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课程模式 curriculum

  高中选修课的类型与比例 从课程内容上,选修课可分为学术性选修课和职业性(或技术性)选修课。前者侧重于基础文化知识和基本技能方面的知识,包括高深型、拓宽型、趣味型学术性选修课。这类选修课有助于丰富学生的精神生活,扩大学生的视野,发挥特长,培养个性,对学生的学术走向有特别重要的意义。后者包括农业类、工业类和商业类选修课,目的在于使中学生了解一些工业、农业、商业发展的历史与现状,掌握一些知识与技能,为今后的就业作一定的准备。从开设方式上,选修课可分为限定选修课和任意选修课。限定选修课即按照学生发展的不同方向,将有关选修课分组设置,组成定向选修学科群,让学生进行选修(实际上是选组)。它能适应社会发展的需要和学生的能力侧向。任意选修课即不进行固定分组,开设数量足够的、既适于升学又兼顾就业的选修学科,让学生在教师指导下自由选择,它能避免过早专业分化所导致的发展的狭隘性。 怎样确定选修课与必修课之间的比例呢?尽管必修课与选修课之间虽不是主次关系或主从关系,但它们各自所占的比重却有所不同。选修课太少,导致教育僵化、封闭,难以适应学生的个性差异和发展学生的兴趣特长。当然,选修课太多,又会影响学生基本文化科学素质的培养。在20世纪60—70年代,美国选修课膨胀,中学的选修课程曾多达一二百种,一些州的选修课比例甚至超过50%,课程变成“自助餐”,学生“误把糕点当正餐”,导致教育质量严重下降。鉴于正反两方面的经验与教训,我们认为.随着年级的提高,高一、高二、高三应逐年递增选修课比例,三年内选修课与必修课的比例定为3:7较为合理。至于选修课内部的关系,由于限定选修课的主要目标是促进学生的定向,因此,限定选修课应成为高中选修课的主体部分,可占70%左右。而任意选修课对于学生兴趣、特长与个性的发展十分必要,可控制在30%以内,这样,才能既避免选修的盲目性和随意性,又给予学生一定的自由度,让学生有个性地发展。

High school elective course of type and proportion from the curriculum content,Elective course can be divided into academic elective courses and professional(Or technical)Elective course.The former focuses on basic cultural knowledge and the basic skill knowledge,Including advanced type/Broaden type/Interesting type academic elective course.This kind of elective course helps to enrich the students' spiritual life,Expand student horizons,Bring into play one's strong points,Culture personality,To student's academic to have very important significance.The latter include agricultural class/Industrial class and business class elective course,The purpose is to make students understand some of the industry/agricultural/Business development history and current situation,Grasp some knowledge and skills,For future employment do some preparation.From the open mode,Elective course can be divided into restricted elective course and arbitrary elective course.According to the students' development is restricted elective course of different directions,The relevant elective course group Settings,Composition directional elective the discipline group,Let students take as an elective course(Is actually choose group).It can meet the demand of social development and students' ability lateral.Any elective course that is not fixed group,Open enough/Suitable for both study and employment of give attention to two or morethings the elective subject,Let the students in teachers under the guidance of free choice,It can avoid premature professional differentiation in the narrow-mindedness of the development. How to determine the elective course and the ratio between the compulsory course?Although a required course and the elective course is not between the primary and secondary relations or subordination,But their respective the proportion is different.Elective course too little,Lead to education rigid/closed,Difficult to adapt to students' individual character difference and to develop the students' interest in specialty.Of course,Elective course too much,And will affect the students basic scientific culture quality cultivation.In the 20th century 60-70 s,The United States elective course expansion,Middle school elective courses have as many as 1200 kind,In some states, the elective course proportion and even more than 50%,Course into"buffet",students"Mistake cakes when dinner",Lead to education quality serious decline.In view of both the positive and negative aspects of the experience and lessons,We think. As grade increase,higher/high/Three year by year should be increasing proportion of elective courses,Three years the proportion of elective courses and a required course for 3:7 relatively reasonable.As for elective course internal relations,Due to the limited elective course's main goal is to promote students' orientation,therefore,Restricted elective course should become the main part of the high school elective course,Can be occupied 70%.And any elective course for students interested in/Specialty and the development of personality is very necessary,Can be controlled within 30%,this,Can not only avoid the blindness and liberty of take as an elective course,And to give students a certain degree of freedom,Let students have the personality development.


