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兰州一大学数十人夜闯宿舍行凶 多名学生被砍伤--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:9月26日凌晨,甘肃广播电视大学内数十名男子踹开1处宿舍门将3名新生砍成重伤。学校教师称,带头砍人的是该校新生,具体原因警方正在调查。目前,带头砍人者已被警方控制。 In the morning on September 26,,Gansu radio and television university in dozens of man open chuai 1 place dormitory goalkeeper three new cut into serious injury.School teachers said,Take the lead of the cut is new,Police are investigating the specific reason.At present,Those who take the lead cut has been police control.更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>> 一名学生的手差点被砍断。本报记者张学江摄 A student hand almost be cut down.Our reporter ZhangXueJiang perturbation 宿舍门被踹坏。本报记者张学江摄 The dormitory door is crushed bad.Our reporter ZhangXueJiang perturbation


原标题:数十人夜闯宿舍行凶多名大一学生被砍伤 Original title:Dozens of people through the night loose dormitory more than freshmen cuts


事发甘肃广播电视大学警方已将带头砍人者控制 The gansu radio and television university police have cut will lead the way those who control

  每日甘肃网-兰州晨报讯(记者张学江) 9月26日凌晨1时许,位于南滨河路的甘肃广播电视大学里,数十名男子将该校机电发电综合班大一男生913宿舍门踹开后,将3名学生砍成重伤。据称,带头砍人的都系本校学生。具体案情广武门派出所正在进一步调查之中。

Gansu daily net - lanzhou morning news(Reporter ZhangXueJiang) On September 26th morning at about 1,Is located in the south of BinHeLu gansu radio and television university,Dozens of man will the school mechanical and electrical power integrated class male freshmen 913 dormitory door after the tread,Will 3 students cut into serious injury.it,Take the lead of the cut is the students.Specific details of a case a surname door police station is further investigation.


On that day when 1 am xu,Gansu radio and television university students mostly has entered the dreamland.suddenly,9 floor corridor there was a severe tread the door sound.Wake up students found out,Mechanical and electrical power integrated class male freshmen live 913 dormitory door has surrounded by many people.


On September 26th noon,This class students to recall the matter still lingering fear not away:"Someone shouted to open the door,Someone was by foot fierce to tread the door plank.The whole floor students will be awakened.A little while the door was open tread,The inside of the students to see,From the dormitory rushed in more than ten men,There are several people hand carrying choppers,There are a lot of people are saying in the corridor.The inside of the students has not been reaction to come over and then being dragged down bashing."


Noisy moved that night live in the dormitory next door/Originally is 913 dormitory students xiao Yang,Hear your own dormitory students had an accident,Run to come over immediately when asked about the situation was surrounded.Xiao Yang after the break to run 913 dormitories,Soon be four or five men catch up,Plugging in the dorm,Each other swing dance knife,Xiao Yang to withstand the,Cuts back/Left leg and left hand.


It is understood,Xiao Yang is silver people,This year was admitted to gansu radio and television university,ShuLiao,Less than one month school will be in the school chop wound.


26 morning,Reporter in the three love hall hospital when see xiao Yang,He was lying in the bed the transfusion treatment."So terrible,So many people plugging us,See man struck,See people cut it!"He told reporters,The dormitory with two other students were also knife chop wound,There are two students were lightly injured.According to he introduced,More than 10 people rushed into the dorm shooting,And a decade or two people in the corridor Shouting,Duration is a few minutes.When the police came,The gang had run away,They were the police to the hospital.It is understood,When black-and-blue and 912 dormitory students,Chop wound their people he did not know.


"School 10 at night to lock the door,Turn out the lights when 11,They like someone like ambitious,Patrol teacher had just left,They came to the."According to the analysis of the students,There can be no social youth rush into in the middle of the school,The violent is outside class the student.Because they are new,In addition to this class students,Other people they didn't know,Against whom have more does not exist.


26 at noon,Reporters on the scene saw,913 the dormitory door plank split,Dormitory bed quilt didn't fold,The ground dispersedly put hot kettle/Laver and students items with woven bag.


It is understood,The dormitory lived 10 students,Come from foreign rural."We don't know them,Heard last night in the corridor is very noisy,Frighten didn't dare go out.Found this morning in the corridor up blood,We didn't know about it,We feel very frightened."914 dormitory several classmates said.


