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山西长治县15年免费教育 官员:有钱盖楼就有钱办教育--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “园长,今年开学是不是就不用交学费了啊?”在刚刚过去的这个暑假,山西省长治县韩店幼儿园的园长琚丽霞已不记得被问了多少次这个问题,但每次她都乐呵呵地回答:“是的,以后孩子上学只交一点餐费就行了,其余全免。” "calls,The start of this year is don't have to pay the tuition fee ah?"In the past this summer vacation,Shanxi Province ChangZhiXian Korea shop kindergarten the principal Ju li nepheline already don't remember how many times has been asked this question,But every time she said in a good mood:"yes,Later their children to school only pay a little meals will do,The rest are exempted from."


Since the fall,Shanxi Province ChangZhiXian fiscal year investment more than 1600 yuan,Let all the 3 to 5 years old children receiving free preschool education.Calculate the last two years ago has realized high school education free,ChangZhiXian realized from kindergarten to high school 15 years free education.


15 years free education is not be seized by a whim of the lift.Two years ago,ChangZhiXian plan in the range will be 9 years of compulsory education promoted to 12 years of free education."When everybody in discussing a problem:The new increase of 3 years of free education,What should first benefit which education stage?High school or preschool?"ChangZhiXian education director cattle LinHu said.


After weighing,Most people think first of all should consider the high school stage,Because part of students often because of domestic economic reasons and give up studies in high school.Children have finished reading the junior middle school,And some children result is very good,If simple for economic reasons and forced to drop out really a pity.High school is a critical point,ChangZhiXian decided to give the key node add the wood.meanwhile,Put forward changzhi,"Preschool education is next to carry out free education goal".


Two years later,Kindergarten free education put on the desktop.On February 14, public commitment,On July 26 official outgoing mail,September 1 into practice,The operation and implementation ChangZhiXian children free education in fact only a half year."In fact and no external imagination of so complicated,As long as the really want to do,Operating up actually very well,After all this is benefiting the county-wide each family livelihood of the people project."Cattle LinHu said.


ChangZhiXian preschool education stage preschool free education for the first time put forward by public,Started in 2012 held on February 14"The county level 3 cadres and labor model commendation congress".


This meeting,ChangZhiXian LiWenBing county magistrate in the speech commitment:This year in security and improving people's livelihood,Will strive to do a good 10 a practical.the,Top of the list is"A pre-school education stage preschool free education,The full implementation of the fifteen years free education".


After 3 months,That is, May 15, at the ChangZhiXian 15th people's congress second conference,LiWenBing on behalf of the county government work report said,Preschool education free work is to do preparation.He said:"We will try to create conditions,effort,Gram difficult crucial,The efforts we seeking to do real/Do good."


After two months,ChangZhiXian education bureau has global mobilization,More than half of staff to descend a basic level,According to the county-wide preschool children free education to touch bottom/Statistics and budgeting.On May 17,,Education department official to the county party committee/A written proposal to the county government"Preschool education funds on the solution free of ask for instructions".


This ask for instructions shows ChangZhiXian free preschool education detailed data:ChangZhiXian four kinds of kindergarten children in the garden for 11418;Will be exempt from costs including overhead/Teaching fee/Health fee and learning materials four,The school year a total of 16.208972 million yuan.


On July 26,ChangZhiXian government office issued by the official[ChangZhiXian preschool education three years of free education implementation plan],Clear the work from 2012 autumn began implementation,The range of the county bureau of all the established with the approval of the public kindergarten/Private kindergarten,And primary subsidiary kindergarten(class).


ChangZhiXian Korea shop kindergarten is large scale goes a kindergarten,Children in the garden 410.The principal Ju li nepheline is introduced,Preschool education free before,Changzhi city in accordance with defined charging standard,Korea's shop kindergarten every born monthly rate is 130 ~ 180 yuan,"We are actually according to the minimum XianShou tuition,130 dollars a month,Because parents need to consider the actual capacity,The students tuition high is less".


Financial out to the development of kindergarten fees and to promote,According to the survey,ChangZhiXian will the county kindergarten is divided into four categories,A kind of kindergarten out financial tuition hygiene standards for each 260 yuan a month/Type 180 yuan/Three kinds of 110 yuan/Four kinds of 60 yuan.Like Korea shop kindergarten such kind of kindergarten,Preschool education expenses financial out after,Kindergarten monthly actual income doubled,Financial state gets great improvement.


