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如果要让孩子的家庭教育变得完整,需要花费多少钱?答案是三年100万。这正是记者了解到专门针对企业家群体服务的狮子婴幼公学的收费标准。   这个令人咂舌的早教费用有人愿意付吗?记者了解,目前,狮子婴幼公学的咨询人数已经大大超出其负责人的预期,其入学资格或许成为企业家们最在乎的奢侈品。   这令人唏嘘的高价早教费用后,其实折射出中国企业家子女教育的现状。   父爱缺失成普遍问题   记者调查发现,中国企业家有其特殊性,与国外企业家家庭和生活能分的很开不同,中国的经商环境更在乎人脉的搭建,除了正常工作以外,下班时间还要对付各种饭局和应酬,造成中国企业家普遍陪同孩子的时间偏少,而记者有个企业家朋友,小孩刚刚出生,但忙到都没有看上几眼,晚上喝酒太晚回家怕打扰孩子,干脆就在酒店住下。而最新的教育研究发现,0-36岁的孩子正是孩子性格形成的关键时期,这个时候如果父亲作为教育的角色缺失,会造成孩子教育的不完整性,造成性格方面的缺失,从很多教育的案例能看出,父爱缺失让孩子性格方面会显得比一般的孩子更加内向和懦弱。   更多资源和更多遗憾   不可否认的是,企业家子女的确会比普通的孩子更加更多的社会资源,未来对社会的影响力无疑也会更大,如果企业家子女的教育出现问题,不仅是家庭的遗憾,国家和社会也会有更大的损失。就记者接触来看,记者的那些企业家朋友并不是不想花时间陪孩子,特别是子女在0-36月大的企业家,本身事业还在上升期,公务极为繁忙,这些企业家只好给孩子买最贵的礼物,一切生活用品都用最好的,他们宽慰自己的观点是“我现在是给家庭挣钱,等孩子大点我再好好补偿他”,而教育学家指出,这是对孩子教育最大的误区之一,孩子如果在0-36月期间的教育有缺失,对性格等方面的伤害是永久性的,日后根本没有补偿的可能,如果错过这段时期,孩子的教育就会成为终生遗憾。   狮子婴幼公学帮助找回父亲   企业家子女教育的现状已经引起社会高度关注,世界教育发达地区已出现专门针对企业家群体的高端婴幼儿教育机构,而国内,目狮子婴幼公学正是扮演这样的教育机构角色。记者身边一位已经接触过该机构的企业家朋友向记者介绍,和一般早教机构不同的,狮子婴幼公学将主要的课堂设立在家庭中,并针对父亲角色缺失的情况,精心培训阳光男老师陪同孩子共同玩游戏,在孩子的成长过程中补齐男性角色。   据记者进一步了解,就在9月13日,英国教育监察机构Prospects Education Improve(以下简称PEI),对狮子婴幼公学为期半月的教学系统考察和教师培训考核顺利完成,PEI总裁Ian Hunt现场为狮子婴幼公学颁发资质认证,狮子婴幼公学是目前国内首家获得西方权威教育监察机构颁发认证证书的早教机构。狮子婴幼公学针对中国企业家子女教育的特殊性和重要性,推出了“家庭主体式教育”“保姆培训”“亲子游戏设定”等一系列成效显著的教育理念和方式,并且提供从早教、小学到初高中与英国贵族学校的无缝对接,彻底解决子女教育问题,已经成为广受企业家群体欢迎的早教机构,尽管其一年学费高达33万元,但对于很多企业家来讲,能给孩子一个完整、优秀的的童年教育,这点花费完全值得。   记者后记:金钱并不能给孩子带来真正的帮助,但如果通过金钱购买最适合自己孩子的教育,或许是无奈之中最有效的办法。 If want to let the child's family education become complete,Need to spend how many money?The answer is three years 1 million.This is what the reporter understands specifically for the entrepreneur group service lion baby young public charging standard. It was an early scenario-in expenses are willing to pay?The reporter understands,At present,The lion baby young public consultation number has been greatly in excess of the person in charge of the expected,The admission qualification may become entrepreneurs most care of luxury. It is SOB high cost of development,Actually reflects the present situation of Chinese entrepreneurs children education. Father absence into common problem Reporter survey found,Chinese entrepreneurs has its particularity,And foreign entrepreneurs and family life can points very open different,China's business environment more care about the construction of the contacts,In addition to normal working outside,Quitting time also have to deal with all kinds of meals and entertainment,Cause Chinese entrepreneurs generally accompany children time partial less,And the reporter a entrepreneurs friends,The child was born,But busy to all have no a few eyes are,Evening drink too late home upsets the child,Simply to stay in the hotel.And the latest education study found,0-36 years old is the key period of children character formation,This time if the father as education role missing,Can cause the child education imperfection,Cause the lack of character,From many education case can see,Father absence lets the child character can appear than the average child more introverted and cowardice. More resources and more regret There is no denying that,Entrepreneurs do children than normal children more more social resources,The future of social influence will no doubt will be more big,If entrepreneurs their children's education problem,Not only is a family of regret,The state and society will also have greater loss.Is reporter contact to see,Reporter's those entrepreneurs friends and not don't want to spend time with the children,Especially children at 0-36 months entrepreneurs,Itself cause is still in stage,Official extremely busy,These entrepreneurs have to give children to buy the most expensive gifts,All the articles for daily use are made of the best,They relieved his view is"I now is to earn money to the family,When the child is big point I'll to compensate for his",And education experts point out,This is the largest one of the children education the misunderstanding,The child if at 0-36 months during the period of education are missing,To character of damage is permanent,In the future no compensation may be,If miss this period,The child's education will become a lifelong regret. The lion baby young public help find his father The present situation of the entrepreneur children education has attracted social attention,The world education developed region has appeared special for entrepreneurs groups of high-end infant education institutions,And domestic,Mesh lion baby young is public education institutions play such a role.Reporter side a have contact with the agency's entrepreneurs friend introduces to the reporter,And the general development of different institutions,The lion baby young public will mainly class set up in the family,And in the light of the father's role absence,Careful training sunshine male teachers accompany children play games together,In the child's growth process polishing male role. According to reporter understanding further,On September 13,,British Education watchdog Prospects Education Improve(PEI hereinafter referred to as the"),To the lion baby young for half the public teaching system investigation and teacher training assessment successfully completed,PEI President Ian Hunt site for public baby young lion issued qualification certification,The lion baby young public is the present domestic first obtain the western education authority supervision organization authentication certificate issued by early education institutions.The lion baby young children education in public Chinese entrepreneurs particularity and importance,launched"The family main body type education""Nurse training""Filial set"And a series of effective significant education idea and the way,And provide from early childhood/Primary school to junior school with the British aristocracy of seamless docking,Completely solve the education problem children,Has become popular with entrepreneurs groups welcome early education institutions,Although one year tuition fees as high as 330000 yuan,But for many entrepreneurs speaking,Can give the child a complete/Excellent childhood education,This cost is completely. Reporter epilogue:That money doesn't give children bring real help,But if through the money to buy the most suitable for their children's education,May be the most effective way of helpless.
