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  对于中美青少年的特点,有人简单地认为二者各有所长,也各有所短,不存在孰优孰劣的问题。但是,根据国家有关部门统计,中国大学生创业成功率是3%,而美国的大学生创业成功率为20%,双方有7倍的差距,这也从一个侧面反映出两国大学生就业能力的差距。因此,我们要仔细分析青少年特点对他们大学阶段产生的影响。 For the characteristics of the teenagers,Someone simply believe that the each has his strong point,Also each have short,Does not exist, which is better or worse than another problem.but,According to the relevant departments of the state statistics,Chinese college students entrepreneurial success rate is 3%,And American college students' entrepreneurial success rate of 20%,Both sides have seven times the gap,This also from one side of the two countries reflects the ability of college students employment gap.therefore,We will carefully analysis the characteristics of the teenagers their university stage effect.


According to a education institutions to our country"Teenagers extracurricular interest participate in condition survey"display,All kinds of extracurricular interest for the popularity of ranking:art(33.89%)/English class(30.20%)/Olympic math class(13.74%)/Chinese class(11.57%)/Sports class(9.16%)And other(1.45%),Data in bracket is the choice of respondents proportion;To let the child to participate in extracurricular interest the major goal of this problem,Parents choose the top three first is to improve the child's academic level(54.92),Second is to develop hobbies/specialty(30.48%),The third is to widen your horizon,Expand the circle(13.86%).


At the same time, research has suggested that:For the reason of the extracurricular class,51.8% of the students choose their want to go to,13.8% of the students to participate in interest is subject to external influence,For example students attended the,And 34.3% of the students that the extracurricular class is active,Including parents to ask or the teacher recommended.Thus it can be seen,More than 48% of the students extracurricular class do not come from original idea,But by external influence passive lift.As for the purpose of the extracurricular class,Only 23.6% of the students are in order to develop personal interests,52.3% of the students in order to improve the examination results,And 24% of the students show that the extracurricular class is in order to achieve the requirements of the parents.Investigation shows that the majority of students learning pressure is bigger,And from their parents pressure is constitute the way young people learn the main factors of pressure.

  我们再来看看美国青少年参与课外活动的情况。据美国一家非盈利民意研究机构公众议程(Public Agenda)的研究发现,美国80%的初、高中学生放学和周末都参加有组织的课外活动,运动是最受孩子欢迎的活动,其次是艺术、音乐或舞蹈,最后是学术研究。美国孩子希望通过参加校外活动给自己带来乐趣、受到教育并结识更多的朋友,92%的孩子认为,校外活动让自己交到好朋友;86%的孩子有了收益;85%的孩子认为享受了乐趣。美国父母让孩子参与校外活动,多出自于让孩子得到放松的目的。调查表明,美国父母让孩子参加校外活动的理由有以下四种:选择最多的是为了发展孩子的兴趣与爱好,占41%;其次是为了让孩子有事情干或者少惹麻烦,约占27%;第三是为让孩子开心,约占16%;最后才是为了提高孩子在学校的表现。可以看到,美国父母教育孩子“望子成人”的平常心与中国父母们望子成龙的“迫切心情”有很大的不同。

We'll look at the American teenagers to participate in extracurricular activities of the situation.According to the American public opinion a nonprofit research organization the public agenda(Public Agenda)Study found that,The United States, 80% of the initial/High school students after school and on weekends to take part in organized extracurricular activities,Exercise is the most welcome by the activities of the child,The second is art/Music or dance,The academic research.American children hope that through participates in activities bring you pleasure/By education and make more friends,92% of the children think,External activities to make good friends;86% of the children have income;85% of the children think that enjoy the fun.American parents let your child to participate in school activities,Many comes from let the kid get the purpose of relaxing.Investigation shows that,American parents let children to participate in activities outside the reason has the following four:Choose the most is to develop the child's interest and hobbies,41%;The second is to let the children have something dry or less trouble,About 27%;The third is to let the children happy,About 16%;The last is in order to improve the children's performance at school.Can see,American parents education child"WangZi adult"The common heart and Chinese parents are used"Urgent mood"Are quite different.