"Before the charge tuition lasted only for kindergarten daily expenses,Now the feeling after financial fund more ample,Do have more power."Ju li nepheline happily told reporters,Before the teacher can only rely on the mouth,This year for each class to purchase a set of multimedia equipment,To realize the children watching cartoon wishes.


In order to ensure that the money goes effect,[ChangZhiXian preschool education three years of free education implementation plan]Clear requirements,For financial appropriation,The kindergarten must ensure that the not less than 20% of the funds for the development of the kindergarten,And at the end of the semester to balance in public.this,Kindergarten is responsible for per capita has promised to put your money in places where they are needed most,And actively accept infant parents and social supervision.


interview,Many times reporter had a problem:My registered permanent residence in the country,But I work in the county,Or I buy a house in the town settle down,My child in the county kindergarten is also can free?


"We county preschool education policy for free,Put very wide range."Cattle LinHu said,All the education administrative departments approved the establishment of the public kindergarten/Primary subsidiary kindergarten(class)And even private kindergarten,All can enjoy free of charge/Teaching fee/Health fee/Preferential policies of learning materials.Because XianZhi kindergarten belong to a kind of kindergarten,teachers/Teaching equipment relatively better,The county to make free policy has been to XianZhi kindergarten enrollment conditions given full consideration,And be the maximum relaxing.


According to the regulation,The ChangZhiXian XianZhi kindergarten recruit students limits divided into four channels:Census register belong to XianZhi kindergarten service area,And family in the county town of living;Not XianZhi kindergarten service area,Parents in the county resident;Not XianZhi kindergarten service area of census register,Parents are in the county town business and living with their children's;Not XianZhi kindergarten service area of census register,Parents are in the county town workers and children live together.


If according to"Scribing into the garden"Strict rules,The three children after involved in XianZhi kindergarten can enjoy free policy.But in order to be practical to do good,After three ChangZhiXian expressly provided also"Can achieve recruitment conditions".just,After three people need to provide the corresponding purchase certificate or the business license and proof of workers.


Preschool education after free,A lot of changzhi city to send children are now back to ChangZhiXian,Than last year,This year ChangZhiXian the nursery school recruitment of students scale increased significantly.


It is understood,In 2010 ChangZhiXian began to introduce from elementary school to high school 12 years free education,Ordinary high school/Vocational high school/Vocational technical secondary school student tuition fees/costs/Books from all.At that time,County financial arrangement capital of 13.14 million yuan,To the county 10050 high school students have a free education.


Preschool education is 16 million yuan/High school education is 13.14 million yuan,ChangZhiXian in order to realize the 15 years were free education into the capital of 29.14 million yuan.The money,For years the financial income more than 50 ChangZhiXian speaking"Pressure not".


"In fact to the national many for county,Burden of this charge pressure is not big,The question is not can burden,But may not be willing to do,Now a lot of local cover building/Fix square is big,When it comes to education is poor-mouth,The question is not money,Lies in the ruling idea."Cattle LinHu said.


"Education is the most important,There is no good education,There is no good future."In changzhi county wei secretary pei less seems to fly,"Education is the biggest livelihood of the people".Because of coal and xing/Aim at creating the livelihood of the people government ChangZhiXian in recent years to education input not stingy.


interview,Cattle LinHu for such a example:2009 years ago,ChangZhiXian to county first school reward amount,Be in commonly 150000 yuan a year or so.In 2009,,Cattle LinHu want to reward amount up to 300000 yuan.But before submitting this application,His mind also unavoidable,Ready to fail the examination and approval of the preparation.behold,County leadership direct clappers,To ChangZhiXian a reward 1 million yuan.3 (three) years after,ChangZhiXian every year to ChangZhiXian a 1 million yuan,2012 years is achieved 1.2 million yuan.


The provisions of the state is only nine years of compulsory education stage of the teachers have merit pay,And in ChangZhiXian,Begin from 2011,All kindergarten teachers/High school teachers all enjoy the performance salary.
