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因中国留学生太多辞职 美大学院长首度回应--亲稳网络舆情监控室

黛尔·史密斯 Dale Smith因中国留学生太多辞职 美大学院长首度回应 旧金山大学校园 San Francisco university campus


Because of dissatisfaction with Chinese students too much"Influences teaching",San Francisco university a vice President resign


当事人史密斯接受本报专访 The parties accept our interview Smith


美国大学“有条件录取”变了味 The American university"Conditional admission"Changed taste

  本报讯 这两天,美国旧金山大学商学院副院长黛尔·史密斯(Dayle Smith)的一封辞职信,给中国的留学热泼了一盆冷水。

Report from our correspondent this two days,San Francisco university business school vice President dale Smith(Dayle Smith)Resignation letter,To China's study abroad heat pours cold water.


According to[San Francisco chronicle]September 23 -,Business school director Chris webber said in a letter to employees,Smith's resignation is in view of foreign students"increase".Smith wrote:"In view of there are so many students' English ability is poor,And germ countries proportion unbalance,We will face some unique education and cultural challenge."


Reports say,Smith will leave school recruit due to too many Chinese students,And many do not speak English.She thinks,The university recruits these students affected of all students' education.


The report mentioned,This year the school there are 10017 new students,781 of them have come from China,Most into business school,But many students' English ability is weak,Individual students sometimes class even to wear headphones to listen to the Chinese translation.These Chinese students a year 36000 dollars full tuition.


yesterday,Reporter through the mail contact"resignation"Client professor Smith,She responded to reporter's interview.


ask:You on Chinese students impression?


a:I have been very cherish Chinese students,Previously had to Hong Kong Baptist university business school taught in a book,And tens of thousands of Chinese students to study together and work.


I still in San Francisco university business school work,Quit before the vice President of the business school undergraduate course position,Now turn back to the ordinary professor's position,To continue in undergraduate(Including many Chinese students)Guidance teacher.I respect every Chinese students,I in the university of San Francisco,At present and in the future are deeply/Long-term welcome Chinese students.


ask:What is the reason you resign?


a:I think some American universities,We regret including me now at the university of San Francisco,At present admitted too much"Conditional admission"Of Chinese students.These students in English ability and the processing new social relations is not fully prepared.


ask:Do you think Chinese students in learning what problems exist?


a:Chinese students in new accounts for 35%,These Chinese students can't follow the American education experience,Hiding in only speak Chinese language classes,They only get in China can get experience.And these experiences to obtain,Apparently does not need to spend the high tuition,And his family to do sacrifice,The potential problems which must be pay more attention to university.


ask:The incident bring you: what is the effect of?


a:Glad I in the university has started to actively solve this problem.I am also very happy can now from administrative position,In the general teachers,Happy every day,Ensure that small achievements/Academic progress,Improve my student's professional level,There is also a lot of Chinese students.Of course,Eventually prove my words will be my action.


“辞职事件”引发深思 "Resign events"Cause deep


留学,到底是为什么 Study abroad,Exactly is why


As a large number of Chinese students crammed into the United States,American university is being called"Unique education and cultural challenge".San Francisco university professor resigned event,It is this emotional outbreak.


According to the international education association recently statistics,2011 Chinese students study in the United States than in 2010 increased by 23%,Up to 157558 people,United States account for 21.8% of the total number of students.In these international student,The vast majority of ich bin selbstzahler.And the American homeland security statistics,In 2011 the United States private high school Chinese students than in 2006 increased by 100 times.


By the Chinese academy of social sciences researcher s. said,Study abroad,In different stage,Have different motivations.Now there are many factors cause students to study abroad,Lead to parents send their children abroad to study,For instance the family immigration problem,There are many people who study abroad is no longer the motivation of learning,But for families to prepare immigrants.So also appeared in the report problems,Doesn't study hard/Mix diploma and even buy diploma, etc,Because for these people,The purpose of learning is no longer the only,It is mixed identity becomes the main goal.


And be professor Smith questioned"Conditional admission"This recruit students way,Just to have such as motive opened the green light.


The English level of the students in China"Go astray",the"Conditional admission"as"admission",Think school reduces the admission criteria,Results spent a fortune to the ocean to learn English,Sitting in the school to listen to a sealed book.Because some people are unable to through the language center's graduation examination,Always go to university.


