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北大教授:男女智力发育速度不同 建议错龄入学--亲稳舆论引导监测室


"In view of the children's intelligence development of men and women at different speeds,Boy's common later than girls 2 years,Gay children have developmental differences,So the national unified regulation 7 years old children of men and women in violation of education law school.Suggest girl can be in 6 ~ 7 annual income study,The boy can be in 7 ~ 8 annual income study.Now the university admissions girls generally high scores than male ones,Need to reflect on."On September 24,Beijing university professor wu will tiger in micro bo published on view,That boy should be later than girls entrance.In the subsequent a reply to the Internet in micro bo,Wu will tiger said,In the same grade,Girl 5 annual income study/Boy 8 annual income study,More suitable for both sides get along with.This view,Quickly on the network to form the hot topics.yesterday,Modern express the reporter expansion interview,Each party also hold different opinions.

  现代快报记者 金凤 黄艳

Modern express reporter jinfeng HuangYan

  快报调查:小学低年级阶段,女孩确实比同龄男孩更成熟,表现更好 Express survey:The elementary school lower grade stage,The girl did more than their peers boy more mature,better

  专家观点:“错龄入学”难以操作,不妨考虑改变一下评价体系 Expert view:"Wrong age entrance"Difficult to operate,You might consider a change of evaluation system

  调查 survey

  小学里,女生表现确实更好 Elementary school,The girl really better performance


"Elementary school,Girls generally more obedient,In the discipline/Finish the homework aspects are better than the boys."A primary school teacher said,Especially the elementary school lower grade,The girl performance more grab an eye."For example we accept ZeJiaoSheng,Are more willing to to the girl,If you are too naughty boy,The general is not reap."


Nanjing normal university jinling women's dean of college QianHuanQi said,For boys and girls about developmental research in brain research is based on,There are several national key laboratory in do,Old would have come out.According to the research results,For boys and girls in the same age stage,The girl to be more mature some.

  一年级四个班,班长都是女的 A grade four class,The monitor is female


6 years old half little girl chang chang,Nanjing is a primary school students of grade one,Before admission,She know more than 1000 Chinese characters,Will 100 less than addition and subtraction,worse,She get a nerve,Never are not afraid of strangers,Adult let her singing and dancing never stage fright.Less than a month before admission,Lively chang chang was the teacher designated as small monitor,Do the teacher's little helper.


"A grade four class,Is full of monitress."Another primary school teacher said,This year a grade entrance of four class,All selected monitress."Haven't the exam,Far from who performance better,But choose the monitor will choose a group is conspicuous/Speak boldly children.Girls language expression ability,Class active hands up,And perception/Executive force is pretty good,And with the teacher is closer to you,So monitress many."The teacher said,Even in the democratic choose the class cadre stage,In the junior stage,The naughty little boy also won't get too many votes.

  挺聪明的男孩,进了小学总挨批 A clever boy,Into the elementary school always be criticized


"One of my grade have too failed."The little boy, this year, on the second grade,Is the normal age entrance.In the kindergarten stage,Begin activities more,He often praised by the teacher.The primary school,He had sit still problem,Also like the class get a word in edgeways,Brought the teacher's many times criticized.Mother very worried,The teacher at,Children play a meal.


"I now result is bad also,Teachers and students don't like me,I don't want to go to school."Gruppo, make to transfer,Or heavy in kindergarten."His intelligence is no problem,Is bad habit,Tube could not help myself."Mother side son love dearly,Side also at a loss what to do.


Xu woman and her husband is graduate,When I was a child are good students.But the boy but not the same,In kindergarten group of him in the kindergarten students often play,Also in the class shouted.The teacher said that he begin to understand night,Many ways can't compare with other children.


"The child intelligence quotient (IQ) no problem,Mainly is the emotion quotient (eq) is not enough.Want to let him go to school a year later,But if a year to go to school late,Also can affect a child's self-esteem."Ms xu in hesitate to do.

  专家声音 Experts voice

  校长:小学阶段的评价更利于女生 The headmaster:The evaluation of primary school is more advantageous to the girl


Nanjing GuLouOu first center primary school principals WangXueJin said,Although the boy"Begin to understand"Is later than girls,But in the elementary school higher grades,Some boys will"take"out,In all aspects of performance began to highlight.


"‘Wrong age’school,There is something,But the rise not feasible."WangXueJin said,"Wrong age"school,Will bring a series of operation problem,If the boys late one to three years admission,Also late one to three years into the kindergarten,Or is much more kindergarten for several years.This is not all parents are willing to,Is disorderly.And to the junior stage,The general boy are catching up with,Not more than their peers weak girl,if"Wrong age"entrance,The boys graduation also night,Work late.


"The problem was out in the evaluation,Now the evaluation of primary school is more advantageous to the girl."WangXueJin said,The girl in the expression on the comparison,So in primary school get training opportunities also many,Teachers should have the opportunity to participate in more boys.In academic aspects,Not only evaluation culture results,Include some of the boys are good at activities should also accounts for an important position,Give them confidence."Our school,In swimming and football,Boy predominate,Boy also have their own can be proud of place."


