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伦敦都会大学有滥招学生嫌疑 不同“野鸡大学”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  伦敦都会大学(London Metropolitan university)的学生可以不用转学了。英国传来最新消息,高等法院初步裁决该校拥有合法学生身份的海外学生可继续在该校的学业,但“禁招令”依然有效。

London metropolitan university(London Metropolitan university)Students can not transfer.Britain was the latest news,The high court preliminary ruling the school has students legal identity of the overseas students can continue to be in the school education,but"Forbidden recruit to"Still effective.


Forbidden recruit,It's easy to associate"Pheasant university",But London metropolitan university was wrong"blame"Not for international students to carry out effective management,And with the traditional sense"pheasant"Different ways.Many people say,The British government's tough decision at least shows that government regulation international student mess determination,But how to set the innocent student/International students what should how to choose the school avoid risk, etc.,controversial.October,Applying for study abroad again into the season,This article reviews the recent forbidden recruit case,Perhaps have Suggestions.


【事件回放】伦敦都会大学被“禁招”始末 [Event playback]London metropolitan university"Forbidden recruit"occupied


London metropolitan university"Forbidden recruit"Events are continuous fermentation.The latest news released on September 24,,According to the British media reported,British high court 21 to London metropolitan university forbidden recruit make case to make preliminary ruling:The school has students legal identity of the overseas students can continue to be in the school education,but,Border agency shall revoke the non-eu recruit students license decision is still effective.


This means that after nearly a month after the struggle,London metropolitan university get"probation",International students as long as proof did not violate the immigrants(Micro bo)Method there is a record attendance and learning,Need not transfer,Or repatriated.


London metropolitan university banned recruit event is together again in recent years involving students material fraud event,Just different,The fire is led to the British in universities,Exposure to the university for false materials"Sees with one eye closed and with one eye"Suspected of having,Let a person see false material long-standing a variety of incentive.


Event began in August 29,,British border department announced,Cancel London metropolitan university enrolling the eu external students' qualification,This not only means that the school can't recruit students outside the European Union,Also means is studying related students must be made within 60 days of the transfer,Otherwise will be repatriated.


recent,British border department is striking abuse student visa phenomenon.This is the first British universities to cancel the qualification.Britain is responsible for immigration officials say,London metropolitan university in many ways in violation of the provisions of immigration,More than a quarter of the students such as selective examination without British residence permission in this school is enrolled,Quite a large proportion of the students failed to achieve English level requirements,And schools can't determine whether their students in the normal classes,Or in England and working illegally.


"Forbidden recruit to"Means that the 2600 international students will be"displaced",Including more than 600 Chinese students.Although London metropolitan university President Malcolm · geely, said in a notice:"We absolutely will be priority consideration for students."then,British Stamford county university/Westminster university and other several universities also successively statement,Offered to receive the sweep of the international students,But this is hard to stop students from the mood of anxiety.


Transfer appeared in early September,British border agency says will come into effect on October 1st just to these international students issued a formal letter,60 days of time will from formal letter sending date,Transfer deadline will be in 12 months,This than previously thought from August 29 date slightly ample.


More transfer appear in the September 21,."Forbidden recruit to"Appears after,The industry is border department if there is necessary to all international students take"One size fits all"Practice comment in succession.and,Media quoted the school reading students' words,"In class we,The teacher will record every day everyone for being late/Absence from school situation.Our class very few people don't come to class",Allude to this is a strict management of the school.


On behalf of the London metropolitan university lawyer Richard Gordon the truth,matter"fair".In his view,British border agency decision is illegal,The court should declare a"Temporary injunctive".On September 21,,Irwin the judge refused to the request,But issued a temporary command,Protect lawful overseas students reading position.


