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10月5日,温家宝缓步走到淹没田头小学的滑坡体前,向遇难的孩子和村民献上一束菊花。 On October 5,,Wen jiabao meandering to the flooded farm elementary school before the landslide,To the victims of the children and villagers offer a bunch of chrysanthemum.
  新华社云南彝良10月6日电 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝5日赶赴云南省彝良县山体滑坡现场,察看抢险处置情况,慰问遇难人员家属,考察受灾群众安置点,对抢险救灾和灾后重建工作作出部署。 Xinhua yunnan YiLiang October 6 (Reuters) The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau/The state council premier wen jiabao 5, in yunnan province to YiLiangXian landslides field,See emergency disposal situation,Victims family members to personnel,Investigation of the people affected by the disaster site,For emergency rescue and disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction work make deployment.


Wen jiabao pointed out that,The landslide disaster warning we,In the mountains otani deep/Complex geological conditions/The environment of bad place,Must conscientiously carry out all kinds of disaster prevention work,A place in a local survey zone,Can not have the slightest bit careless.For those involved in the safety of the public, especially the children safe thing,Must be very serious/Very carefully,Do the work further/Do a.


On September 7,,Yunnan YiLiang continuous massive 5.6 magnitude/A 5.7 magnitude earthquake,Wen jiabao rushed out to the disaster area guide disaster relief.September 10 to 11 days,Earthquake region and suffered from severe storms.By continuous rainy weather,On October 4, 8 10 points make,YiLiangXian longhai township river village oil room villagers group produces major landslides,About 50000 cubic meters of landslide pour down,In twos drowned at the foot of the mountain farm elementary school,18 students and one villagers were killed.The landslide blocking a hobbled horse oil room river,About 15 meters wide formation/About seven meters deep lake.After disasters,Wen jiabao immediately make instructions,Request to rescue is pressure buried students and villagers,Prevent the occurrence of secondary disaster.


5, at about 8,Wen jiabao rushed to YiLiang from Beijing by plane.The landslide located in the depths of WuMengShan,Only a narrow ShaShiLu and external unicom,One is the cliff,One is the canyon riptide,The traffic is extremely inconvenient.10 when 45 points make,Wen jiabao arrived in zhaotong city airport,Successively to train and car team to the scene.After the heavy rain,foggy,Rugged mountain muddy.Wen jiabao ride up hill and down dale,After more than six hours of long distance turbulence,When in the 17th xu reach disaster occurred.Of the people affected by the disaster have emergency transfer,Personnel killed bodies have been recovered,Diversion channel after excavation,The lake danger basic ruled out,In order to carry out rehabilitation work.


The sky floating Meng Meng drizzle,Wen jiabao meandering to the landslide before,To the victims of the children and villagers offer a bunch of chrysanthemum and deeply bow,Their grief.


Wen jiabao carefully look at the disaster site,Listen to the geological experts about the disaster reason and landslide emergency disposal report.He said,WuMengShanOu natural conditions,Complex geological structure.The landslides occurred in the big Rolling Stones/gravel/Soil accumulation formation of crushing wear.After an earthquake,In the months or even a year later are also could cause geological disasters.To expand the scope of geological hazard survey,Security measures should be more careful.Especially for the school and the children's safety,A little cannot relax.


Wen jiabao visited is in emergency rescue and disaster relief of PLA/Armed police/Police and fire officers and soldiers.He said,Where there are difficulties,There is the people's liberation army.For the children,In order to the people affected by the disaster,You trudge,The first time to be here,Thank you for your hard efforts.


Oil room around the village surrounded by mountains,Almost no formation of arable land.People living in scattered on the hillside,Living conditions very difficult.Landslide disaster is more that they add insult to injury.Wen jiabao along the steep and slippery slope to the villagers home,See the part family killed personnel.The villagers YuanXingWen 12 year old daughter/The villagers MaRenHui 8 year old son and 16 years old young ZhangDaoJiang father killed in a disaster.Wen jiabao hold their hands say: you lost loved ones,Felt very sad.Hope you your care.The victims are most children,They value the best time,My mood is very painful.I came here specially to say goodbye for the children,We will remember them forever.


