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“裸跑弟”穿国旗装15小时征服富士山(图) 六“合目”处,连一个阶梯都没有 six"Close eye"place,Even a step all have no. “裸跑弟”穿国旗装15小时征服富士山(图) 在飞机上多多写的条幅。 In the plane of the banners written. “裸跑弟”穿国旗装15小时征服富士山(图) 方便面吃得香啊。 Instant noodle eat joss-stick. “裸跑弟”穿国旗装15小时征服富士山(图) 在海拔3400米的“八合目”宣誓珍惜和平 At an altitude of 3400 meters"Eight close eye"Swear cherish peace


"Bare run brother"To Japan on foot to"conquer"Mount Fuji the yangzi evening news reported(On September 28 A13 edition)after,Along with the eagle dad HeLie - far go to Japan's Mount Fuji's"Bare run brother"Great cause many readers attention:Did he safety on Mount Fuji?The trip to Japan have you variable?On September 30th the Mid-Autumn festival night,Hanging heart reporter finally received eagle dad HeLie wins the peace of sent text messages:"Bare run brother"Many have successfully on Mount Fuji,On the return journey though meet some twists and turns,But already yesterday in a successful return to nanjing home.

  通讯员 华诚 扬子晚报记者 徐晓风

Reporter HuaCheng yangzi evening news reporter XuXiaoFeng


真冷清 Really cold and cheerless


到东京的飞机空荡荡,下榻酒店也很空旷 To Tokyo empty plane,Hotel is also very empty


往年这个时候,有很多中国旅游团去日本 This time last,There are many Chinese tour group to go to Japan


Eagle dad and great and sister guangxi sweet a line of three people are in the morning on September 27, leave for Tokyo,On the way to Japan's journey,Could have let 200 people on the plane only 80 people,And most of the Japanese,And go to Japan before on the plane frequently have China Tours of the grand occasion couldn't ratio.Arrived in Tokyo after three people and from shinjuku turn bus Mount Fuji, to the foot of the estuarine lake hot springs hotel,To the hotel found here is also very cold and cheerless,Empty hotel lobby in only two or three families sit to eat,And the hotel after is a lot of domestic Tours point hotel,There is no Chinese tour group to,Suddenly feel very empty.


"Bare run brother"A will not Japanese,For some special consideration,Don't please Japanese translation,With online strategy began to Mount Fuji there.Mount Fuji 3776 meters above sea level,Is divided into ten"Close eye",Adult to climb 40 minutes.The average person was in the car to five close eyes started to climb,About five hours to the top.


没想到 Didn't expect


富士山已封山个把月,连台阶都没有 Mt. Fuji mountain has a month,Even the steps are not


原生态的“火山岩”,斜坡几乎有70度 Original ecological"Volcanic rocks",Slope almost 70 degrees


Eagle dad said he considered the other aspects of some uncertain factors,In order to exercise physical,After a great and guangxi sweet with three people for more than one month prior enhance physical ability,But no thought of or met difficulties can't imagine.


To Mount Fuji they didn't know,Mt. Fuji mountain date is this year on July 1, - August 31,,Now mountain for a month,But although say mountain,Pour also not specifically set up checked posts,There are still sporadic mountaineering enthusiasts.But unfortunately,On that day, they arrived in five together when orders,Mount Fuji began in the began to rain.The more thought is,Mount Fuji with some domestic famous mountains is not the same,Don't build by laying bricks or stones good steps!The liuhe eye upwards,Almost all of the volcanic rocks is original,Road very steep,Almost 70 degrees slope,Plus Settings very not strong chain guardrail,And the continuous rain,Eagle dad and many/Guangxi sweet all walked very difficult,Look back down almost surprised out in a cold sweat.


Three person of mountaineering wear,Don't rain,Just one more hour all wet through,Hand stretched it out can in the sleeve screw out the water.And the temperature lower than down 20 ℃,To the liuhe eye upwards,The mountain air temperature was reduced almost to zero or thereabout,Hat are small ice pellets.


更没想到 More thought


富士山上沿途一个小店小摊都没有 Mount Fuji on a small shop stall all have no


结果只能咬巧克力充饥,接雨水润润唇 The results can only bite chocolate to appease hunger,To catch the rain water drink lip


Only 1 m high many short legs,Not enough on the height of the steps,Adult step can span up place,He often have to go around three or four step to go up.Originally in the eagle dad's plans,They are ready to every 20 minutes rest,But unexpectedly because mountain,Each joint orders come between platform climbers have a rest little hut are locked,Even a weather there is no place,And platform offer people rest stool stool surface was also down off,No place to rest had to continuously upgrade climb.


The worst of it is,Eagle dad think Mount Fuji like as domestic famous mountains,Along the way there will be a small shop supply hot water diet,So the three people when they didn't bring food and water,Results the climbing on the way to find,Here was almost like wild as,What shop stand all have no.Several people tired and frozen and hungry,At the end of the joint purpose,Great and sister support not to live,Two people cried more than ten minutes,Finally put wipe the tears,Comfort each other and continue to make a career.


Plateau reaction is three people climbing the enemy,Sister and many times appear have a headache dizziness,Against the chocolate bar overcome hypoglycemia stick to it,But several people went up to the mountain with only for a glass of water,Finally can't,Had to pick a little rain embellish lip.


胜利了 victory


15个小时,4岁娃独立坚持了下来 15 hours,4 years old Eva independent has insisted down


鹰爸说,这就是“鹰式训练”的效果 Eagle dad said,This is"6-under training"effect


Arrived at an altitude of 3400 meters of the eight close after orders,Finally found that here is a ambulance station,There are several Japanese old man see mountain,Three people to buy a few package instant noodles with hot bubble eat it,Had three people also want to continue up the hill,But at that time already is at 3 PM,See mountain old man resolutely put a stop to them,Looking at many sister and cold for shame,Also sent many a hat and a pair of gloves,And give my sister a dress,He will send them to the special mountain under.Later, the eagle dad didn't know,The original mountain black very early,Four days is dark,Several people down the hill with almost no see a person,Through the forest land/When the rock plexus,Have to depend on head lamp lighting,"Actually looks or pretty scared,They were afraid to run what animal".


Back to the hot springs hotel is more than 8 o 'clock in the evening,Great and sister entered the hotel is too tired to lie down on the couch couch rice in,Finally in the eagle dad insistence,Three people or go to bubble hot spring,Each other and massage/coated,Finally the second day they didn't have a stretching out on the bed to rise.


Eagle dad told reporters yesterday,Fortunately, many from by 6-under training makes him more than age child can bear hardships,Will power is more strong,And many feel the mountaineering is a patriotic behavior,Really tired,He took hold of the father's hand,Side mouth mutters"Diaoyu islands belong to China,I want to climb island to go fishing"To pull for,Finally on the eight close eyes.In more than 15 hours climbing process,Many have been walked down,Not to hold the adults.
