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视点:体育达标的大学生 为何扛不住军训?--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  日前在南开大学召开的全国高校体育工作座谈会上,教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司司长王登峰讲了一个令人惊讶的数字。他说半个月前,在出席北京大学学生军训结业典礼时了解到,两周军训,近3500名学生累计看病超过6000人次,特别是第一周,晕倒者众多。 Recently in nankai university held the national college physical education forum,The ministry of education sports health and art JiaoYuSi priests WangDengFeng told a surprising number.He said that half a month ago,On the Beijing university students' military training when graduation ceremony to know,Two ZhouJunXun,Nearly 3500 students accumulated more than 6000 people to see a doctor,Especially the first week,Fainting person many.

  一位新入学的大学生在军训期间发表微博说,“最近发现我头有点大,军训期间每天5点起床,我都有念头想退出大学的天堂,转身去市场卖衣服! ”

A new entrance of college students in the process of their military training period published micro bo said,"Recently discovered I head a little big,During military training every day to get up at five,I have thought want to exit the paradise of the university,Turn to sell in the market clothes! "


What is more,But because can't bear military training overworked,Take a sleeping pill to commit suicide,Fortunately the teacher and classmates found.


We can not help but ask,Why do physical training of college students,Should resist military training?


起得比鸡早,睡得比狗迟 Got up earlier than chicken,Sleep later than a dog


"Three this year,The child was so tired!The university entrance exam a back,The child doesn't say a word,Stretching out on the sofa,Like a serious illness,Dinner how didn't eat they returned to room go to bed……"On the other side of the phone,ChenJun mother's mood midstream shows a few minutes but and worry.From the day take examination,ChenJun locked himself in the house for sleep 21 hours.


High school students ZhangXin said,During the period of school,Almost every day we get up in the morning is more than 5 points,Go to bed until after 11 PM,Basic at ordinary times I don't have time for sports,Every day there are more than 10 hours sitting.Said when tired,The students like to say oneself"Got up earlier than chicken,Sleep later than a dog".


Like ChenJun/ZhangXin such a state of being,Is the experience and the experience of the university entrance exam true portraiture of the children.The school to break again entrance myth,All students become the winner of the war,Parents used to ChengFeng looking woman,Looking forward to through the examination of university to change the fate of their children,These target layer upon layer pressure in children,Pressure of,Why enjoy?

  其实,紧张的高三生活只是 “病情加剧”的体现。大学生军训晕倒一片,“病根”是中小学就开始落下的,

In fact,Strain of high school life is just "The disease develops"Embodiment of.College students' military training faint a slice of,"Know the disease"In primary and secondary schools is began falling,


治标先治本 找准“病根”是关键 Take temporary solution to effect a permanent cure alignment"Know the disease"Is the key


In September of 2011,The relevant departments of the ministry of education to 15 provinces 129 counties(city/area)Monitoring shows that,Four grade/Eight grade campus physical education and sports activities are insufficient rate as high as 56.5%/76%.Another survey,Only 22% of the primary school/Middle schools and 13% of high school students can make sure that every one hour campus sports activities.


Nankai university President GongKe think,Sports have not been before and moral education/Intellectual education equal position.Investigate its reason,Is not correct education goal.In some university,Sports has been reduced to a weekly section of the course.GongKe pointed out that,Evaluation system is indeed lead to choosing of college students in sports collective ignore one of the factors,Also cause some school administrators and teachers of the sports for collective contempt.


According to some teacher introduction,The daily teaching effect evaluation also make them under a lot of pressure,Occupy students' physical exercise time is be forced to do.The teacher in charge, because the school and teacher voluntary association management mode,The teacher in charge teacher choose form a class teacher team.If a class two successive monthly exam grades slipped,The teacher in charge it is possible"Fried"Off teacher.


Not long ago,Hangzhou started parents collective recuse PE teacher on duty of the director of the news.Parents think that physical teacher as a teacher in charge not appropriate,Influence of the major subject study.Our country some place has tried to ZhongGaoKao into sports scores,Can a single score evaluation system did not break,On the one hand,Sports score is very low;On the other hand,Or the sports performance included in the total score,From high to low in turn to admit a student,This undoubtedly the sports into a new examination,No development students' interest in sports,Improve the students' physique,But they increase the student's sports performance burden.


It is easy to see,Now whether the school appraisal or school parents,The most concerned about is graduation rates.The arduous study duty to physical education weakening.


大学要的是“人才”还是“人在” University is"talents"or"People in"

  在每年的“大学第一课”中,大学生晕倒现象频频出现,学生体质滑坡已成为不争的事实。有网友称:“这点儿苦都吃不了,我们还怎么对大学生们寄予厚望?”也有网友心疼,“大学生不容易,之前都是温室里的小花朵,淋点儿雨就受不了了。 ”而最多的是探讨“孩子们的身体怎么会变得弱不禁风了”。

In every"The first class university"in,College students' faint phenomenon appeared again and again,Students' physical landslide has become an indisputable fact.Have net friend say:"This some more bitter,How can we have great expectations to the students?"Have net friend love dearly,"College students is not easy,Before they are in the greenhouse small flower,Spray a little rain is can't take it anymore. "And most is discussed"The children's body can become fragile".

  今年3月末,教育部专门下发通知,“确保学生一小时户外锻炼时间。要采取积极措施,组织学生参加多种形式的户外运动,督促学生课间到室外活动,呼吸新鲜空气,增强体质。 ”

By the end of march this year,The ministry of education issued a notice specially,"Make sure that the students an hour outdoor exercise time.To take active measures,Organizes the student to participate in the various forms of outdoor sports,To supervise the student break to outdoor activities,Breathe the fresh air,Enhanced physique. "


There are Suggestions that,In recent years,Although about raising students constitution,Increase physical exercise call more and more high,but"Are all resulted,Only reading high"concept,Still full of educators/Parents and students' own thoughts."Sunshine sports"/"Take exercise an hour every day"Measures such as seemingly effective,But if we can't get any mandatory enforcement,It is still a slogan.


Education scholars XiongBingJi think,To make schools attach importance to PE teaching,To know the disease must suit the remedy to the case,Can't have a headache medical head,Unrest out"Deranged strategy".As for the elementary education,The key is to establish multivariate evaluation system.At present single score evaluation system,Lead to physical education teaching was edge,To become school bean sprouts class.
