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专家批异地高考条件太苛刻 逼退“低端”劳动力--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  8月30日,国务院办公厅转发教育部等部门《关于做好进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试工作的意 见》(以下简称《意见》),正式启动了各省落实随迁子女就地高考政策的进程。9月22日,北京大学法学院人大会议中心召集相关专家就落实随迁子女高考政策举行了研讨会,专家建议以在读高三学生的高考权利为突破口,以随迁子女在就读地连续就学年限为条件,推动随迁子女高考政策的实现。

On August 30,,The general office of the state council departments and so on ministry of education forward[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education after the local attend school entrance examination work fancy see](Hereinafter referred to as[opinion]),Officially launched the implementation of provinces SuiQian children in situ the university entrance exam policy process.On September 22,Beijing university law school's National People's Congress conference center called relevant experts will implement the policy SuiQian children the university entrance exam held a seminar,Expert advice to students of senior three reading of the university entrance exam right as a breakthrough,To SuiQian children attend school in continuous fixed number of year for conditions,To promote the realization of the university entrance exam SuiQian children policy.


连续4年的学籍可以排除高考移民 Four consecutive years of student status can eliminate the college entrance examination immigration




Printed said,After understanding,The vast majority of citizens in Beijing would like to support such a equal right to receive education implementation,The key is how to strike the college entrance examination immigration,And how to solve the SuiQian children enrolled in the eleven-plus brings enrollment quota allocation problem.


How to effectively strike college entrance examination immigrant?Printed think,College entrance examination immigrant this two years is very serious,If there is a effective method to recognize,So the government should be popularized.[opinion]Talked about the three essential conditions,He put the three items condition posted on the micro blog.View comments,We don't think it is real/unenforceable/Not operation.Printed think through the school children that SuiQian entrance exam qualification is very reasonable,If there are four consecutive years of student status,Should be able to ensure that students are not college entrance examination immigrant.At the same time also blow the phenomenon of cheating student status.


How many SuiQian children?Printed said,Education system is scheduled to function,China's planned economy is the last bastion,China's college entrance examination or according to the index way recruit students.He search some information:Beijing primary and secondary school students 1.2 million people,There are 478000 people is unwelcome.Junior high school of JieDouSheng proportion is 6% to 10%,Primary school is 40%.To understand such a situation after,We can only points stage to solve,First of all to solve this year's senior year than the record in local exam questions.


Printed think,Forward to see,We are looking forward to legal proceedings.Because there are many SuiQian children were not fair treatment,At the expense of his education rights,Can through the litigant means to solve education fairness.Court probably 98% don't put on record,But must want to have short-term/middle/Long-term plan.


以在读高三学生参加高考为突破口 To reading three students to attend the university entrance exam as a breakthrough


XiongWei(Beijing new enlightenment center person in charge)


XiongWei suggestion timely implementation of different college entrance examination scheme,Solution to students of senior three burning issue.Many children from elementary school/Junior high school began to,As parents in the field to go to school,Now cannot return home to participate in college entrance examination,Because according to the provisions of the now,To participate in college entrance examination in the local have three consecutive years of student status,Many SuiQian children could not reach the requirements,Go back to also cannot attend the university entrance exam,Now Beijing around and there are a lot of this situation.


XiongWei said,Now have to consider the high school students in 2013 college entrance examination's things.Jiangsu from November 1, to begin to sign up,Heilongjiang from November 15, to begin to sign up,Beijing to December 1st began to sign up.If the detailed rules for the implementation of all cannot appear promptly,SuiQian children and their parents will face a dilemma choice:Is in the home/Or in the residential registration work?If a work goes to the capital of jiangsu by students in order to wait for Beijing "the detailed rules for the implementation of the university entrance exam,And delay the application in jiangsu;If the provisions of Beijing to 2014 different words let go of the college entrance examination,So the student facing 2013 can't the plight of the university entrance exam.


Now read the high three students,Participate in college entrance examination next year,This year will have to sign up,XiongWei think can put this thing as a breakthrough,Requirements related departments to participate in college entrance examination next year the SuiQian children's center to do,Solve the burning issue.


According to the[opinion]provisions,In principle to all in the end of 2012 on different college entrance examination's rules;At the same time, Beijing is put forward/Shanghai population into concentrated region should further understanding base number,Master non-native household register population change and SuiQian children's schooling, etc,To establish and perfect the management system of rural migrant workers,Promulgated on SuiQian children eleven-plus solutions.This, in fact, to Beijing/Shanghai a buffer time,It is not the end of 2012 issued rules.this,XiongWei said,We must safeguard national high school students of the university entrance exam right,No matter where reading,Should have the right to participate in college entrance examination.About the high school students in the SuiQian children attend to attend the university entrance exam conditions,XiongWei think only need two:From the first new moon to year 12,Continuous study in Beijing,Students have;The second,Parents any party in Beijing have fixed work.At the same time,He called for national key universities according to the number of all participate in college entrance examination distribution quota,And take care of remote areas.


随迁子女参加高考的条件不能过于苛刻 SuiQian children attend the university entrance exam conditions cannot be too harsh


ZhangQianFan(Beijing university law school professor)


[opinion]Not only accord with the requirement specified in the local SuiQian children shall have the right to attend the university entrance exam,But also implied them and local the registered permanent residence of the examinee also by local standards accepted principle.[opinion]Specific mention of,Will SuiQian children such as beijing-shanghai greater number of provinces increase student enrollment,In order to avoid increase local examinee entrance pressure of competition.ZhangQianFan said,If SuiQian children only in local attend the university entrance exam,Admission or occupy the census register seat admissions index,It does not exist influence local admission proportion of problem.Because the points province proposition system impossible for a fair and reasonable reduced different areas/Different paper grades,To SuiQian children can only implement"Where the exam/Where admission"principle.In other words,Different college entrance examination will mean the same admission,Meet the conditions of the SuiQian children must enjoy and local census register examinee the same admission opportunity.In order to reflect overall consideration/Polytropic coordination,This need to increase the local recruitment index.

