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According to the report,"The future will or will be more open,More and more people go out reading is the trend of The Times."Beijing university education college professor in those who are well accept money new reporter to interview said.

  康健曾担任过北京大学附属中学的校长,以他的观察,过去在本科阶段就出国留学 (微博) 的学生除了极少数拔尖者,多数是因为成绩不好因而通过留学逃避国内高考(微博)的竞争压力。现在的“出国潮”正在从两端向中间扩展。

Those who are well served as Beijing university attached middle school principal,In his observation,In the past in the undergraduate stage will go abroad to study abroad (Micro bo) Students in addition to those few top notch,Most because of bad grades and through the study abroad to escape the domestic college entrance examination(Micro bo)Competition pressure.now"ChuGuoChao"Are from both ends to the middle expansion.

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  针对目前“洋高考”不断升温,康健分析,实际上很多学生本来是没有必要“逃离”这个教育体制的,却因为中国唯分数论的巨大压力被逼走了。 他认为,国内教育单一的评价标准是导致学生学习负担过重的根源。在许多学校,过分强调分数和排名,因而有家长觉得考试排名的压力大大地伤害了学生,让成绩差的孩子很没有尊严。从根本上来说,国内教育的包容度不够,在教育理念上出了偏差。

In view of the present"The college entrance examination", increase,Healthy analysis,In fact many students had is not necessary"Escape from"The education system,But because China and fraction theory pressure is forced to go. He thinks,Domestic education single evaluation standard is the result of students' learning overburdened root.In many school,Emphasize the scores and rankings,Thus parents feel test the pressure greatly hurt students,Let the poor performance in children is no dignity.basically,Domestic education tolerant enough,In the education idea out of the deviation.


No need looks in,China's basic education goal is too single.China's middle school education to the university as the only goal,This is the wrong.


He pointed out that,Just because China is high quality education resources,And the government to high quality resources of monopoly makes education resources extremely nervous,Led to the Chinese students huge entrance and the pressure of competition.


They think that China's university exists many problems,the,Use various quantitative formalism assessment to measure university,Let the university lost its basic purpose and direction.He pointed out that,University should emphasize independent thinking and creativity,Become change society,To promote the academic and the thought development power source.Now many university don't understand university the most basic function is"education",is"humanistic",Second is the specific subject.Don't take on people's culture in the first place,But a into university will make screening/out,This is the performance of the higher education get rich quick.He said,In China's education system is not a set of to talented person's choice mechanism,But the so-called"difference"A selection."China's education is a sieve,Not pumping machine."


They think,Security administration/Bureaucratization has serious erosion China's university education,The Chinese university must be thoroughly"Education reform",Rather than stay in"Autonomous enrollment reform"Etc irrelevance.He said,Now China's university also don't feel crisis awareness,But in the long run,The Chinese university will be unsustainable.