Reporter to interview the school,Students at school at noon.Journalists did not see the campus security chief and school leadership.According to the supervisory control a staff introduced,The nine floor corridor and some corner there is no monitoring system."I really don't have the school leader telephone,Unable to contact."Although reporter requests,But the school some of the staff and the class teacher in charge expressed that don't know leadership of the telephone.26 afternoon,Reporter telephone interview with wounded student's teacher in charge teacher li,He says the three students are injured heavier,The rest are minor injuries."Take the lead of the cut is new,Concrete reason police are investigating the processing."It is understood,A surname door police station police already will lead those who cut control.


At present,The specific situation of the case is further investigation.


(Writer who:Mr. Liu reward 100 yuan)


 同类事件: Similar events:郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡(图) Zhengzhou university girl's dormitory a murder happened three girls death(diagram)

  学生伤亡基本情况: Students casualties basic situation:2012年9月25日凌晨5点半左右,犯罪嫌疑人图某某进入女生宿舍7403B行凶,造成住在下铺的4名学生3死1伤,死者为陈某某、杨某某、刘某,伤者王某某目前在医院医治。犯罪嫌疑人图某某现已被公安机关抓获,据初步了解,图某某为该宿舍另一陈姓女学生通过网络认识的内蒙古某大学学生,其行凶作案的原因公安机关正在审讯之中。事发前夜,通过网络认识犯罪嫌疑人图某某的这名陈姓女学生因请假回家不在宿舍住宿。案件具体情况公安机关正在进一步侦破过程中。【详细】

On September 25, 2012 at about half past five,The criminal suspect diagram so-and-so into the girl's dormitory 7403 b the loose,Cause live in bottom spread of four students died 3 1 injury,The dead for a work his way up/Yang a/LiuMou,The injured wang mou some currently in the hospital.The criminal suspect diagram so-and-so has captured by the public security organs,According to preliminary understanding,Diagram so-and-so for the dormitory another female student surnamed Chen through network know students of a university in Inner Mongolia,Loose the crime causes the public security organs are among the trial.The eve,Through the network know the criminal suspect diagram such-and-such a female student surnamed Chen for leave home not dormitory accommodation.The specific situation of the case public security organs are investigate further process.[detailed]

  最新进展: The latest progress:郑州高校女生宿舍凶杀案犯罪嫌疑人被捕     校方拟分别赔偿50万 Zhengzhou university girl's dormitory murder crime suspects were arrested     The university intends to compensate for 500000 respectively

  事件反思: Reflection events:


In the near future continuous happened two students dormitory safety incident,The school do?The school if there is a guard,Why did they let a social people enter the campus and even into the dormitory,School on how to guarantee the safety of the students!


醉酒男闯女生宿舍动粗 学校管理不力被责令整改 Drunken man rushed girl's dormitory rough lack of school management is ordered to rectification


Several came to visit villagers man into a drunken girl's dormitory look"Pretty girl",Threat the open the door,And because of the words out will be the girl field so-and-so, beating the injury.11,From shanxi taiyuan police to spread the news,The seven participants were the police administrative detention,And things in school because of poor management has been ordered to rectification.[detailed]


中国校园安全隐患突出 保安素质不佳缺专业技能 China campus safety hidden trouble prominent security poor quality of professional skills


Zhejiang province public security organ through the survey found,Part of the school safety facilities management poor maintenance.Some schools video monitoring probe stationing is not reasonable,Probe basic layout in the school gate and channel,To the student activity space/The dining room and other important part not to install the probe.Some existing monitoring equipment image fuzzy/Can't normal video playback and students/The children in the campus alarm device not fortification or failure situation.[detailed]

  请别让制度形同虚设! Please don't let system exist in name only!

  中国将完善校内管理制度 保护学生安全

China will improve the management system to protect students' safety


ZhuYongXin:Actively promote residential school management standardization construction

  山西启动校园联网视频监控系统 确保校园安全

Shanxi start campus network video monitoring system to ensure that the campus safety

  扩展阅读: Extended reading:


College students how to"FangPian"?How to protect themselves?In the face of danger and harm how to defend youself,Should be the most college students admission on the"class".

  北大研究生写防骗指南:远离切糕商贩和讨饭党 Peking University graduate student write FangPian guide:Far from QieGao vendors and begging the party


Freshmen in the,recently,A titled[Those north surrounding the cheats]Post popular network,Net post said"Pku campus near many cheats",lists"Sell cheap phone card"/"Sell QieGao"/"Begging party"9 types may be cheat situation.yesterday,People post Peking University research two students XiaoZou says,"Prevention guide"Is based on him in the north of the six years experience written,Aims to remind the new pay attention to the prevention.[detailed]
