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  2012年9月26日,北京建华实验学校校长、北京十一学校校长李金初著作《一个校长的教育创新思考》出版座谈会在北京十一学校召开。这本书切实反映了十一学校长达20年成功改革和优质发展的过程,特别是各项改革、实验、战略、创新措施的形成和展开过程,并可得出成功的原因。 2012 September 26,,Beijing JHF experimental school principal/Beijing eleven school principal LiJinChu original works[A the headmaster's education innovation thinking]Publishing forum held in Beijing. The school.This book to reflect the eleven school for more than 20 years successful reform and quality development process,Especially reforms/The experiment/strategy/The innovation measures of formation and expansion process,And the reasons for the success of that.

  著名教育家顾明远也写道:"书中论述了教育理念、办学思想、体制改革、课程改革、学校管理等等方方面面,既有理论又有实际,展示了一名普通学校的校长成为一名教育家的历程。" The famous educator GuMingYuan also wrote:"The book discusses the education idea/School-running idea/System reform/Curriculum reform/School management all aspects and so on,Both theoretical and practical,Shows a common the headmaster of the school to become a educator process."著名教育家陶西平在序中写道:"这是一本学校教育的教科书,它不是一部单纯的理论著作,是他对长期从事教育实践所积累的体验的朴素陈述,是他多年来对学校教育思考的心血的结晶。" The famous educator in order TaoXiPing wrote:"This is a school education textbooks,It is not a simple theory works,He is engaged in education practice for a long time have accumulated experience of the simple statement,Is he for many years to the school education thinking painstaking care crystallization."

  在座谈会开始前,搜狐教育专访了李金初校长。 Before the start of the symposium,Sohu education LiJinChu interview with the headmaster.


责任、承担、目标是源源不断的工作动力 responsibility/bear/Goal is to continuously work power


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您从教这么多年了,一直保持着对工作、对教育的热爱,始终保持着激情。现在有很多年轻教师可能在工作一段时间之后就会有工作懈怠,您认为如何始终保持一份工作激情?

The teaching you for so many years,Keep on working/For the love of education,Always keep the passion.Now there are many young teachers may work in a period of time after will have a job laches,Do you think how to always keep a job passion?


李金初(北京建华实验学校校长、北京十一学校原校长): LiJinChu(Beijing JHF experimental school principal/Beijing eleven school former headmaster):我们那个时代的人养成了一个习惯,都有着责任和承担。我们是社会的一员,对社会承担着责任。当家长把孩子交给我们的时候,是把祖国的未来寄托在我们身上。

We the age people formed a habit,All have responsibility and bear.We are a member of the society,The responsibility to society.When parents send children to us,Is the future of the country hopes on us.


The future of the motherland and national future lack of education is no good,The lack of modern school education is no good,The modern school education of the principal is very important,He take a very important responsibility,The responsibility is not only social responsibility is our nation and our country's responsibility.So in front of the responsibility,We must be cautious and conscientious work,We have such responsibility,We must have the bear,Have to carry the task of education,Have to do our best.


Of course,In this it should say we also developed a very important habit,We saw some practical things outside,There should be looking out,Have an aim and value pursuit,For example we hope that the school do?To do their job done?Our training children to be?So you want to set a goal,Don't achieve should not be resting.In the heart has the time of target,Our work will be harder.responsibility/bear/target/Value pursuit me, it should be said that the strong power.