基本模式 Basic mode


Around the world high school elective course setting situation,The basic pattern mainly has the following four.


任选制(选课制) Optional system(Elective system)


Elective course is to let elective forms,Students choose what class and choose less choose,All these students volunteer to determine.The proportion of elective courses in countries around the schools is not the same,Generally speaking,Roughly 30% - 50%.


选科制(分科制) Select the course system(Branch system)


Elective course branch or group Settings,Students only select the course(Or batch)rights,Without choose a particular subject freedom.That is not take a door a specific course,But, from the overall take a broad class of course.Some dog/Reason two families,Some dog/reason/professional(Or say real family)three,The name is not the same.


定向选修制 Directional elective system


It will"Selected families"and"elective"combined,After the branch every family has a required course,And elective course.Restricted elective ensure the elective directivity,Any elective and ensure the elective flexibility,ideal.


全选修制 All elective system

  所有课程均具有选修的性质。如美国高中一般只规定必修的学科,如英语、数学、社会、科学等,而在每一门必修的学科中都开设有多种不同水平、不同名目的课程。比如英语这一学科,有基本水平、一般水平和高级水平等几种不同水平的英语课,同时还有多种文学和写作课,学生可根据自己的情况和志趣进行选择。这样,必修课也具有选修的性质。 上述课程模式各有利弊,它们适合一定的情况和条件。选课模式较灵活,能适应不同地区、不同学校、各种学生的情况和要求,但对于一些新课程,需要培训教师;如果缺乏指导,学生的选课容易导致盲目性和随意性。条件较好的学校可以实行,条件较差,则困难较多。选科模式大体上适应了学生明显分化的客观情况,在教学组织上简便易行,“一个班、一个教室、一张课表”,便于管理。但它从产生以来,就遭到人们的批评与指责,如它只把学生分为文、理科或几科,有些机械和简单化,容易造成学生在学习上的“偏科”现象,反而抑制了学生的发展。定向选修模式既保持了分科的特点,又克服了单纯分科的缺点,能在一定程度上适应同一科目下学生不同的发展要求。教学组织与教学管理上也易于操作。全选修模式可以完全适应学生的个人情况、兴趣爱好和发展需要,使他们的特长得到较为充分的发展,同时,学生自选课程可大大提高他们学习的主动性和积极性。但该模式可能忽视学生发展需要的一些基础知识,使学生的知识面过窄,因此较适合高年级学生。

All programmes have the nature of courses.Such as American high school regulations only commonly required subjects,Such as English/mathematics/social/science,And in every door compulsory subjects are opened a variety of different levels/Different name objective course.Such as English this subject,Have the basic level/General level and advanced level to wait for a few kinds different levels of English class,At the same time there are a variety of literature and writing class,Students can according to their own situation and interest selection.this,A required course also has the nature of courses. The above course mode has its own advantages and disadvantages,They are suitable for a certain situation and conditions.Elective model is flexible,Can adapt to different areas/Different schools/All kinds of the conditions of the students and requirements,But for some of the new curriculum,Need training teachers;If lack of guidance,Students' course selection easily lead to blindness and arbitrariness.Conditions good schools can implement,poor,Is more difficult.Select the course mode adapted to the students in obvious differentiation of objective condition,In the teaching organization is simple, convenient and feasible,"A class/A classroom/A schedule",manageable.But it from which has been,There have been people's criticism and the accused,If it only put students into text/Science or a few families,Some mechanical and simplification,Easy to cause the students in learning"Precious things"phenomenon,But the development of the students' inhibition.Directional elective mode not only keep the characteristics of the branch,And overcome the shortcomings of simple branch,Can to a certain extent the same subject to adapt to the requirements of the development of students' different.Teaching organization and teaching management and easy to operate.All elective mode can fully meet the students' personal information/Hobbies and development needs,Make their specialty get relatively full development,At the same time,Students optional course can greatly improve their learning initiative and enthusiasm.But this model can ignore students' development need some basic knowledge,To make the students knowledge too narrow,Therefore suitable for the senior and junior students.
