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四川凉山深处小学生走铁索桥渡河上下学(图) 有些孩子每天上下学都要走这样的铁索桥 Some children every school go such TieSuoQiao 四川凉山深处小学生走铁索桥渡河上下学(图) 一个汽球让两个孩子玩得意兴盎然 A balloon let two children play with proud is full


凉山深处上学 Deep in her state to go to school


At the end of June,We zhejiang institute of media nine students and teachers from hangzhou to sichuan province liangshan yi autonomous prefecture ganluo county Neil sleep township cow I village elementary school,Education for half a month。


In the domestic a famous by companies in the 2007 years of primary school construction investment donations,A total of 342 children,8 class,But only 5 a teacher。Here is the yi gathered area,Children with yi language for the first language,Almost no go abroad dashan,See very little of the outside world。


With the ascension of the teaching quality,More and more children came to the school class,In order to make a new office,The school the teacher will face no office dilemma。But the President said this was no problem,His greatest wish is to give the children a basketball court。


A standard basketball court size place to meet needs of more than 300 children play,The only fitness equipment is a basketball had already broken。The principal hope the children in the study and more than the farms,Can the children like the city“play”time。


In the local,Have a television,The house has a window,Even if is very rich。The children play TiaoPiJin after class,But many are barefoot。The hot weather,They took the hair wet,To cooling。The kids here and the teacher all don't eat lunch at noon,In the morning after class two,They in 20 minutes rest time go to school in the store to buy some a hair to 5 hair of treats。


Many children on his way to school are through a 30 years of history、The TieSuoQiao of rusty spot。For children,In the everyday school close to two hours of twists and turns in the mountain,Go this TieSuoQiao become the most relaxed a thing,Because at least not boulders suddenly fall from mountain,Also won't be some a thorn plant scratch,More won't fall。


But so many years,Children from the bridge fell into of the raging water in is a common thing。Of the raging water participated in many reefs,If fall,Very may have dangerous life,A few years ago a little girl was took his life。


We asked a little girl,So dangerous you scared?She said not afraid,Often go and habits,Although these very bitter,But school more interesting,At least cut ZhuCao interesting than at home。


SuoBo teacher in the village when I was 23 years of substitute teacher,As of 3 years ago by the headmaster asked with a degree from the teaching line to draw back down,Now the school can only do the security guards。On rainy days,He will have him across the river。SuoBo teacher has not come to chengdu,But he wants these children can learn much knowledge and then went out,In the words of the principal at least to the city can know“The bathroom”is“toilet”。


PanXiaoHu is what impressed us students。Four grade he has the very mature ideas,Probably because PanXiaoHu father died,Her mother remarried,Only he and sister depended on each other。The heavy burden of PanXiaoHu pressure in the body but have not knocked him down:He study first grade,For two consecutive years was elected "three good student" ganluo county。


The family visit that day on the way home,PanXiaoHu in steep the mud run on。He and the children along the way we keep giving pick wild fruit to eat,But some not so happy,Because these children may be afraid that we too slow,Delay back to do farm work any more。


The final exam day,The children brought us a lot of potatoes、beans,And plum。Potatoes are the township's main food,The children also said,Corn is ripe for such as we pick corn to come over。When to see the children some put down the potatoes turn round and then walk,Or take out one by one from the bag of potatoes,Many teachers tears can't help fell down。

  在山里,孩子们能享受的快乐只有大山和水。孩子们多数时候都是快乐的,他们的想法很简单,也特别容易满足。孩子们总是非常期望了解大山外面的世界。潘小胡最想要的奖励是故事书,因为书和大山一样能给他带来快乐。(摄影 朱玄 撰文 李雨晴 沈青)

In the mountains,The children can enjoy happiness only mountains and water。The children are all happy most of the time,Their idea is simple,Also very easy to meet。The children are always very expect to know the mountains the world outside。PanXiaoHu want to reward is story books,Because the book and dashan can bring to him happy。(Photography ZhuXuan LiYuQing ShenQing articles)


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