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  2012年9月26日,北京建华实验学校校长、北京十一学校校长李金初著作《一个校长的教育创新思考》出版座谈会在北京十一学校召开。这本书切实反映了十一学校长达20年成功改革和优质发展的过程,特别是各项改革、实验、战略、创新措施的形成和展开过程,并可得出成功的原因。 2012 September 26,,Beijing JHF experimental school principal/Beijing eleven school principal LiJinChu original works[A the headmaster's education innovation thinking]Publishing forum held in Beijing. The school.This book to reflect the eleven school for more than 20 years successful reform and quality development process,Especially reforms/The experiment/strategy/The innovation measures of formation and expansion process,And the reasons for the success of that.

  著名教育家顾明远也写道:"书中论述了教育理念、办学思想、体制改革、课程改革、学校管理等等方方面面,既有理论又有实际,展示了一名普通学校的校长成为一名教育家的历程。" The famous educator GuMingYuan also wrote:"The book discusses the education idea/School-running idea/System reform/Curriculum reform/School management all aspects and so on,Both theoretical and practical,Shows a common the headmaster of the school to become a educator process."著名教育家陶西平在序中写道:"这是一本学校教育的教科书,它不是一部单纯的理论著作,是他对长期从事教育实践所积累的体验的朴素陈述,是他多年来对学校教育思考的心血的结晶。" The famous educator in order TaoXiPing wrote:"This is a school education textbooks,It is not a simple theory works,He is engaged in education practice for a long time have accumulated experience of the simple statement,Is he for many years to the school education thinking painstaking care crystallization."

  在座谈会开始前,搜狐教育专访了李金初校长。 Before the start of the symposium,Sohu education LiJinChu interview with the headmaster.


 "平生只办一所好学校"的执着追求 "Life only do a good school"Persistent pursuit

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:李校长您好,首先恭喜您的新书《一个校长的教育创新思考》出版发行。您出版这本书的初衷是什么,能否介绍一下?

Principal li hello,First of all congratulations on your new book[A the headmaster's education innovation thinking]published.The publication of this book you what was the purpose of,Can introduce?


李金初(北京建华实验学校校长、北京十一学校原校长): LiJinChu(Beijing JHF experimental school principal/Beijing eleven school former headmaster):今年是北京十一学校建校60周年,马上就是校庆日。60年一甲子,十一学校是在新中国成立不久,新中国经济恢复时期建立起来,一路走来也经历了不少的磨难,随着改革开放和国家的发展,十一学校也进入了崭新的时代。

This year is the 60th anniversary of Beijing eleven school school,There is decoration day.60 years a jia,Eleven school is the new China was founded soon,New China set up economic recovery period,Along the way also experienced many hardships,With the opening and reform and the development of the country,Eleven school also entered the new era.


60 years,Beijing eleven school to the motherland has trained large quantities of students,From central to local levels have many outstanding leaders and forces many outstanding military generals have graduated from eleven school.It should be said that in the past 60 years,Eleven school is accomplished.


One of the celebration activities is to me in 11 school principal office during the period of major speech and presided over the important project for finishing,Trimmer from more than 300 words of the original material for nearly two years in the finish,Keep about 2.4 million words of material,Divided into two kind of a total of six books printing,The speech set 3 copies,Over 130 word;Scheme set 3 copies,Over 100 word.


In the finishing of,We found that in these historical text still have many"window",The so-called"Shining with the light of education thought",So don't want to give up,Choose the nearly 360000 words of material,Break the original text"Was born"Time sequence,According to the content classification arrangement again,To reflect the eleven school for more than 20 years successful reform and quality development process,Especially reforms/The experiment/strategy/The innovation measures of formation and expansion process,And the reasons for the success of that.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:9月22日,人大附中联合学校总校成立,其中对一些薄弱校进行帮扶或管理,在前不久北京四中、八中、实验二小还有北京小学各自成立了教育集团,以吸纳普通学校成员,您对这种方式如何看待?这和您所追求的"平生只办一所好学校"是否矛盾?

On September 22,National People's Congress affiliated school was established combined total school mass,Among them for some BoRuoJiao for supporting or management,In the recently Beijing 4/BaZhong/The experiment of the discoordination and Beijing established their respective primary school education group,To absorb ordinary school members,In this way you how look upon?This and you pursue"Life only do a good school"Whether contradiction?


李金初(北京建华实验学校校长、北京十一学校原校长): LiJinChu(Beijing JHF experimental school principal/Beijing eleven school former headmaster):无论是人大附的刘彭芝校长,还是实验二小的李烈等校长,应该说他们的做法都非常好。

Whether people's congress attached LiuPengZhi the headmaster,Or the smallest LiLie principal, etc,It should be said that their practices are very good.


Their approach is actually make high quality resources play its greater efficacy,To better serve society and education services,I think that is a good idea.Of course,To achieve a greater range of Christopher effect,First it must put their schools do.


It should be said that these schools are doing quite good,So they are also in a certain extent, feedback to the society.Schools in the support of the country to get under the priority to the development of high quality,In their development after get up,Use its own advantages to feedback in weak schools,I think it is worth for sure,Is also should.


Eleven school in developing met with some difficulties,We strive for the school to do good,Make it continue to be a good school,Restore it the glory of the past.At the same time,In the school basic condition good situation,Can be used to support the national dial funds weak schools,Help the government to solve some difficulties,This also is it to education and social contribution.

  从这个角度和意义出发,我们首先必须把十一学校办好。担任十一学校校长时,我已经近50岁,要把一个学校办好在精力和身体上已经不易,在接收十一学校之后,我就是要让它发展到一个新的高度。不是说所有的人只应该有一个志向,更不是说能人只能有这么一个志向。 Starting from this Angle and significance,We must first put 11 school to do good.As the 11 school principal,I have nearly 50 years old,To do a school in energy and body has not easy,In receiving 11 after school,I just want to let it forward to a new height.Is not to say that all people should only have an aim,More not to say that the artist can only have so an aim.

   相关阅读: readings:


· LiJinChu:"Life only do a good school"Persistent pursuit


· LiJinChu:The principal if the good/Homo habilis,Thinkers and practitioners


· LiJinChu:responsibility/bear/Goal is a flow of power

  ·李金初校长的普鲁斯特问卷 · LiJinChu the headmaster's Proust questionnaire

  ·人生中心教育托起希望之重 · life center education in order to hope is heavy
