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浙江一女大学生寝室内遇害 行凶男子自杀未遂--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  金报讯(记者 郑振国 实习生 张蓓蕾)前天晚上10点多,浙江大学宁波理工学院发生了一起凶杀案。一名大三的女学生一名男子用刀杀害。男子杀害女大学生后,选择了自杀。目前,该男子正在鄞州二院接受治疗。

27 -(Reporter ZhengZhenGuo interns ZhangBeiLei)The day before yesterday evening 10 o 'clock,Zhejiang university ningbo polytechnic institute a murder was committed.A junior female students were a man killed with the sword.The man killed after the female college students,Choose the suicide.At present,The man is yinzhou two hospital for treatment.


一名大三女学生遇害 A junior female students were killed


After the,The network and immediately began to appear various versions of the case plot.Some say the man rushed into the bedroom,Female college students will be killed,Also some in the bedroom is downstairs.however,Online rumors were almost the same,Called crime passionnel.


For this,Zhejiang university ningbo polytechnic institute's official micro bo,Also in yesterday sent a micro Po: October 6th night,Our criminal cases occur together,A student was killed.Criminal suspects already by the public security organs of control,The case is under investigation.The school will closely cooperate with the police are investigating the case,Timely publish the situation.We said to the painful condolences,Family members to express our sincere condolences.


嫌犯自杀未遂被送往医院 The suspect attempted suicide was taken to the hospital


Reporters from inside place to know,Be killed female university students enrolled in the school of foreign languages college English major,At present for junior,In the bedroom is a man killed.then,Reporters from yinzhou first aid center have learned,In 120 the day before yesterday evening 10 o 'clock 42 points received a phone call,When the ambulance rushed to the scene,Female university students died,The criminal suspect is taken to yinzhou 2 yuan to rescue.


Yesterday afternoon,Reporter from understanding yinzhou two yuan,The man from the emergency ward has turned to the rest of the ward."At that time,The man sent came in the has been in a coma,Listen to 120 the people speak,He put the bedroom door locks the,To kill a female student,Then committed suicide."The hospital emergency room was an anonymous staff, told reporters,The man was a lot,There are more than thirty years old.


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郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡 Zhengzhou university girl's dormitory a murder happened three girls death

  2012年9月25日凌晨5点半左右,犯罪嫌疑人图某某进入女生宿舍7403B行凶,造成住在下铺的4名学生3死1伤。犯罪嫌疑人是内蒙古某大学男生张某,因要报复产生杀人念头,酿成悲剧。河南职业技术学院已与3名遇害女生家属接触并商谈善后事宜,拟分别给予3名遇害女生家属经济补偿50万元。 [详细]

On September 25, 2012 at about half past five,The criminal suspect diagram so-and-so into the girl's dormitory 7403 b the loose,Cause live in bottom spread of four students died 3 1 injury.The criminal suspect is a university of Inner Mongolia boys zhang,Because want to revenge produce murder thought,Spawn tragedy.Henan vocational and technical college has three killed the girl family contact and negotiations for rehabilitation,Quasi were given three killed the girl family economic compensation of 500000 yuan. [detailed]


兰州一大学数十人夜闯宿舍行凶 多名学生被砍伤 Lanzhou university of a night dozens of people through the loose dormitory students cuts

  9月26日凌晨1时许,位于南滨河路的甘肃广播电视大学里,数十名男子将该校机电发电综合班大一男生913宿舍门踹开后,将3名学生砍成重伤。据称,带头砍人的都系本校学生。开学不到一月就被人在学校砍伤,具体案情广武门派出所正在进一步调查之中。 [详细]

On September 26th morning at about 1,Is located in the south of BinHeLu gansu radio and television university,Dozens of man will the school mechanical and electrical power integrated class male freshmen 913 dormitory door after the tread,Will 3 students cut into serious injury.it,Take the lead of the cut is the students.Less than one month school will be in the school chop wound,Specific details of a case a surname door police station is further investigation. [detailed]


烟台5·3高校抢劫杀人案 女孩父母哭干眼泪 Yantai 5 · 3 universities robbery homicide the girl's parents cry dry the tears


Yantai a university only 19 years old man two girls in building three floor female toilet murder.Within 24 hours of locking the criminal suspect,And will capture the.sadly,This suspect only 22 years old,The purpose of killing,But is to rob some money.And he finally from the victim place grabbed the phone,Sold only 50 yuan.Students' parents cried out tears,Always don't understand,The murderer how can enter the girls' toilets murder.[detailed]


专题策划:校园凶杀案频发,谁在漠视生命? Project planning:Campus frequent murder,Who ignore life?
