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娃读小学家长一级战备 学习准备期别太急--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
"Son read primary school this fall,Two or three weeks off,I found that I am better than him to hurry.The reckless little thing,I don't know how to read the reading."XiaoTian this fall primary school,His mother as if also with into the level of combat readiness.
It is understood,Primary school a freshman there are generally parents to their children to school anxiety emotion,A teacher in charge said:"In the first week I received parents telephone,Every day at least, more than 10.Parents say,Can you adapt yourself to the children is to study life showed great unrest.obviously,They all have a very excessive expect a child to elementary school immediately become a good student."
焦虑之一:怕孩子跟不上学习进度 Anxiety of:Fear of the child couldn't keep up with learning progress
"You learn today"/"You today to learn a few words",The school gate after school,You can always hear after the child's parents eagerly question.This year after year new class of miss li said:"A few weeks before the start of,Shanghai is our primary school learning chrysalis,Don't teach a lot of content.But parents met our teacher,Almost ask are uniformly learning problems,Taught what word,Learn which math la,In their eyes,Think only these is learning."
And parents see the teacher in charge,So he brought out cut-and-dried paper and pen,Please the teacher will learn the things a repeat,Write down back to the child"Make up a missed lesson".
Look at new parents anxiety move,The Shanghai super the headmaster/Pudong new area bright phearl elementary school principal NiZhongHua pointed out,The elementary school for a freshman,Opening weeks,The learning of life has just started,No parents think so complicated and prospective,Also do not have how many learning schedule problem.He thinks,Instead of care for children learning progress,Might as well pay attention to children's learning habits.The habit of lifelong training benefit.Besides single by a few runs,Give students buckled couldn't keep up with learning hat is too hasty.Parents are anxious for the child's cognitive laws still lack cognitive.
焦虑之二:怕孩子输在所谓的起跑线上 Second anxiety:Afraid of children lose in the starting line
"My home child elementary school this year,Listen to the somebody else say,To let the children learn some letters,Do arithmetic.But also has the teacher said,When they entered the child won't arithmetic,Instead, learn together quickly.Is this really the case?"
Ask this question of parents,Heard that the class some students read thousands of,Do math problem already will arithmetic,Therefore very anxious.Her fear most is,Their children lose in the starting line.
And too entangled in children between companion's comparison,Make some parents children to school from the beginning mentality will be distorted.A parents even want their children to the class performance order,To catch up.
this,Weihai road third primary school principals LuoYan stressed,Primary school freshmen began to obligation education stage of the study,It is not the starting line.If light by the beginning of the term performance,Will doubt and anxiety children lose in the starting line,So itself"Don't fight back",Have lost in the starting line.He pointed out that,Parents not necessary in the so-called on macroscopic by the influence of paranoia,And ignore the microscopic details.Fudan university social development and public policy institute, deputy director of the department of psychology WuGuoHong think,Will they enter school learning orientation in work,Spoil things by excessive enthusiasm obviously does not conform to the child's physical and mental development law.
焦虑之三:怕孩子被老师教育 Third anxiety:Children were afraid of teacher education
"In a week,My children after school has been the teacher to stay three times!Really worried about this continues,Children will be what kind of state."A parent in the set time get the child,Appear very worry.
the,A freshman to the teacher's parents"at",Most cannot treat correctly.Some parents heard children criticism by the teacher,Often in children after home,Ask the reason,Not scolded is beat and scold,Cause child psychological overstrain,Even repugnance learning.
"In fact,Students are sometimes teacher criticism is not surprising.A freshman to do when it is custom,May the teacher education composition will be a little more than the kindergarten,Parents should be a rational view.honestly,Is not a teacher for parents said some children's conditions,Is at,Can't think the teacher say that a child's performance is very good.Children to grow up is a process,Parents straight a little,Magnanimous point,Perhaps more useful than blindly anxiety."With three of the student teacher in charge teacher this money to persuade parents.
“家长对小学一年级新生表现出来的焦虑情绪,可能各个家庭情形不一,孩子情况不同,有着不同的焦虑点。但对小学教育不了解,对孩子期望过多,也许是通病。”上海市特级教师、特级校长、一师附小校长鲁慧茹强调,新生的学习刚刚开始,是无需过度焦虑的。相反,家长保持一个沉稳的心态,对孩子的状态就是一个“正能量”,反之就有可能影响到孩子。(记者 苏军)
"The elementary school parents a freshman to expression comes out of anxiety,Each family circumstances may differ,The child is quite different,Have different anxiety point.But for primary school education do not understand,For children expect too much,Perhaps is the common fault."The Shanghai super teacher/Superfine principal/Primary division President LuHuiRu stressed,The new study has just started,Is no excessive anxiety.instead,Parents keep a composed state of mind,To the child's condition is a"Positive energy",And it is possible to affect children.(Reporter the Soviet)
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