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  深圳市宝安区15岁的自闭症孩子李孟想到普通学校读书被19名家长联名拒绝一事,引起社会关注。据称,教育部门和学校提出的三个解决方案都被拒绝,李孟家长还是希望孩子到普通学校就读,但学校认为不合适。目前他们正帮忙联系医疗机构,对孩子的情况做鉴定。 Shenzhen baoan district 15 years old autistic children LiMeng thought of ordinary school was 19 parents about joint refused to,Cause social attention.it,Education department and school puts forward three solutions have been rejected,LiMeng parents still want the child to ordinary schools,But schools that don't fit.At present they are help contact medical institutions,To the child's condition do identification.


From the surface to see,Education bureau and school,Respect the opinions of the majority of parents,But also for the development of children"consider",But this incident,Or exposed to our country school management and"Special children"Education existence seriously insufficient.


Refuse to autistic children,Is by the parents of the joint launch,But the views of parents whether must adopt it?It depends on the two aspects,One is the reason of parents is reasonable/legal,The second is the views of parents should submit parents the committee for discussion,After the formation of the bill by the school processing.Standing in the Angle of parents,These parents' request has its rationality,but,This request is not legal,Anybody by their own interests,To deprive others the right by education.


In the event processing,The school did not insist on maintaining the lawful rights and interests of the autistic children remember hangzhou library open for free,Have eduction news,Citizens have to curator complaints scavenger also into the library.Curator said,I didn't right refused to scavenger into the library,But you have the right to choose to leave.This lead public opinion were consistent.Although these two things different,But its inner logic almost,The school has no right to refuse to school-age children study,And parents if not satisfied,Can choose to other schools.In addition,The school also no sound parents commission and the rules of procedure,This leads to a parent collective joint,Let the school do not know how to deal with.


Parents work hard to their children"pure"Learning environment,Want to drive away the children with autism,It is on his own children against education,Transfer discrimination and apathy.This may be the parents have never think of.Everyone should be aware of,Today discrimination others,Some day may also be similarly discrimination,Respect for others/Equal treatment to everyone,Is respect yourself.


The international community has been generally recognized autistic children to equal education environment practice.By way of special education,Although seemingly suitable for these children,But it is a treat to their differences,Also difficult to let its inclusion in the normal life.Our education also begin to accept this kind of practice,But overall,There are two aspects.


One is the concept of equality is not set up,There are intentionally or unintentionally concept discrimination.A lot of people always put the education fair in noises,But when in their own interests,Take this forgotten.Fair treatment of autistic children,Should give the same school environment,Desalination instead of improved they are patient,Including education departments and schools require them to test/appraisal,Is not should.If the school is able to equal treatment to the children,All the students are fair value concept/The rights of the best education.


The second is normal school to give these children's education,The lack of teachers and education teaching equipment support.For example,If the average school accept autistic children,You should have know autistic children education guide teacher.Still for example,If the average school accept legs disabled students,Should the channel and facilities.Now ordinary schools all is according to the traditional design,Hard to accept these students,Can't let them into normal learning environment,Also made and other students and parents of the conflict.

  教育公平是一个需要长期普及并加以践行的理念,这需要每个公民转变自己的观念,尊重并维护每个个体的合法受教育权利,同时也需要完善教育管理制度,从公平理念出发,改革我国的学校管理和教育教学。 (熊丙奇)

Education fair is a need long-term popularization and to the concept of practice,This requires every citizen change their ideas,Respect and maintain an individual's legal rights by education,At the same time also need to perfect the education management system,Starting from the concept of fairness,The reform of our country school management and education teaching. (XiongBingJi)