WangXueJin also said,He always did not approve of cannot lose in the starting line this sentence,Human development is a long distance,Maybe some boys when start slowly,Is not equal to the back'll miss.


GuPingGang elementary school psychological teacher liu yan also said,The boy in the school as long as had a adaptive phase,At least can keep up with the team,The parents want to have patience to wait for a child's growth.

  专家:“错龄入学”没有必要推广 experts:"Wrong age entrance"There is no need to promote


NaShiDa children development and family education research center deputy director YanFei said,The boy in the early intelligence development lag girl one or two years,Is objective reality,But in this from the policy level one size fits all,Is biased,Also have boy development degree and age girl quite,Even beyond age girl."School age lag,Although to boys will have certain protective,But this means is to get the kids to indulge in education,But in fact,Education should be the child development services."YanFei said.


YanFei said,School age reach international trend,This course orientation and relevant."Some parents used to eager,The children haven't before school,pinyin/Basic addition and subtraction is done."He thinks,In this case,Delayed boy school age,Not for parents to accept.


YanFei said:"Male girl age is smaller,The difference,But after senior gap more and more small,So certainly is not age,But currently education concerns mode is more suitable to the development of the girl."He thinks,tests/The university entrance exam paper and pencil tests,More suitable for clever girl,And the boy is easy to fall into a reverie,No obvious advantages.


 教育部门回应 Education department response

  6周岁入学政策江苏不会改变 6 years old admission policy jiangsu won't change


"Law is 6 years old.Jiangsu province is unified."Jiangsu provincial department of education foundation director MaBin said,6 years old entrance is after many years of practice,And after the expert argument,Has its scientific.And primary school education is compulsory,Parents should in the legal age to send their children to school.


"Before also some areas of jiangsu children,Annual income study of seven or eight onwards,That's because when school is little/Baby boom and reasons,Now won't have this kind of phenomenon."MaBin said,Wu will tiger point of view is a person point of view,But not universal.MaBin said,Basic education 12 years,Their peers in high school boys girls all aspects of development is about,The university entrance exam without too much difference.therefore,He said,Not because some boys in the middle stage of a slightly behind and change the admission policy.

  网友们怎么说 Net friends how to say

  有人支持有人反对 Some support opposition

  还有人调侃…… There are people ridicule……


For wu will tiger suggestion,Micro bo net friends also hold different views,A human is,opposition,Others to ridicule.


In favor of the pie


Net friend"Vivian":The children's intelligence development from the point of view of the said,There is something,Is also advantageous in protects the little boy's confidence.


Net friend"mpdiaoY":Ideas butt!So more conducive to train the boy's self-confidence!


Net friend"Guangdong flowers not a flower":Good ah!Total felling age children boys than girls psychological age? Small!


Net friend"Come Baby_ members!":My son is 6 years old the victims of reading,Along the way he read very hard,Recover very hard.Especially in high school,Up his classmates ratio,His comprehension ability more shortage.In favor of the boy late one or two years study!


The opposition


Net friend"Luoyang god small turtle":I don't approve of boy's delayed entrance,According to their own reading experience,Young children in the class(Both men and women)Common than older children much better results.


Net friend"The mayan fox":Early admission also have good grades,Late admission also have learning achievements are bad.Each child's talent and preschool family education at different levels,So cannot treat as the same physiological age.


Ridicule sent


Net friend"lubaluba":Stagger age entrance,This perhaps is to solve"Left female"Question 1 medicine.


Net friend"XiaoJie _ more than":Ha ha,The girl after blessed,Class of boys are"Oh dad"(Korean,Brother meaning).


College students look like this


Girls welcome"Wrong age"


But whether it is worth popularization?


For boys and girls of"Wrong age entrance"suggestion,College students have different reactions.South of the ideological and political education research farmers of liberal arts two students sinus beautiful is said,More hope and mental relatively mature boys exchange.Sinus jing said,Classmates at the same level"older"The existence of the boys will also let the girls boyfriend choice when little a lot of pressure."After all, there are a lot of girls are under the social ethics,Few students with love."


But sinus beautiful think,Male girl"Wrong age to go to school"Really is worth popularizing,Still worthy of,"It also be involved in the problem of gender equality,The girl with what I can't be with my counterparts boy competition together?"


Although in the university,Numbers of women in many professional began"Capture territory",But sinus beautiful feel,Boys very strong advantage of backwardness,And girls have their own limitations.


"Girls generally diligent,Hard work,But the big three,The boy the girl performance have a watershed,Some boys will insight,HouCheng hair force,Result will suddenly from middle reaches spell to the first three,Common look silent,When the research result is outstanding."


Sinus jing said,In the university,Although the majority of the scholarship to the girl,But the students at school activities,Play the leading role is often the boy.


In addition,Some students feel"Wrong age entrance"There is no need to,"Sometimes the boys than girls performance difference,Because the boy more energy dispersion,Investment in the study of different energy,Some like to play the game,Some busy fall in love,But the girl is exclusive,Performance better."Nanjing university freshmen joba chamberlain said,"Wrong age entrance"Is not the solution to the men and women living result difference countermeasures.