"Conditional admission"Common colleges in the United States,And it is said that or ranking is the front of the university have.so,This article"To study",Why Chinese students in front changed taste,Were questioned and reviled?


The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi told reporters,"Conditional admission"In the educational circles in fact has been controversial,Different people in different position,There are different views.


Professor Smith resignation has her reason,Standing in the point of view of the teacher,Of course I hope every student to standards of admission,So convenient to carry out normal teaching;For schools,It might be a way to attract students,Some students temporarily not language,But learning potential can be very large;Intermediary in this way,Can the students as soon as possible to go abroad;Their parents think that,Although domestic language learning cost will be relatively cheap,But there can be no foreign so good language environment.


XiongBingJi think,evaluation"Conditional admission"Is good or bad,The key depends on the recruit students way for the students themselves good or bad effect.Some Chinese students will conditional admission simple understanding for admission,It has been thought to study abroad,In the language center don't study hard,The results have to read language class,This is"Conditional admission"Was the main reason for."Conditional admission"Is a study way,But should not be lower admission standards to recruit students.To avoid professor Smith fear in that situation,The best way is to let the student go abroad in front understand one thing,Why to go abroad?(reporter:ShenMeng and)


什么是“有条件录取” What is"Conditional admission"

  有条件录取(conditional offer)是指英语水平没有达到入学要求,或申请时大学第4年尚未毕业的同学,由校方给予的有条件录取。“有条件入学”院校的开学时间灵活, 被“有条件录取”的学生并不是真正意义上的留学生,他们必须先前往美国大学的语言中心学语言,只有通过语言中心的毕业考试,才能进入本科学习。

Conditional admission(Conditional offer)Refers to the level of English did not reach the entrance requirements,Or apply for university in 4 when not graduate students,By the school give conditional admission."Conditional admission"Colleges and universities on the flexible time, was"Conditional admission"Students are not really in the sense of students,They must first go to the American college of language center to learn language,Only through the language center's graduation examination,Can enter undergraduate study.


留学专家说 Experts said study


“有条件录取” "Conditional admission"


致中国学生过于集中 The Chinese students are too centralized


The new general director of the United States department YaoXiaoLei,Also notice the and the Chinese students"resignation".In her eyes,San Francisco university Chinese students proportion less than 8%,This in American colleges and universities is not the highest.New York university/University of South America, such as cow school,The proportion of Chinese students would be much higher.


"but,Most Chinese students may choose the professor Smith in the business school,Cause business school of Chinese students unusually high proportion."

  对于史密斯教授所说,中国留学生语言程度差的情况,姚晓磊表示确实可能存在:“主要是该校‘有条件录取’这一招生方式决定的,该校有语言中心,所以允许托福成绩不到80分的学生先到当地学语言,这些学生的语言能力会较弱,但也不是所有中国留学生都如此。”(记者:沈蒙和 通讯员:张雨佳)

For prof. Smith said,Chinese students language degree of difference,YaoXiaoLei said really possible:"The school is mainly‘Conditional admission’This recruit students way of decision,The school has a language center,So allow toefl score less than 80 points first students to learn the local language,These students' language ability will be weak,But not all Chinese students are so."(reporter:ShenMeng and correspondent:ZhangYuJia)


留学生说 Students said


出国上语言班 Go abroad on language class


不努力也要被淘汰 Don't work hard will be eliminated


Reporter contact now are British students read a master Chen,She told reporters,His original ielts scores and the school did not meet the requirements,Is through the"Conditional admission"The way to enter to university of Edinburgh.therefore,She had to advance three months to Britain,Read the school rules for ten weeks the language class.


but,She thinks"Conditional admission"To me it is good,Because before entering school read a period of language class,Can help in before the start of the familiar with the local environment,Ascending language ability.

  “跟我一起上语言班的同学都很努力,因为语言班结束的时候会有一个final exam,考试不及格的同学也拿不到最终的offer”。小陈说,“有条件录取”对中国学生来说是个很好的契机,但是自己不能放松要求,英语太差来了也跟不上。”(通讯员:张雨佳)

"With I together language classmates were very hard,Because language at the end of the class will have a final exam,Fail in the exam students can't get the final offer".Chen said,"Conditional admission"For Chinese students is a good opportunity,But you can't relax requirements,English is so poor also can't keep up."(correspondent:ZhangYuJia)