  张千帆认为,首先,随迁子女参加高考的条件不能过于苛刻。教育部在座谈会上明确,这类条件包含两个方面 学生的条件和家长的条件。学生必须有连续就学的年限,一般是完整的高中3年学历。对于京沪等随迁子女数量较大的地区,或许可以适当提高门槛,譬如要求完整的高中学历加上一年的初中学历,但是门槛不宜过高,譬如显然不宜要求小学学历。家长则须有“稳定”的职业和住所及参加社保的记录,但是要求的年限不宜过长,而应该和学生的学历年限基本接轨。

ZhangQianFan think,First of all,SuiQian children attend the university entrance exam conditions cannot be too harsh.The ministry of education in the symposium clear,This kind of condition includes two aspects students' condition and the condition of parents.Students must have a continuous fixed number of year of study,The general is a complete high school degree in 3 years.For the beijing-shanghai, etc SuiQian children greater number of areas,Perhaps may appropriately raise the threshold,Such as the requirements of the complete high school education and that of the previous year junior high school degree,But the threshold is unfavorable and exorbitant,Such as obviously unfavorable for primary school education.The parents must be"stable"Professional and shelter and attend social security record,But the requirements of the fixed number of year shoulds not be too long,But should and students' degree fixed number of year basic standards.


secondly,although[opinion]Not unified regulation local implementation scheme of different college entrance examination period,But not all obviously delay too long,Because each year thousands of SuiQian children waiting for the university entrance exam,They are not of the drag.Take the lead in on the introduction of the"Shandong scheme"In 2014 will be the formal implementation,Other place also seems to be no reason to delay implementation different college entrance examination scheme.Even for the beijing-shanghai and other special areas,Before the end of the year after formulating relevant solutions,More than a year of time enough to properly implement solutions to all kinds of preparation.In fact,To have been in the city school attendance/Will soon finished high school and university entrance exam registration SuiQian children,That next year should accept these students in local college entrance examination.Because the population quantity is limited,Accept them at a local college entrance examination and admission is not the registered permanent residence of local examinee cause significant impact.


finally,If some provinces and cities SuiQian children to attend the university entrance exam set unreasonable restrictions,Or delay implementation scheme of time,Rebelled against the[opinion]The principles and spirit,Lead to extensive social criticism and negative effects,Then damage interests of the citizens shall have the authority to the state council and relevant departments to plan the legality and rationality review put forward,The central related departments have obligations shall be ordered to correct place.


公民有迁徙自由的权利 Citizens have the right to freedom of movement


MouXiaoBo(Beijing administrative college teachers)


MouXiaoBo said,this[opinion]The children make SuiQian college entrance examination policy power transferred to local government,May cause cannot carry out.He felt[opinion]Existing the fundamental problem is the starting point of it,It requires the provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government according to the city function orientation/Distribution of industry structure in order to formulate the SuiQian children eleven-plus specific policy.All walks of life the existence of personnel,Is the basis of urban development,Is the city prosperity degrees/Vitality embodied.Compulsory force back the so-called"low"labor,The result is necessarily people life has become extremely inconvenient,Cost of living increase,Urban economic order will be severely damaged.This involves citizens' freedom of movement,This is[constitution]Implicit in the civil rights.Citizens in the domestic migration to Beijing,Even if what all don't do,Also should be equal treatment.but[opinion]The requirement in the migrant workers to have fixed work,The children to attend the university entrance exam in the land,Obviously contrary to citizens' right to freedom of movement.


MouXiaoBo when it comes to the university entrance exam said immigrants,[opinion]Requirements SuiQian children in local continuous study must be fixed number of year,This is to prevent the college entrance examination immigration.The college entrance examination immigration is to prevent occupancy backward area of the education resources,But the college entrance examination immigration in Beijing also established?He believed that Beijing's education resources are abundant,Now give Beijing studies many places,Caused the college entrance examination enrollment of inequality.Even if SuiQian children studying in Beijing entrance,Take the Beijing students enrollment plan,But it is likely to be a scale of recruiting students in Beijing is still higher than other area,College entrance examination immigrant this problem in Beijing does not exist.


通过立法保护随迁子女受教育权利 Through the legislation to protect the children SuiQian by education rights


GuoDaoHui(Famous jurists/Law thinker)


GuoDaoHui think,Now recruit students there are level inequality,The performance level in census register it,You are the rural or urban/Is the local or field.It is very backward,There's no reason to.He felt[opinion]SuiQian stipulated in the children of the university of test access conditions,With the city's needs to measure,This is to encourage the regional protectionism the policy.This requirement logically makes no sense,Students come to the city to go to school,Only graduated from the school can make contributions for the city.So this requirement is not limit students,But to limit their parents.


GuoDaoHui said,College entrance examination immigrant phenomenon is the unreasonable the recruitment of students test system of the cause.Four ministries and commissions opinions can only be rules and regulations,Is a red head document,Also far from legal,With red head document/Rules and regulations to deprive citizens the right to equality by education,It is not standardized.He suggested that the so-called opinion increased to real laws and regulations,Submitted to the National People's Congress in the legislative process.Finally to solve the so-called college entrance examination immigrant problems,the"Before the constitution,Everyone is equal;Before marks,Everyone is equal"principle,Implement the unified national examination,Fair admission.
