take when open bottle,Find the bottle had already empty."At that time I be scared.Only heard of take time off open bottle/Or even the bottle with water to take away,Haven't seen such a stolen boiled water and leave the bottle.This is the‘Dog does not eat dog’??"He again spirit again funny to say,When booth had closed,Helpless under,He had to get around by water bath.


Xiao xu's"shocking"Encounter was roommate hair to micro blog,Soon drew not a few net friend"Vomit tank".Reporter discovery,The original and he has the same experience there.Net friend"Burning it in treasure treasure gas watermelon sister"and"Crazy girl LeEr"say,During college,I have being"Simple to have stolen the boiled water".


防盗有高招 道高一丈 Guard against theft have silver bullet DaoGaoYiZhang


Two cents a bottle of boiled water also someone steal?According to xu analysis,School boiled water room 5 to 7 30 points may be to provide students with boiled water,Some may miss time didn't play to water,To make up even think about it,"conveniently"DaoZou himself in the bottle of boiled water."No matter how,This kind of behavior has caused my inconvenience,Is an outrage."He said.


According to reporter understanding,Many college students like to keep their open bottle directly on the boiled water room outer convenient access,And even the bottle with water vanish from sight events often take place/scout.In 2011,,Wuhan textile university students"ShiTouRen"Because of their classmates and several bottle in a month were stolen in,Angry with the writings in classical style to write down the words[Champion who secretly bottle book],Posted on the bulletin board in the campus.Both students to steal open bottle behavior of the scourge:"Male today to steal in my,Destiny against,Conscience HeAn on?"This wind has long-standing concerns:"If today you secretly in my,Ming the stolen in your,alack,What end?"


The central China agricultural university on the BBS,Some other students the sun drying out in order to prevent theft and wrong take/And by his own graffiti over open bottle"posing",cause"Open bottle culture"discussion.The school and college students even design a kind of automatic alarm"Anti-theft kettle",Want to solve this problem.


热水进寝室 标本兼治 Hot water into the bedroom the specimen


Campus open bottle guard against theft,How to take temporary solution and effect a permanent cure?


College students' Suggestions have,Had better not put the bottle in outdoor,This would only increase the risk of theft."Go two step road,The safety of the water bottle can guarantee."But more university will open bottle thrown into"unpronounceable",Direct let"Hot water into the bedroom".Can not only enhance the student's life level,And effectively prevent the"Theft case bottle"happened.

  中南财经政法大学的“热水进寝室”就将实现学生寝室全覆盖,为在汉部属高校第一家。学生能足不出户洗澡、喝开水。华中师范大学也在今年建成豪华版南湖学生公寓,其中最豪华的三期A、B栋不仅有独立卫浴、空调和金属防盗门,楼道里面还安装了消防水电联动控制系统和安防监控系统。而武汉大学则于2010年启动了“空调进学生宿舍计划”,目前近七成的学生宿舍安装了空调和热水器。(楚天金报 记者梅莹)

The central finance and economics politics and law university"Hot water into the bedroom"Will achieve student dormitory full coverage,For in the han subordinate college first a.Students can never leave home take a shower/Drink boiled water.Central China normal university in this year also built deluxe south lake student apartment,One of the most luxurious three period A/B building not only have an independent sanitary ware/Air conditioning and metal burglary-resisting door,Corridor inside have installed the fire water and electricity linkage control system and safety monitoring system.And the wuhan university in 2010 launched"Air conditioning into the student dormitory plan",At present nearly seventy percent of students' dormitory installed air conditioning and water heater.(Chutian MeiYing 27 reporters)
