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Net friend direct beihang university professor two dozen years old man a slap in the face.

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@南方日报: 【北航教授打老人耳光:他是汉奸】近日,在“保钓”游行中因观点不合,一位八旬老人两次遭殴打,随后有人指认打人者为北航教授韩德强。19日,韩德强证实了确有打人一事,还表示自己曾两次扇该老人耳光。他说,是汉奸,收拾他合情合理。

@ southern daily: [Professor beihang university play the old man a slap in the face:He is the]recently,in"The fishing"In the parade for view out,A years old the old man was beaten twice,Then someone identify DaRenZhe for HanDeJiang beihang university professor.19,HanDeJiang have confirmed the hit,Also said he had two fan this old man a slap in the face.He said,Is traitors,Tidy up him fair and reasonable.

@木然:【据称韩德强教授课堂遇冷 连续四堂课无学生】2012年9月24日,辽宁师范大学政治与行政学院博士生导师木然在其认证的腾讯微博上称,在“保钓”游行中因观点不合而殴打八旬老人的韩德强已连续四堂课没有一个学生。此微博内容一发就引起了众多网友的热议。不少网友力挺北航学子的做法,支持封杀韩德强。但也有一些网友对韩德强表示了同情,觉得教学和个人品德是两码事,认为有些学生是在跟风罢课。

@ callous:[It HanDeJiang professor classroom encounter cold continuous four class no students]On September 24, 2012,Liaoning normal university political and administrative institute stupefied doctoral tutor in the authentication of the tencent micro bo said,in"The fishing"In the parade for view out and beaten years old man's HanDeJiang has four class not a student.The micro bo content service is caused many users to hot debate.Not a few net friend force quite buaa students practice,Support force-out HanDeJiang.But there are also some net friend to HanDeJiang expressed sympathy,Think teaching and personal qualities are two different things,Think some of the students are in the follow suit strike.

观点 view


@ the China youth daily:Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics professor HanDeJiang think a colleague's old man collaborationism,Played the old man two slap in the face.He declared:The old man is,Tidy up him fair and reasonable.This statement must be alert to people,Because a similar way of thinking was not the remote past,Let people pay a heavy price,And for the time being,Its legacy continues to do evil.


@ xinhua China net matter:Because dissension will begin hitting,Is still on the net to show off?A beihang university associate professor in public places, the words and deeds of shocking.Play white-haired old man have morality's loss,in"The fishing"Team play compatriots have brothers wounds,"You may not agree with my opinion,But I want to make you say a point of view"Not only make the network celebrity/University teachers' sven sweep the floor,To fans and students of misleading bring more entail no end of trouble.


@ global times:HanDeJiang hit approach is wrong,This is no argument.He is a professor,And black-and-blue old man from the photograph looks years already years old,Beat this old man no matter how to say "no past.Chinese society values in the current level of severe crack.With values as the starting point for many opinion prominent feature.All the arguments for values service,All news and events with values of the nicking tool for carve,And for this sacrifice natural and true"Universal values",For example, looting and absolutely can't become according to the object of looting and who is to determine the behavior of right and wrong.

焦点人物 Focus characters

韩德强:北航著名经济学家,管理学家,竞争经济学创始人,和谐社会理念最早提出者之一。 现任职于北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,讲授MBA课程《竞争战略》及《管理学》。他是大学里少见的实践派讲师。

HanDeJiang:Northing famous economist,Management experts,Competition, the founder of the economics,The harmonious society idea the earliest one of the presenter. As an editor in Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics institute of economic management,MBA courses taught[Competition strategy]and[management].He is the university rare practice pie lecturer.

七嘴八舌 gabble


@ WuYouShui lawyer:It is suggested that,Let the professor at a HanDeJiang class is over.Not class,Obviously northing leadership have the last word/Buaa students have the option.but,A support he not the leadership of the class,Not sure,Basic also has no concept of right and wrong;Choose such a teacher have a class students, its future,Also worrying!


@ darling thought fly:When the teacher DaRenZhe unworthy;Because of the different views,Will begin hitting more unworthy teacher;Junior first beat the old and infirm,Is against strong ling weak,When the teacher more unworthy.Don't know what the teacher professor what class.But no matter what class professor,All don't understand what is university spirit.So to teach it,Didn't agree students cannot finish the industry.


@ free four gerben:Excuse me, professor Korea:The old man who made the traitors charges of sexual?Load cap who is?Who has the authority to give you hit a 80 - year - old old man's?His words don't heard you can education/debate/Report anything,You have no right to hit!


@ DaiJianYe micro bo:Support Shanghai XiongBingJi teach about"Northing should start to‘Professor at a’investigation",Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics if is a transmission of civilization university,You should start immediately to"Professor at a"investigation!


@ singularity DengYunQing era:As long as don't avoid responsibility,Hit call names will do.Korea professor hit people,Also said bear all responsibility,See below the police and the school/Education management department of the attitude.

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“粗口”教授孔庆东 "coarse"KongQingDong professor

北大孔庆东教授又骂脏话了。在8月14日一段视频节目中,孔庆东说到“纳税人”这一话题时,指责现在有少部分人是“汉奸”,部分人是“汉奸忽悠的”,动不动拿“纳税人”说事,“你纳税人就有权利指挥政府吗?你纳税是应该的,不纳税你给我滚蛋”。“我最恶心一口一个‘我是纳税人我如何如何’,你给我滚你妈的蛋。” 视频一出,立刻在网上走红,引起了热烈的传播和讨论。

Peking University professor and the KongQingDong swear.On August 14, a video programs,KongQingDong said to"taxpayer"The topics,Accused now there are a few people are"traitors",Part of the person is"Traitors persuasion",Often take"taxpayer"move,"You will have the right to command the government taxpayers?You should pay taxes is the,Don't tax you give me off"."I the most disgusting a a‘I am taxpayer how do I’,You give me roll your mother's egg." Video a,Popular on the Internet immediately,Aroused a heated propagation and discussed.

孔教授是性情中人,这样的事件并非首次。去年11 月,孔庆东就发布了一条微博,指“南方某周刊”要对他进行采访,由于“态度很和气,语言很阴险”,他回击了一句“去你妈的!滚你妈的! × 你妈的!”后被网友戏称为“三妈”事件。今年年初,在谈及内地儿童在香港港铁车厢吃面事件时说出“香港很多人是狗”,引起一片哗然。除此之外,孔庆东在某视频网站的节目《孔和尚有话说》里还骂过很多人,言论火辣。

Hole professor is temperament middleman,This event is not for the first time.Last November,KongQingDong just released a micro bo,Refers to"South a weekly"To interview him,because"Attitude is very kind,Language is very sinister",He responded to a"To your mama of!Roll your mama of! × your mama of!"After being net friend calls for"Three mom"events.Earlier this year,In reference to the mainland children in Hong Kong port iron car eat noodles say event"Hong Kong many people is a dog",Cause a outcry.In addition,KongQingDong in a video website program[Hole and there are words]In a lot of people return to scold,Hot speech.
