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无锡13岁女孩体重117公斤 医生都被吓了一跳--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Summer vacation was over,The children are in the classroom,But during summer vacation"outbreak"Little overweight but packed with the wuxi children's hospital endocrine outpatient service,Even some children may not live in hospital"Lose weight".The hospital said,Now more and more small the overweight,The hospital before and after the summer were the most fat a 13-year-old girl that weight 117 kilograms.


Like to eat favored,Eat a meal on a few chicken leg

  8岁之前,乐乐(化名)的身材和普通小朋友一样,可是随着年龄的增长,从五年前开始,她的体重逐渐出现了 "爆炸式"增长。据她自己回忆,爸妈都是做生意的,由于工作繁忙都无暇顾及到她,只能自己照看自己。她就经常光顾诸如肯德基之类的快餐店、街边小吃、麻辣烫等,其中她最喜欢吃的是油炸鸡腿,一顿能吃上好几个。据悉,乐乐曾经在五年前由于乳房的剧增到医院就诊过一次,但或许是肥胖导致,医院在检查后并没有发现异常问题,也没有对其用药。

Before the age of 8,lele(alias)Figure and ordinary as children,But as the growth of the age,From five years ago,Her weight has gradually appeared "explosive"growth.According to her own memories,Parents are business,Because the job is busy all too busy to her,But only themselves to look after himself.She often patronage, such as KFC fast-food restaurant/Street snacks/Hotpot, etc,Among them her favorite food is Fried chicken leg,A meal can eat several.It is reported,Lele once in five years ago because of breast excursion to hospital at once,But perhaps is obesity can lead to,The hospital after checking and found no abnormal problem,And not for its use.


After dinner nest at home watching TV,Almost no amount of exercise


Wuxi city children's hospital endocrinology of doctor of vice director of XuXu memories,Normal 13 years old the child's weight should be in 70 jins, 80 jins,At that time see this girl,She also shocked,The girl is 1.66 meters,Belly particularly big,Fat to even the eyes can not see too clear thing.When the girl lying in bed while being inspected,Her entire person show big font will be the edge of the bed are covered with,Talk has been panting,Large T-shirt still cover not her chubby belly.Due to excess weight,Lele side almost no playmates,After school at ordinary times after eating a meal like nest at home playing computer,Watching TV,Almost no amount of exercise,slowly,Her weight began to soar,Always come before hospital 117 kilograms.


Fat is too thick,Infusion all can't find blood vessels


After a series of hospital inspection,Doctors found lele obesity is beyond ordinary people,generally,Body mass index(Weight by the square of ÷ height)To achieve more than 25 even obese,And lele weight index has reached 42,Belong to super obesity,At the same time, blood pressure/insulin/Blood sugar are higher than those of the same age child,During the course of treatment,The doctor found that due to obesity,Lele belly/On his thigh/Armpits and so on all appeared black and orange as pregnant women can long out of the stretch marks,If you need infusion,Because of her fat layer is too thick,Doctors couldn't find her blood vessels.


According to lele situation,The doctor decide its because eat more and cause obesity,Is simple of abdominal obesity.then,The doctor the drug therapy,In order to achieve control appetite/The purpose of reduce appetite,At the same time, ask her to control diet,Increase carry momentum.


"More and more parents realize that is a short can affect a child's life,So every year for summer vacation to see precocious puberty outpatient service of children constantly,And consciousness to obesity harm of parents is very few however,Especially for some young children,Parents but feel fat point in good health."XuXu said,In fact obesity harm far outweigh the precocious puberty,Most precocious puberty to short stature,But being overweight can produce high blood pressure/High blood fat/Fatty liver disease such as.
