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从事教师职业师范类本科毕业生 Teachers' professional engaged in normal class graduates
  “今年我比以前要多过一个节日了。”今年6月份,毕业于湖南第一师范学院小学教育专业的毛章颖现在已经是一名小学老师,即将度过她职业生涯中的第一个教师节,而每年并不是所有教育类毕业生都能像她一样幸运。近日,麦可思发布的《大学毕业生从教分析》调查显示,2011届师范类本科毕业生仅有42%从事教师职业。而对部分高校的深入研究发现,在放弃从教且从事与专业无关工作的师范类本科毕业生中,34%的人因为“专业工作岗位招聘少”,另有37%因为“专业工作不符合自己的职业期待”。 "This year I than before more than a holiday."In June this year,Graduated from hunan first normal college primary school education professional MaoZhangYing now is a primary school teacher,Spent her career to the first teacher's day,And every year and not all education graduates can like her lucky.recently,Michael thought of release[College graduates analysis teaching]Investigation shows that,The normal class undergraduate course graduate only 42% in teachers' professional.Some universities and to further the study found,Give up in teaching and is engaged in professional work and not normal class undergraduate course graduates,34% of the people because"Professional jobs recruitment less",Another 37% because"Professional work is not in line with their own professional looking forward to".


僧多粥少,非师范生也来抢饭碗 Placements across,The students also come to rob your job


"Placements across"University students' employment is always a big problem,And this one problem in big cities teacher industry is particularly outstanding.Big cities offer teacher post quantity is very limited,And in the city after reading four year university of young people,Often hope in"The outside world"Ran a rush,Don't want to go after graduation to area county or township employment.In June this year with is graduated from hunan first normal college Chinese language and literature professional LiangMin,Haven't graduate,She and my classmates in changsha city in the district education bureau recruitment exam,Often a post hundreds of people"for",Several rounds of exam down,She ended in failure.


On the other hand,More and more than normal graduates of normal graduates with the rice bowl.Reporter found that visit,In hunan university/Zhongnan forestry university of science and technology/Changsha institute these not in normal colleges,Ready to take an examination of teacher certificate,Want to be a teacher of students in thering is no lack of,Especially in the Chinese class in college.In addition,some"Backing good"Comprehensive famous university students have more advantages,A lot of tsinghua/north/fudan/Jiaotong university and so on comprehensive university graduates of master degree graduates applying for the teachers,Very popular.


Reporter discovery,Non normal class students enter oneself for an examination of qualification of teacher of a variety of reasons,But more than half of the people is to increase the employment competitiveness.In addition,Teachers' professional because the job is stable,Have summer and winter vacations, such as,The treatment/Social status in recent years improved,So by students more favor.


期望贬值,月收低于本科生均薪 Expected depreciation,Month accept less than undergraduate course explores the salary


The survey also showed,Normal class teachers engaged in professional undergraduate course graduates,Nearly sixty percent is in the regional cities and the following work.Just want to graduate from college students,Give up the opportunity and busy city,Go to the following areas of the city place to work,Takes a lot of courage and the education career enthusiasm.Although the teacher post in small and medium-sized cities/Area county relative more,But it doesn't conform to the part of the job seekers professional looking forward to.therefore,Urban factors or more or less, influence to their teacher career choice."In changsha is very competitive,My parents want me to go back home and the other side of the villages and towns try,But I don't want to go back,I was so young,Should have more chuang chuang."LiangMin said,now,She has to work in a education institutions.


secondly,From salary to see,The teacher industry treatment is not very ideal.Michael thought survey,The normal graduates in teachers' professional after half a year's income for 2617 yuan,Slightly lower than FeiJiaoShi engaged in professional(2734 yuan).But to normal graduates after three years tracking investigation and study found,The 2008 engaged in teachers' professional teachers who three years later monthly income for 3453 yuan,With the national graduate after three years the average salary(5066 yuan)Compared with,Low of nearly one-third.


坚守岗位,三年后九成从教师范生仍在 Hold position,After three years ninety percent of the students in teaching still


Although from salary to see,Teachers' professional engaged in normal class undergraduate course graduate treatment is not very ideal.But Michael thought study found,2011 session of the group of employment satisfaction(55%)But higher than FeiJiaoShi engaged in professional normal class graduates(47%),Also higher than the national average level of undergraduate course graduates(50%).In addition,Michael think university graduates after three years tracking investigation and study found,The 2008 graduation after half a year in teachers' professional normal class undergraduate course graduates,Three years later still has 91% teachers to post.

  记者对湖南师范大学和湖南第一师范学院的60名在读师范类学生进行了求职意愿调查,60%的学生非常肯定地表示希望毕业后能当老师。虽然不是所有在读师范类学生都想成为一名老师,但也有同学在真正接触到老师这个工作后,改变了想法。湖南师范大学外国语学院的刘芳原本的职业规划是进外企,成为一名白领,但在专业实习后,她改变了主意。她说:“当你上课前走在走廊上时,那些小朋友就你一句他一句地叫‘刘老师、刘老师’,声音很稚嫩,让我觉得很开心。”(实习生 尹小龙 记者 徐媛)

Reporter in hunan normal university and hunan first normal college 60 reading normal class students to apply for a job will survey,60% of the students are very sure expressed the hope that after graduation can when the teacher.Although not all reading normal class students want to be a teacher,But there are also students really come into contact with the teacher in this work,Changed idea.Hunan normal university institute of foreign languages of liu fang original career planning is the foreign company,Be a white-collar,But after in the professional training,She changed her mind.She said:"When you walk before class when in the hallway,The child you a he called a word‘Teacher liu/Teacher liu’,Sound is very young,Let me feel very happy."(YinXiaoLong intern reporter XuYuan)