  美国青少年的课外活动还受到美国大学录取标准的影响。美国大学很重视学生课堂以外的表现,这些内容常常通过课外活动来体现,主要考察大学申请者在社区服务方面的创造精神。例如一位大学申请咨询专家建议,上完高一要去当实习生,一年至少当100个小时的志愿者,最好在国际知名的投资银行或博物馆工作,如果这还不够,就要到墨西哥或亚洲长途旅行。假如在课余时间以及暑假建立的社会实践履历仍不足以打动申请者理想中的大学,这就相当于高考落榜,于是就引出“空缺年”(GAP year)的概念。所谓“空缺年”,就是学生在高中毕业后,打一年义工,到贫困社区志愿服务,或者到国外旅行考察,开阔眼界,使自己变的更有竞争力。

American teenagers extracurricular activities but also by the college admissions process in the United States the influence of the standard.The American university attaches great importance to students outside the classroom performance,These content often through the extracurricular activities to reflect,Mainly inspects university applicants in the community service aspects of the creative spirit.For example a university for consulting expert advice,After the higher to when interns,When a year at least 100 hours of volunteer,Best in the international well-known investment Banks or museum work,If this is not enough,Will to Mexico or Asia long journey.If in their spare time and summer vacation to establish social practice history is still not enough to impress the applicant the ideal university,This is equivalent to university entrance exam,Then leads to"Vacancy years"(Gap year)concept.The so-called"Vacancy years",Is the student in high school after graduation,Play one more year volunteers,To the poor community volunteer service,Or to travel abroad investigation,To widen your horizon,Make oneself become more competitive.


Based on the comparative analysis of the teenagers extracurricular activities,We can reach the following basic conclusion:China youth foundation knowledge,Basic skill training skilled,But innovation and practical ability is not enough,While the United States the characteristics of youth is contrary,Their innovation and practical ability strong,But the basic knowledge and basic skill training to improve.China youth years of extracurricular activities is basically exam-oriented education of continue,This is to deepen their book knowledge memory and comprehension,But also lead to them of being too concerned with book knowledge,Does not have the research-based learning method.For them study is memory,Experience not to explore new knowledge in the process of the fun,So it is also so in extracurricular activities.so,And the United States than their peers,Chinese college students lack innovative consciousness,Learning initiative and enthusiasm is not enough.In the modern society,Knowledge update speed,Competition everywhere,A no innovation consciousness/Learning initiative not enough people are hard to the foothold in the community.


Some people think that China youth subject degree deep than in the United States,Learn common peers than the United States hard,But after entering university often lags behind that of college students in the United States,Therefore accused China of university delayed the young students,Is what causes their employment ability insufficient culprit.It sounds makes sense,But considering both in college have different extra-curricular activities for many years experience,You will find the accused biased.and"Football to grab from baby"as,To improve college students' employment ability,We must improve the teenagers with extracurricular activities.therefore,Can consider from the following several aspects:

  大力倡导素质教育理念,让全社会尤其是家长意识到过分强调应试教育所带来的负面影响,只有广大家长认识到问题所在,课外活动等同于补习班的现象才能得到根本改变。借鉴美国的做法,在高中毕业和大学录取时考察一个学生在社会实践方面的表现,从制度上对课外活动的素质教育特性予以肯定。政府划拨专项资金,对属于素质教育范畴的青少年课外活动予以资助,鼓励各级政府和企事业单位支持青少年课外活动的开展。社会学教授孙云晓说得好:教育的核心不是传授知识,而是学会做人!十年树木,百年树人。相信随着我国青少年课外活动的健康蓬勃发展,大学生的职业能力一定会得到显著提高。(王 波 作者系浙江文化研究工程课题组研究成员,宁波大红鹰学院副教授)

Advocate quality education concept,Let the whole society especially parents realize that emphasize the exam-oriented education have a negative effect,Only the parents to recognize the problem,Extracurricular activities is equal to cram school phenomenon can obtain the fundamental change.Reference to the practice of the United States,In high school graduation and accepted by the university study a student in social practice performance,From the system on the quality of the extracurricular activity education characteristics to be sure.The government special fund transfer,Quality education to belong to the category of adolescents extracurricular activities to be funded,Encourage governments at all levels and enterprises and institutions to support young extracurricular activities.Sociology professor SunYunXiao well said:The core of education is not to impart knowledge,But how to learn to conduct oneself!Ten years the trees,One hundred years to bear fruit.Believe that as China's youth extracurricular activities health vigorous development,College students' vocational ability will have improved significantly.(The king wave the author fastens zhejiang culture research project research group members,Ningbo college of many top-grade uptowns associate professor)
