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Still provide free education country are mainly Germany/France/Italy/Spain,Its public university students each year just pay a small amount of registration fee,Is suitable for small languages for students interested in.These countries in the professional/Employment, etc also have each characteristic,How to make a choice?


德国 Germany


需在国内大学就读一定年限 Should be in domestic universities must be fixed number of year


Germany's many universities are more than one hundred years history,Many colleges and universities in the world rankings.German university no formal level ranking arrangement,Also does not have the key university and the university of common points,Any a university has its own characteristics.but,Do not need to pay the tuition of public university its size usually greater than private university,But the proportion of teachers and students are often public university less than private university.This is a choice public or private colleges and universities need to consider place.


According to the German academic exchange center in recent years statistical data display,32% of Chinese students to Germany chose to major in engineering,28% of the students choose the economy/Natural science major,German higher education institutes free transfer system.


What need reminds is the place where study note to applicant,According to the sino-german sign recognition degree of the relevant provisions,Chinese students need to Germany in China before the university must be fixed number of year and through the German embassy in China leave DE personnel qualification examination of audit department,Can apply for German universities.


According to introducing,The students study in Germany,In the technical and economic class professional obtain employment is very good.Public companies such as very want to have leave DE background/Understand German students to join.German law,Studied in Germany graduate students with a year's time to find a job,As long as find a job can stay in Germany,Additional work is full 5-8 years to be able to apply for permanent residence.


意大利 Italy


最吸引高中毕业生 The most attract high school graduates


Italy has attracted the eyes of many high school graduates.This is due to Germany/France is to apply for study of high school graduates demanding,And the requirements of the Italian relatively is not so high.China's domestic high school graduates can use the Italian government provide"Marco Polo plan"and"Turandot plan",Enjoy the Italian free education.


"Marco Polo plan"Is the President of the university by Italian federation(Namely CRUI)launched,Have more than 50 Italian public university to participate in the plan.China's high school graduates can study Italian university three year undergraduate course,University graduates can study Italian university 2-year master course,Tuition is free.A requirement for high school graduates in the university entrance exam scores more than 380 points,To visit Italy after six months of language learning period."Turandot plan"Italy is in Chinese art life plan,Many famous Italian art colleges and universities to participate in the plan.No matter in undergraduate or master's course are required to attend school entrance examination,The professional ability to the examinee demand is high.


In Shanghai,Italy every year two phase recruit students,March is"Marco Polo plan"/"Turandot plan",September is for all non-eu countries of the conventional study abroad recruit students.3 months of visa do not need to provide language certificate,But September visa to have A2 language level.Need to remind students' is,In the domestic reach A2,Get the school admit beforehand,After the meaning to still need to attend school language test including professional examination,Not through the could not formally registered.


法国 France


要在国内有500课时法语基础 In the country to 500 class hour French foundation


The French public university support by the government,Belongs to free education,Very suitable for working families.International students with the French native place students enjoy the treatment,Such as have housing subsidies/Social insurance/Public transportation/University catering discount.Here at lower cost,Especially suitable for working class families.


The French public university teaching language is French,Only a handful of school opened the individual professional English teaching,So choose to public university students must have a good foundation of French,This is not only in order to satisfy visa requirements,But also for graduate lay the cornerstone.


In addition,Went to France to study must be in the 500 class hour more French foundation,Through the French exam before going abroad.Arrived after the French,For entry into the major before study must have one to two years of French and preparatory course learning,In the French degree examination pass rear can enter the professional study.


What need reminds is,France is need to face sign country,Application study in,The French consulate education institute will carry on the interview,On the applicant's education background/Study motivation/A study plan/Career planning of inquiry.Prepare adequately or language don't pass will be restricted.


西班牙 Spain


中国高考成绩得到认证 China's college entrance examination achievement get the authentication


The Spanish existing more than 100 universities and more than 300 institutes of higher school and many famous scientific research center.Its architecture/journalism/tourism/Art design in the world such as professional enjoys a high reputation.Spain's immigration policy relatively loose,Continuous live full 5 May apply for long residence.


Begin from 2008,The Chinese high school graduates of the university entrance exam in Spain the ministry of education began to get the authentication,China's high school graduates can free Spain's college entrance examination,The institutions of higher learning directly to Spain.And has the qualifications,Limited to China and the eu member states of students.For three for graduates,As long as they provide domestic of the university entrance exam of the authentication and domestic three years of high school grades the authentication can enroll in Spain's school.But these achievements need for China's foreign ministry and the Spanish embassy double the authentication,The ministry of education and service Spain authentication center.


Spain's university, 70% for the public university.Chinese students into the reading public university undergraduate course during the four years,Can enjoy and Spanish domestic students the same free treatment.Master graduate student according to the school and professional different,Annual tuition is in 3000-5000 euros.college,Have a legal part-time identity,Monthly income work in 700-1000 euros,The cost of living every year about 5000 euros.That is,Students part-time income in addition to burden the cost of living in Spain outside,Can also have small surplus.
