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爱上网缺乏锻炼 大学生体能测试合格率不到70%--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Recently held in tianjin the ninth national university games science report meeting,Shenyang university of science and technology to the congress of the submitted[Liaoning area"After 90"Student community sports lifestyle comparative study]Are pointed out,By sampling survey found,Liaoning area in college students,The exercise every day 30 ~ 60 minutes of college students accounted for 46.22% of the total number of students,And many college students have formed the habit of not pay attention to exercise.
趋势: trend:
10年来学生体质整体下降 10 years students' constitution overall decline
recently,Reporters from shenyang university physical fitness test center have a copy of the school nearly 10 years of college students' physical fitness test assessment report.The report shows that,Nearly 10 years,Students' various body index declined overall.Physical fitness test center of teacher liu told reporters,Three years ago countries rescheduled the new college students' physical fitness test standard,The evaluation index has raised slightly,"Standard high,Can students' constitution did not improve",Many students can only participated in make-up reluctantly qualified.
"The standing long jump and the steps of the lowest'd test is two",Teacher liu told reporters,Step test main measurement is the function of cardiovascular system,Can pass the test indirectly infer that the body's endurance,The boy is equivalent to the outdoor 1000 meters,The girl 800 meters.As long/football/basketball/Swimming of the project such as exercise can obviously improve the function of cardiovascular system,This a qualified rate is low,It indicated that the student at ordinary times of aerobic exercise is too little.
主因: cause:
对运动缺乏兴趣、沉迷网络 The movement lack of interest/Addict network
What are the reason causes students to love sport.Have many years of physical education teaching experience of shenyang university sports Chen analysis for several reasons.First of all,"Freshmen are not interested in sports".Chen said,These children in high school is a lack of exercise,"A class on Monday,Don not solve any problem."secondly,The more important reason or network attract.See a movie/Play the game became college students the two most important leisure.Reporter survey found,Many college students in the day of rest even also home in the dormitory play computer games all day.In addition,Chen said,The lack of facilities is also very important reason.
学生: students:
不爱运动只因“懒” Don't love sports because"lazy"
Why on earth don't love sports,The reporter interviewed some college students,Most the answer is heard"Too lazy to move".A college girls told reporters,Occasionally a badminton with my classmates still can,Exercise every day is really stand.When asked how use spare time,Most of the students are given the same answer on the Internet.
Reporters found that,Due to long time online,Some students had different degree of"Network addiction",Use a student's words,"Don't get to the Internet will not know dry point??????."Many students also because network more escape even refused to participate in collective activity.
学校: The school:
多搞活动培养学生运动兴趣 Much make activities to cultivate students' interest in sport
"A person youth movement habits for his whole life is extremely beneficial."interview,Chen said"The students do not love sports and the current overall education atmosphere and education environment are inseparable."Really want to effectively torsional students' constitution continue to decline trend,We should first train college students' interest in sports,And help them form the habit of lifelong sports.Chen said,For college,,Can do is to try to arouse the enthusiasm of students in sports activities."The best way is much make activities".(Trainee reporter Yang nominative)
(Sources: shenyang evening news)
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