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4岁女童被老师360度翻转摔晕 神经受损不能站立--亲稳舆论引导监测室


来源:信息时报 source:Information times

  信息时报讯(记者 何小敏 通讯员 崔杰锋)身为儿童康复服务中心老师,本应为特殊儿童提供更多的关爱与帮助,20多岁的女老师许立欢却因孩子不听话,提起4岁的幼女瑶瑶360度翻转,致其头部撞地成重伤。近日,番禺区检察院以涉嫌故意伤害罪对许立欢依法提起公诉。

Information times dispatch(Reporter correspondent HeXiaoMin CuiJieFeng)As a children's rehabilitation service center teacher,This should be special children to provide more care and help,More than 20 years of female teacher XuLiHuan however because children not obedient,A four-year-old girl YaoYao 360 degrees turn over,Its head into the land into serious injury.recently,Panyu district procuratorate for allegedly deliberately harm to XuLiHuan prosecution.


只因不听话就被撞成重伤 Because not obedient was smashed to serious injury


XuLiHuan original system panyu area child you children rehabilitation service center of a teacher.On July 2, 2012 in the morning,XuLiHuan in the service center on the second floor of indoor sports during the class,For more than 4 years old of YaoYao infant daughter(alias)Do exercise not fit,XuLiHuan pull up YaoYao hands will lift the volley,The backward quickly left on the ground,Then pull up YaoYao feet in situ 360 degrees turn over,To its head into the floor in a coma.The forensic identification,The damage degree of YaoYao for serious injury.


After the,XuLiHuan to investigators truthfully confession of the behavior of the YaoYao corporal punishment.According to its account for,In the rehabilitation center,Meet the child not obedient,The teacher put a finger on a few times is often the case,But I didn't know I would lead to such a serious consequences.


It is reported,The service center of people-run non-enterprise institution,In its advertising web site says"For need help autistic/Autism and learning disabilities to provide help".however,XuLiHuan irresponsible behavior has to YaoYao caused serious damage.


孩子康复状况堪忧 The child is rehabilitation status


The day before yesterday,Reporters call the YaoYao father.YaoYao dad told reporters,YaoYao is home only daughter.After the injury,She accepted craniocerebral operation,Now although some recovery,Can sit up,But can't stand.Because the brain nerve system affected,Also can do some simple language exchange.YaoYao dad said,Now medical costs have spent 120000 multivariate,The children rehabilitation service center advances 80000 multivariate,And XuLiHuan family paid only 20000 yuan.For her daughter's future,He said he did not know how to do.


The rehabilitation center director tan Yin added to reporters,After the incident,Center has positive disbursements medical expenses,Therefore owe a debt,But as a result of families save female eager,In the medical expenses are paid on both sides have some misunderstanding.Tan add Yin said,The center"Is absolutely responsible institution",Center XuLiHuan teacher"Serious from safety operation specifications/Beyond the scope of responsibility of individual intentional crime behavior"Cause a tragedy,She regret,Also hope that families through legal channels claim,center"This negative responsibility must be negative",Also hope that the society to give the center fair evaluation.


儿童权益保护机制亟需完善 Children's rights and interests protection mechanism which needs to be perfect


In addition,Earlier in shenzhen will have a children's welfare home was to report child abuse.this,QuanYiBu minister of the guangdong provincial women's federation YangShiJiang think,The key still lies in the children's rights and interests safeguard mechanism consummation.YangShiJiang said,Although our country has issued[The law on the protection of minors],But the provisions in principle,Maneuverability is not strong.From the government level safeguard mechanism to see,Children's battered after the alarm mechanism/The government or social institutions intervention measures/Salvage pathway and so on has not formed the perfect mechanism.From the concept to see,The social from all walks of life also is not the formation of children's rights and interests protection fully understand.


In addition,YangShiJiang think,Children rehabilitation center for this kind of institution,If it is charging projects,The teacher in the perform their duties in the process of child abuse,The institution is also assume certain guardianship liability.And this kind of organizations,For teachers' qualification standard problem,There are no relevant laws and regulations,Also deserves attention.