Wen jiabao standing halfway up the mountain to the villagers said,We are in the emergency rescue and disaster relief and reconstruction work.Governments at all levels should deeply learn your lesson,The school and children's safety in the first place,Completes the restoration and reconstruction work,Such ability to get dead children.Hope you especially children can enjoy a better life.


18:00,Wen jiabao leave oil room village,In the fog Meng Meng in the gathering darkness drove away three and a half hours to return to YanJin mountain railway station.And when,From the YanJin to YiLiang on the train,Wen jiabao chaired the meeting,Listen to the emergency rescue and disaster relief in yunnan province report,To further completes the secondary disaster prevention/For the masses and post-disaster restoration and reconstruction work make deployment.He said,Through the efforts of the cadres and masses,The previous stage earthquake relief work effectiveness.The current,YiLiang earthquake relief work key turned to transition resettlement and reconstruction phase,Difficulty big/task/demanding,Must pay more hard work,Pay special attention to a few important event: a tight to prevent secondary disaster.In order to guard against the aftershocks/Landslides collapse/Flash floods/Debris flow/The lake, etc as the focal point,Thoroughly traffic safety hidden trouble,Comprehensive gleaning dangerous building situation,Geological hazard point and its surrounding the school/The distribution of hospital, etc,As well as the possible disasters and position key sections.On the basis of,The full implementation of security measures,To accomplish the following: school/hospital/Area residents such key parts and possible disaster area have special monitoring;Unsafe houses without evaluation appraisal/Dam reinforcement can't check in;ZaiHaiDian surrounding the masses to timely organization removal hedge.Second, we need to work quickly to promote after-disaster reconstruction.Should fully consider terrain/Geological conditions and environmental resource carrying capacity,Adhere to the safety/applicable/land-saving/Economical principle,To prepare restoration and reconstruction planning,The priority of the arrangement for the housing recovery,Try to finish before the Spring Festival repairing,Before the end of June 2013 complete full recovery reconstruction task.To strictly implement the mandatory construction standards,Be sure to the school/Hospital built the most safety/The firm/The most assured building.Third, we will arrange the masses life.The victims all placement as soon as possible to safe and reliable warm shelter,Ensure safety warm winter.To elaborate the injured treatment and health epidemic prevention work,Strengthen the fire safety,To prevent epidemics and fire accident.The fourth is to formulate support to recover as soon as possible reconstruction of policy measures.Through the financial support/Social donation/Bank loans/Personal self-finance and so on many kinds of ways to solve the problem of funds reconstruction,Do reasonable fiscal subsidies,Mass self-reliance.Disaster relief funds to/Materials especially contributed money to the whole process audit and supervision and inspection,Do public/transparent.Five to detail do mass work,To help the masses solve practical problems.To study and formulate reconstruction policy especially involving the vital interests of the policy,To fully solicit the public opinions and adoption,To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.


Wen jiabao stressed,The current,Especially to the school safety as the top priority of the secondary disaster prevention,Should create conditions for resumption of school,More to ensure the safety of teachers and students,Resumption of school to safety as the prerequisite.A comprehensive traffic to disaster areas surrounding the school mountain collapses/landslide/Debris flow potential safety problems,Find out problems disposal as soon as possible,Remove the hidden danger in time,Secondly, to organize forces to school safety conditions comprehensive assessment appraisal,Unsafe,To repair reinforcement as soon as possible,Complete the former does not use;Third, we need to early to have completed a review of strengthening school buildings,Ensure safety,The fourth is to science sure simple school location,Away from the disaster danger zone;The fifth is to regular the organization carries out the drill,To improve teachers' and students' safety awareness and prevention capacity.


6 early in the morning,Wen jiabao arrived at the YiLiangXian los ze river town huqiu village victims tent site.Here for more than 630 people of all ethnic groups.Wen jiabao has examined the villagers temporary live in tents/Drinking water intake point/Dining room, etc,Details about their dinner/warm/medical/Production recovery and housing reconstruction, etc.He said,The party and the government time concerned about you,Your difficulties is to our difficulties.The weather is getting colder and colder,For safety reasons,You can't go home,Or even in winter here.He pointed at the site aside posted slogans"The disaster area people's hand in hand,Do not bow before distress"said,The more we are in difficult times,The more need everyone's help each other,We must be able to overcome difficulties!

  作者:赵承 张宗堂 (来源:人民日报)

The author:ZhaoCheng ZhangZongTang (source:People's Daily)