Court ruling let the matter basic dust settled,But the debate party but not the end.British border department insists,Shall revoke the metropolitan university overseas recruit students license decision is correct,Because the school was unable to solve the enrollment system exist"Serious mistakes".London metropolitan university President giovanni cobolli gigli, rejected the allegations,He said in the Supreme Court,The latest award for students is a good thing,Because they were border agency decision to get confused and disoriented.Both sides deadlocked,But gigli 'words are still industry attention,He said,Ruling will make the disputing parties have the opportunity to serious discussion this problem."There are many lessons we must learn from."And was invited to the high court witness of British national student union also said,The case for already in the UK and to come to England to study overseas students have great significance.(Lin qiao qiao)


【境外媒体分析】弥补教育经费,学生有滥招嫌疑 [Overseas media analysis]Make up education funds,Students have excessive recruit suspicion


British[Daily telegraph]disclosure,The current British two-thirds of university education to make up the shortage of funds,International students in the recruit decrease when the English level standard.This not only affects the British higher education's reputation,Also become illegal immigrants loopholes.The British cancel London metropolitan university enrolling qualification of international students,Is to rectify the international student recruitment of students of the chaos phenomenon.


Since last year, the British government cuts after education funds,Overseas students tuition became an important source of British university.British education department announced last year of the digital display,International students bring income up to 2 billion pounds,Accounted for 10% of the funds to the school.and,Because of the students outside the European Union admit number from government quotas,Some schools began to recruit a large number of international students.


In accordance with the provisions,Overseas students generally cannot ielts score lower than 6.5 points,But according to[Daily telegraph]Reporter survey of 88 universities,58 university the overseas students' ielts score standards of admission dropped to six points,Individual university even dropped to 5.5 points.This led to a large number of English level is low international students into the UK university,The influence of the whole university teaching quality.


In addition,Britain also said,Cancel the London metropolitan university enrolling qualification of international students,Because the school management.Some people to study name,Into the British illegal work,Become immigrants holes.British officials say,For those who really students,And not to the London metropolitan university drill immigration rules of loopholes,Will help them to contact new school.


【留学咨询业解析】语言不好,留学很受阻 [Study abroad consulting analytic]Bad language,To study abroad is hindered


Border department the decision is mainly caused by the 3 point:1,Although London metropolitan university had already pledged,But there are international students without a valid visa cases to continue to read;2,International students get the visa arrived in England,But have not registered to school/class,And the university did not apply to the border department report;3,The university in recruiting international students without test whether they had enough English level.


In the visa interview,Students will have the ability to finish the interview in English is the visa officer's important audit standard.The London metropolitan university was found many international students have no valid visa,Probably due to the language achievement does not pass through the surface and no sign,So as to get valid visa.In addition,Many students have no to school registration/Class of,Also has a lot of proportion is as English ability not pass,Class couldn't understand,Led to don't want to go to class,Stranded in a foreign country.


For can enter into better foreign colleges and universities,Also in order to more quickly into the living abroad,To adapt to the learning progress,Early language training nots allow to ignore.Investigation shows that,English level is Chinese students to study abroad application and study whether smooth life of the important influence factors.In view of this situation,Students suggested to language as early as possible,It includes language performance and language skills,In order to quickly adapt to the study life.


【官方声音】英国边境管理署:竭力帮助合法学生 [The official voice]British border administration:Endeavour to help students legal


In view of the present study in London metropolitan university students outside the European Union,And those who are going to the school students,British border administration last update message appear on September 21,,The report says:


We have rejected the London metropolitan university for the eu external students with visa guarantee qualification,This means that the school has can't be outside the European Union/The fourth level visa international students to provide security.


however,We have agreed to allow the existing legal can students in this school until the end of school to continue with their schooling.Those without valid visa or not reached the students visa requirements,Will not be allowed to continue to participation.


Here are some instructions:The first,The decision affects only get London metropolitan university guarantee eu external students.The second,If you have any doubt about students can call for help center + 44(0)2071334141.The third,We will do our best for those students legal help.


We understand those in London metropolitan university study legal students will now in anxiety.A special working group has been set up,It includes the English higher education foundation(HEFCE)/British trade and industry association(BIS)/British border administration/National student federation organization.It's the first task which is to ensure that all of the London metropolitan university students to get needed help and advice.This includes if necessary,Group will help the existing qualified international students find other education institutions to continue with their schooling,Or in the London metropolitan university to continue the school education.


We will be stationed in staff in London metropolitan university center for help,Also in this website updated constantly about the issue further news.(source:British border administration's official website)
