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  电商全线缺人:从游击队到正规军靠培训 Electrical contractor of all people:From the guerrillas to regular army by training

  [ 不过曹磊认为,现在企业处在开疆拓土的阶段,运营、技术、推广是最迫切的工具性人才。随着企业向纵深发展,竞争不断加剧,决定商业本质的供应链人才会越来越热门 ]

[but lei cao think,Now the enterprise a portrait in extension soil stage,operation/technology/Promotion is the most pressing instrumental talents.With the further development of enterprise,Increasing competition,Decided to commercial nature of the supply chain talent will be more and more popular]

  某红酒电商的CEO 最近在微博上多次受到顾客的质疑,原因是其在北京的客户订购了红酒后,居然等了近一周,商品却还没有从当地的仓储中心送达。

A red wine electric quotient CEO recently in micro bo has been on the customer's question,The reasons for its customers in Beijing ordered red drunk,Incredibly waiting for almost a week,Commodity had not from local storage service center.


The CEO himself quickly beside the single,Problem solved soon,But he also helplessly found,Rapid business growth, the,More and more highlights the relevant warehousing logistics personnel missing bottleneck problem.


This situation in the industry rapid expansion/Talent gap huge electric business industry universal existence."In the industry under the background of rapid development,Talent and good faith/Logistics together become influence electric business industry development of the three major bottleneck."China electronic commerce research center director to June[The first financial daily]said.Its center to participate in the preparation of[2012 China electronic commerce talent investigation report]display,In all survey in the enterprise,81.82% of the enterprise existing recruitment pressure,45.45% of the enterprise recruitment pressure from enterprise fast growth,59.09% of the enterprise is expected to a year will be large-scale recruitment requirements.


毕业生仅满足行业半月需求 Graduates meets industry demand and a half months


According to the technical and business requirements of different emphasis,The electronic commerce post is divided into to the technology primarily,If your website design and database maintenance personnel, etc;And in business primarily,Such as network marketing/Network market research positions.If the business and technical requirements are higher is higher levels of the electronic commerce post,Such as electronic business project manager/The electronic commerce system designers, etc.So what kind of talents is the electricity business enterprise or traditional enterprise electric business business lack most?


The investigation shows that,18.18% of the enterprise need electric business operation personnel,20.45% of the enterprise need technical talent(it/artists),13.64% of the enterprise need to expand the sale personnel,4.55% of the enterprise are in urgent need of supply chain management personnel 4.55%,And all kinds of talents are very lack of enterprise accounted for 43.18%.


But lei cao think,Now the enterprise a portrait in extension soil stage,operation/technology/Promotion is the most pressing instrumental talents.With the further development of enterprise,Increasing competition,Decided to commercial nature of the supply chain talent will be more and more popular.


Although since 2000,The ministry of education has approved 339 undergraduate universities and more than 650 vocational setting electronic business professional,Each year about more than 80000 graduates,however"Tao work"Data display,Only from April 2012 for more than half a month of time,Electric business position demand number up to 88870 a.There were more than 80000 electric business graduates,That is the culture of electric businessman to every year,Can only meet the industry half a month talent demand.


Besides some college education system and old theory knowledge can't adapt to the electric business development needs,"Highly educated low ability person"Is not a few.


微利与高人才成本的纠结 Meager profit and high talent cost ravel


"In the past few months,I almost will within the industry can collect all the people dug again",However, from the traditional industry into the electric business industry the near a website human resources director also found,"The value of the talents in the industry constantly increasing),So the staff wages are not low.And the starters have set up the buyer the seller network effect and talent advantage."


Data showed that electrical contractor personnel demand,Most of the enterprises in continuous recruitment,The brain drain is a important reason.


"Electronic business enterprise development rapidly,But still in extensive competition stage."Lei cao think,It also lead to rich experience or can quickly the overhand electronic commerce talent scarcity and hot,All the electric business enterprise to talented person's competition gradually intensified is an inevitable trend.


"Throw money/Rob customers and build logistics is the main melody in 2011 electric business",ChenZhongHua also found behind the prosperity of the industry and confused:High marketing expenses/High logistics costs and the high cost of human resources.A personage inside course of study has revealed,Last year's group purchase market when very hot,In a group purchase industry work half a year's monthly income of 5000 yuan,2 ~ 3 months after job-hopping wages could rise to 10000 yuan,For the next half year job-hopping,Wages may be up to 20000 yuan.


The problem is relative to the employee wages are rising faster,The ability to work and not ascend accordingly,Enterprise's investment rate of return is extremely low.


培训赶不上发展速度 Training couldn't catch up with development speed


In the early stage of rapid development,Dig with the way may be able to find talent as soon as possible,Just a shortcut,but"When the electrical business enterprise do big later,Cannot reoccupy‘guerrillas’mentality,But to use‘Regular army’Play and practice way".


This requires electrical business enterprise to set up a complete set of training system,Let employees and enterprises will continue to grow in the study.At the same time also can't according to traditional industry enterprise university that step-by-step cultivating mode,But to and enterprise strategic combination,Can anticipation to enterprise after six months of talent demand,And early involvement in training.


meanwhile,After 80/After 90 has become the mainstream of the electric business enterprise employees.In the above investigation,After 80/After half 90 employees and the following enterprise only 4.55%,Accounted for sixty percent of about 11.36%,About seventy percent 25.00% of the enterprise,Accounts for eighty percent or more of the enterprise accounted for 59.09%.


After 80/After 90 the employee's passion and creativity are driving electric business rapid development of the industry,But at the same time, distinct personality and surreal values also to the enterprise management challenges.therefore,According to these employees make corresponding training plan is particularly important.


On the other hand,Is not only a technical and business training,Lei cao think,Enterprise talent strategy also need to establish the system of value as the important content.Such as ali was investigated including the 团购网 under standing together cost-effective former general manager of YanLiMin, 28 employee,Part of the taobao employees and external stores alleged unfair interests between delivery space is significant containment,This is also to the original value system further revision and stressed.(LiuQiong)
